JPubDB : JUIT Publication Database
Journal(s) :
- Himani Bhardwaj, Shruti Jain, Harsh Sohal (2024). Design of global RLC interconnect circuit with analytical delay model. Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Online (), -. Google Citation
- Sunil Sharma, Amardeep Boora (2024). Application of E-Waste in the Construction of Concrete Pavements: A Comprehensive Review. E3S Web of Conferences, 596 (), 1-. Google Citation
- Akshat Sharma, Amardeep Boora, Yugal Kumar (2024). Innovative Utilization of Biomedical Waste: Surgical Gloves as a Sustainable Modifier for Bitumen in Road Construction. African Journal of Biomedical Research, 27 (4S), 7214-. Google Citation
- Rohit Shukla, Tiratha Raj Singh (2024). AlzGenPred - CatBoost-based gene classifier for predicting Alzheimer’s disease using high-throughput sequencing data. Scientific Reports, 14 (), -. Google Citation
- Sweta Singh, Vineet Sharma, Rajesh Kumar (2024). Thickness-Dependent Morphological, Structural, and Optical Properties of Cobalt Ferrite Films. Phase Transitions, 57 (9), 593-. Google Citation
- Anuradha Kashyap, Partha Bir Barman, Surajit Kumar Hazra (2024). Role of catalyst oxidation states in the selective detection of reducing gases: A comparative study of nanocomposites based on Au and chemically/ thermally reduced graphene oxide. Materials Science and Engineering B, 308 (2024), 117605-. Google Citation
- Nikita Rahaja, Ashok Kumar Gupta, Kushal Kanwar (2024). The Nexus of Soil Stabilization and Biomedical Waste Recycling: Lime, RHA, And Microfine Slag Applications. African Journal of Biomedical Research, 27 ( 4S), 7955-. Google Citation
- Munish Sood, Emjee Puthooran, Nishant Jain (2024). Deep learning-based ovarian cyst classification and abnormality detection using convolutional neural networks. Neural Computing and Applications, Online (online), --. Google Citation
- Arvind Kumar Yadav, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Tiratha Raj Singh (2024). PMTPred: machine-learning-based prediction of protein methyltransferases using the composition of k-spaced amino acid pairs. Molecular Diversity, 28 (4), 2301-. Google Citation
- Payal Thakur, Vivek Kumar Sehgal (2024). Synergizing edge computing and blockchain for cyber-physical systems. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience , 36 (12), 1-. Google Citation
- Surjeet Singh, Vivek Kumar Sehgal (2024). A hybrid data fusion approach with twin CNN architecture for enhancing image source identification in IoT environment. Computational Intelligence, 40 (2), 1-. Google Citation
- Surjeet Singh, Vivek Kumar Sehgal (2024). Exploring Biomedical Video Source Identification: Transitioning from Fuzzy-Based Systems to Machine Learning Models. Fuzzy Information and Engineering , 16 (1), 33-. Google Citation
- Navdeep Bhatnagar, Suchi Johari, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Amita Nandal, Adi Alhudhaif, Kemal Polat, Surjeet Singh (2024). Identification of theft in a power distribution network: A tree-based approach. Applied Soft Computing, Volume 167 (Part C), 1-. Google Citation
- Shalini Siddhi, Stuti Roy, Shweta Pandit (2024). Bli-Fi: Li-Fi-Based Home Navigation for Blind. International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 14 (4), -. Google Citation
- Shailly Kumari, Shweta Pandit (2024). Spectrum Monitoring in Cognitive Radio Networks for Reduced Data Loss, Resource Wastage, and Interference. International journal of Communication Systems, e6066 (e6066), -. Google Citation
- Arush Kaushal, Ashok Kumar Gupta, Vivek Kumar Sehgal (2024). A semantic segmentation framework with UNet-pyramid for landslide prediction using remote sensing data. Scientific Reports, 14 (Article number: 30071), 1-. Google Citation
- Ashish Kumar Dogra, Vipal Kumar Sharma, Harsh Sohal (2024). A survey of deep learning techniques for detecting and recognizing objects in complex environments. Computer Science Review, 54 (100686), 1-. Google Citation
- M. H. Kumar, Alok Kumar, S. Sharma, M. V. Kumar (2024). Performance Analysis of a Spatial Modulation Aided Cooperative NOMA System. IEEE Communications Letters , 28 (10), 2273-. Google Citation
- P. Thakur, Alok Kumar, D. Nandan, G. Singh, (2024). Spectrum Monitoring Techniques for Spectrum Mobility in Connected Environments: A Technical Review. International Information and Engineering Technology Association (IIETA),, Online (), -. Google Citation
- Kritika Singh, Rishi Rana , Hemant Sood (2024). Exploring the pharmacological activities of Artemisia annua:Current research, formulation and its future perspective. The progress Journal, 2 (3), 1-. Google Citation
- Roma Pandey, Anjali Kharb, Ashish Sharma, Hemant Sood, Rajinder Singh Chauhan (2024). Pathway Gene Paralogues and Transcription Factors Differentially Associate with Contents of Picrosides in Tissues and Populations of a Medicinal Herb, Picrorhiza kurroa. Biochemical Genetics , Online (online), -. Google Citation
- Arush Kaushal, Ashok Kumar Gupta, Vivek Kumar Sehgal (2024). A Data-Driven and Hybrid Approach for Real-Time Threshold-Based Landslide Prediction in Hilly Regions using Sensor Networks. Remote Sensing Letters, 15 (12), 1218-. Google Citation
- Prateek Thakral , Yugal Kumar (2024). Multi-Search Strategy-based Improved Water Flow Optimizer Algorithm for Cluster Analysis. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 30 (11), 1529-. Google Citation
- Shalini Sharma, Bhupendra Kr Pathak, Rajiv Kumar (2024). Multi‑objective service composition optimization problem in IoT for agriculture 4.0. Computing, (), -. Google Citation
- Shalini Sharma, Bhupendra Kr Pathak, Rajiv Kumar (2024). A Non-Linear Multi-Objective Service Composition Optimization for Smart Agriculture with Lagrange’s Interpolation-based Evolutionary Algorithm. Electrica, 1 (1), -. Google Citation
- Lalita Sharma, Gopal Singh Bisht (2024). Unveiling the Self‑assembly and Therapeutic Efcacy of Antimicrobial Peptides SA4 Against Multidrug‑Resistant A. baumannii. Current Microbiology, 81 (395), 1-. Google Citation
- Arush Kaushal, Ashok Kumar Gupta, Vivek Kumar Sehgal (2024). Exploiting the synergy of SARIMA and XGBoost for spatiotemporal earthquake time series forecasting. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, (), -. Google Citation
- Himanshu Jindal, Shruti Jain, Akshit Aggarwal (2024). Ensemble Diabetic Retinopathy Detection in 2-D Color Fundus Retina Scan. Wireless Personal Communications, 137 (3), 1469-. Google Citation
- D. Sharma, V.Abbot, D. Sharma, Abhishek Chaudhary (2024). Comprehensive review on nanopollutant detoxification strategies in plants:Unraveling physiological, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms employed by plants to mitigate nanopollution. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 22 (), -. Google Citation
- R.Sharma, P.Sagara, D.Sharma, Abhishek Chaudhary (2024). Biogenic and rapid route for the synthesis of palladium nanoparticles by using Roylea cinerea extract and their catalytic activity for Suzuki and Sonogashira coupling reactions and nitrophenol reduction. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 1018 (), -. Google Citation
- Himani Bhardwaj, Shruti Jain, Harsh Sohal (2024). Global RC Interconnects with ADL Buffers for Low-Power Applications. Micro and Nanosystems, 16 (2), 112-. Google Citation
- Somaiah Chinnapaka, Velavan Bakthavachalam, Subramanyam Dasari, Jhishnuraj Kannan, Sworaj Sapkota, Raj Kumar, Gnanasekar Munirathinam (2024). Vitamin K3 derivative inhibits androgen receptor signaling in targeting aggressive prostate cancer cells. Biofactors, Online (online), -. Google Citation
- Muskan Kapoor, Bhupendra Kr Pathak, Rajiv Kumar (2024). Integrated LI-NSGA-II Approach for Solving the Non-linear Multi-objective Optimization Problem. Austrian Journal of Statistics, 53 (5), 39-. Google Citation
- Deepak Sharma, Rishi Mahajan, Vikas Baghel , Saurabh Bansal, Vishal Ahuja, Gunjan Goel (2024). Simultaneous Production of Biogas and Electricity from Anaerobic Digestion of Pine Needles: Sustainable Energy and Waste Management. BioTech, 13 (3), 35-. Google Citation
- Amit Kumar, Bhupendra Kr Pathak, Kaustubh Mishra, Rajiv Kumar (2024). Driver Drowsiness Detection System. I. J. Engineering and Manufacturing, 14 (4), 26-. Google Citation
- Shalini Sharma, Bhupendra Kr Pathak, Rajiv Kumar (2024). Adopting an Improved Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Objective Service Composition Optimization in Smart Agriculture. Austrian Journal of Statistics, 53 (), 11-. Google Citation
- Kanishka Katoch, Naveen Jaglan , Binod Kumar Kanaujia, Pai-Yen Chen, Ahmed A. Kishk (2024). Triple Bandstop 2.5D Frequency Selective Surface for Sub-6 GHz 5G Communication. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Online (online), 1-. Google Citation
- Raghavendra Kumar, Pardeep Kumar, Yugal Kumar (2024). Addressing stock market time series trends and volatility using optimised DE-LSTM model. International Journal of Operational Research, 50 (4), 426-. Google Citation
- Sameer Mohammad, Pradeep Kumar Pandey, Suman Thakur (2024). A Note on the Silver Hessian Structure. Journal of Science and Arts, 24 (2), 375-. Google Citation
- Shailendra Pratap Singh, Prabhishek Singh, Manoj Diwakar, Pardeep Kumar (2024). Improving quality of service for Internet of Things(IoT) in real life application: A novel adaptation based Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm. Internet of Things (Elsevier), 27 (101323), 1-. Google Citation
- Kajal Thakur, Hemant Sood, Shriyanshu Thakur, Niharika Sharma, Shreya Sharma, Rolika Gupta (2024). Exploring the pharmacological activities of Artemisia annua:Current research, formulation and its future perspective. African Journal of Biological Sciences, 6 (4), 3518-. Google Citation
- Digvijay Puri, Deepak Gupta (2024). H-Mrk-Means: Enhanced Heuristic Mrk-Means for Linear Time Clustering of Big Data Using Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Algorithm. Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, Online (), 2450054-. Google Citation
- Digvijay Puri, Deepak Gupta (2024). A novel linear time clustering using heuristically improved mrk-medoids based on modified squirrel search algorithm. Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Online (), 1-. Google Citation
- Monika, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, Aman Sharma (2024). Developing Neutrosophic Cubic Spherical Fuzzy Sets along with their Exponential Aggregation Operators for Decision-Making Problems. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 70 (), 197-. Google Citation
- Ritika, Pant S, Prakash A, Vundavilli PR, Khadanga KC, Kuila A, Aminabhavi TM, Vijay Kumar Garlapati (2024). Concomitant inhibitor-tolerant cellulase and xylanase production towards sustainable bioethanol production by Zasmidiumcellare CBS 146.36. Fuel, 375 (), 132593-. Google Citation
- Karishma Mahajan, Poonam Sharma, Vikrant Abbot (2024). Thermodynamic characteristics and surface free energy analysis of bifonazole and lecithin with sodium dodecyl sulfate in hydroethanolic solvent systems. . Journal of Molecular Liquids, 410 (-), 125594-. Google Citation
- Triambica Gautam, Amit Srivastava, Shruti Jain (2024). Efficiency evaluation of state cooperative banks employing data envelopment analysis and neural network technique. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, 11 (3), 179-. Google Citation
- Prateek Thakral , Yugal Kumar (2024). An Improved Water Flow Optimizer for Data Clustering. SN Computer Science, 5 (715), -. Google Citation
- D. Munish Bhardwaj, Nafis Uddin Khan, Vikas Baghel (2024). Fuzzy C-Means Clustering based Selective Edge Enhancement Scheme for Improved Road Crack Detection. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 136 (PART A), -. Google Citation
- D. Munish Bhardwaj, Nafis Uddin Khan, Vikas Baghel (2024). Road Crack Detection using Pixel Classification and Intensity based Distinctive Fuzzy-C Means Clustering. The Visual Computer, Online ( Online), 1-. Google Citation
- Monika Bharti, Shruti Jain, Himanshu Jindal (2024). Framework for Image Denoising Employing Different Thresholding Techniques. Int. J. Sens. Wirel. Commun. Control, 14 (3), 185-. Google Citation
- Hemalatha Kanniyappan, Varun Gnanasekar, Vincent Parise, Koushik Debnath, Yani Sun, Shriya Thakur, Gitika Thakur, Govindaraj Perumal, Raj Kumar, Rong Wang, Aftab Merchant, Ravindran Sriram, Mathew T Mathew (2024). Harnessing extracellular vesicles-mediated signaling for enhanced bone regeneration: novel insights into scaffold design. Biomedical Materials, 19 (), 055004-. Google Citation
- H. Dhumras, V. Shukla, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, M. Driss, W. Boulila (2024). On Similarity Measures of Complex Picture Fuzzy Sets With Applications in the Field of Pattern Recognition. IEEE Access, 12 (), 83104-. Google Citation
- Kalpana Sharma, Vineet Sharma (2024). Enhancing the stability of Sb2Se3 alloy through structural alterations on Bi addition. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 689 (), 416214-1-. Google Citation
- Kalpana Sharma, Vineet Sharma (2024). Improvement in spectral range of Sb2Se3 absorption layer on Bi addition. Physica Scripta, 99 (1), 015945-1-. Google Citation
- Pankaj Thakur, Shubham Goel, Emjee Puthooran (2024). Edge AI Enabled IoT Framework for Secure Smart Home Infrastructure. Procedia Computer Science, 235 (2024), 3369-. Google Citation
- Maddirala S, Bhadra S, Mozumder MSI, Vijay Kumar Garlapati, Sevda S (2024). Advancements in Bioelectrochemical Systems for Solid Organic Waste Valorization: A Comprehensive Review.. Processes, 12 (), 805-. Google Citation
- Jacob S, Rajeswari G, Rai,Tripathy SS, Gopal S, Das E, Kumar V, Kumar SPJ, Aminabhavi TM, Vijay Kumar Garlapati (2024). Paradigm of Integrative OMICS of Microbial Technology Towards Biorefinery.. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 58 (), 103226-. Google Citation
- Amit Chauhan, Aman Sharma, Rajni Mohana (2024). A Pre-Trained Model for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis Task: using Online Social Networking. Procedia Computer Science, 233 (), 35-. Google Citation
- Aman Sharma, Divyam Goyal , Rajni Mohana (2024). An ensemble learning-based framework for breast cancer prediction. Decision Analytics Journal, 10 (2024), -. Google Citation
- Aman Sharma, Raghav Dalmia, Aarush Saxena, Rajni Mohana (2024). A stacked deep learning approach for multiclass classification of plant diseases. Plant and Soil, Online (), 1-. Google Citation
- Vinay Kumar Pandey, Vinayak Majhi, Sudip Paul, Shruti Jain (2024). Gamifying Therapy: A New Approach to Modern Therapeutics. Procedia Computer Science, 235 (), 2043-. Google Citation
- Triambica Gautam, Amit Srivastava, Shruti Jain (2024). Financial Evaluation of Urban Cooperative Banks - A Machine Learning Approach. Procedia Computer Science, 235 (), 3428-. Google Citation
- Piyush Sewal, Hari Singh (2024). Algorithmic Proficiency in Spark Configuration Tuning: An Empirical Study using Execution Time Metrics across Varied Workloads. Procedia Computer Science, 235 (), 2307-. Google Citation
- Garima Thakur, Shruti Jain (2024). Role of Artificial Intelligence in VLSI Design: A Review. Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications, In Press (), -. Google Citation
- Arvind Kumar Yadav, T P Krishna Murthy, Gangaraju Divyashri, Durga Prasad N, Sriraksha Prakash, Vijaya Vaishnavi V, Rohit Shukla, Tiratha Raj Singh (2024). Computational screening of pathogenic missense nsSNPs in heme oxygenase 1 (HMOX1) gene and their structural and functional consequences. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 42 (10), 5072-. Google Citation
- Arvind Kumar Yadav, Tiratha Raj Singh (2024). Computational approach for assessing the involvement of SMYD2 protein in human cancers using TCGA data. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 21 (1), -. Google Citation
- Himani Bhardwaj, Shruti Jain, Harsh Sohal (2024). Energy Optimization for RC and RLC Interconnect Design in Low Power VLSI. Micro and Nanosystems, 16 (1), 26-. Google Citation
- Neha Thakur, Pardeep Kumar, Amit Kumar (2024). Reinforcement learning (RL)-based semantic segmentation and attention based backpropagation convolutional neural network (ABB-CNN) for breast cancer identification and classification using mammogram images. Neural Computing and Applications, Online (online), 1-. Google Citation
- Shalini Sharma, Bhupendra Kr Pathak, Rajiv Kumar (2024). Multi-objective Service Composition Optimization in Smart Agriculture Using Fuzzy-Evolutionary Algorithm. Operations Research Forum, 5 (Article number 43), 1-. Google Citation
- Piyush Sewal, Hari Singh (2024). Performance optimization of Spark MLlib workloads using cost efficient RICG model on exponential projective sampling. Cluster Computing, 27 (), -. Google Citation
- Naresh Rana, Tanishk Thakur, Shruti Jain (2024). Smart Seizure Detection System: Machine Learning Based Model in Healthcare IoT. Current Aging Science, 17 (), -. Google Citation
- Monika, Aman Sharma, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj (2024). On identifying suitable hydrogen power plant location under T-spherical fuzzy hypersoft matrix structures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 68 (2024), 1057-. Google Citation
- Sargeet Kaur, Jitendraa Vashistt, Arti Sharma, Jyoti Parkash, Ajay Kumar, Ajay Duseja, Harish Changotra (2024). Mutagenic primer-based novel multiplex PCR–RFLP technique to genotype BECN1 SNPs rs10512488 and rs11552192. Molecular Biology Reports , 51 (1), 384-. Google Citation
- Sargeet Kaur, Jitendraa Vashistt, Harish Changotra (2024). Computational Investigation of Regulatory Region SNPs of Autophagy Gene BECN1. Defence Life Science Journal, 9 (1), 27-. Google Citation
- Isha Kapila, Ankita Bharw, Poonam Sharma, Neeraj Choudhary, Vikrant Abbot (2024). Synthetic marvels in tuberculosis research: An in-depth review of 1,3,4-oxadiazole derivatives as antitubercular agents. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Reports, 11 (-), 100150-. Google Citation
- Karishma Mahajan, Poonam Sharma, Vikrant Abbot, Kalpana Chauhan (2024). Ethosomes as a carrier for transdermal drug delivery system: methodology and recent developments. Journal of Liposome Research, 34 (, 1-. Google Citation
- Sudip Paul, Shruti Jain (2024). A Novel Detection of Cerebrovascular Disease using Multimodal Medical Image Fusion. Recent Advances in Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery, Online (online), 1-. Google Citation
- Rajshree Srivastava, Pardeep Kumar (2024). Deep-GAN: an improved model for thyroid nodule identification and classification. Neural Computing and Applications, 36 (), 7685-. Google Citation
- Rajshree Srivastava, Pardeep Kumar (2024). Performance comparison of various machine learning classifiers using fusion of LBP, intensity and GLCM feature extraction techniques for thyroid nodules classification. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 15 (1), 84-. Google Citation
- Jigyasa Goyal, Yugal Kumar , Pardeep Kumar, Arvinder Kaur (2024). An enhanced human learning optimisation algorithm for effective data clustering. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 15 (2), 127-. Google Citation
- Pardeep Kumar, Raghavendra Kumar (2024). A hybrid framework for time series trends: embedding social network’s sentiments and optimized stacked LSTM using evolutionary algorithm. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83 (9), 34691–34714-. Google Citation
- Neha Thakur, Pardeep Kumar (2024). A systematic review of machine and deep learning techniques for the identification and classification of breast cancer through medical image modalities. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83 (9), 35849-. Google Citation
- S. Birendra Kumar, Aishwarya Girish, Samruddhi Sutar, Suheeth Amberi Premanand, Vrinda Garg, Arvind Kumar Yadav, Rohit Shukla, T. P. Krishna Murthy, Tiratha Raj Singh (2024). A computational study on structural and functional consequences of nsSNPs in human dopa decarboxylase. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, Online (online), 1-. Google Citation
- Garima Thakur, Harsh Sohal, Shruti Jain (2024). Design and Analysis of Low Power Approximate Multiplier Using Novel Compressor. SN Computer Science , 5 (457), 1-. Google Citation
- Mohammad Rashid, Md Tanwir Athar, Abdulrahman Salman Alazmi, Deepak Kumar, Raj Kumar, Keun Woo Lee, Aisha Alnami (2024). New SARS-CoV-2 Mpro Inhibitor by Ascorbic Acid: Design, Molecular Docking, Lipinski’s Rule and ADMET Analysis. Coronaviruses, 5 (1), 13-. Google Citation
- Piyush Sewal, Hari Singh (2024). Performance Comparison of Apache Spark and Hadoop for machine learning based iterative GBTR on HIGGS and Covid-19 datasets. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 25 (3), 1373-. Google Citation
- Aakash Gupta, Sachin Gowda, Achyut Tiwari, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2024). XGBoost-SHAP framework for asphalt pavement condition evaluation. Construction and Building Materials, 426 (May 2024), 1-. Google Citation
- Niraj Singh Parihar, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2024). Stabilization of Expansive Soils Using Non-conventional Waste Stabilizers: A Review. Indian Geotechnical Journal, Online (), 1-. Google Citation
- Jata Shankar, Raman Thakur, Karl V. Clemons, David A. Stevens (2024). Interplay of Cytokines and Chemokines in Aspergillosis . Journal of Fungi, 10 (4), 251-. Google Citation
- Sudheer Kumar Jala, Saurabh Rawat, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2024). Closure to “Effect of Underreamed Pervious Concrete Columns on Load-Carrying Capacity of Loose Cohesionless Soils”. International Journal of Geomechanics, 24 (4), 1-. Google Citation
- Pooja Sen, Mukund Vijay, Himanshu Kamboj, Lovely Gupta, Jata Shankar, Pooja Vijayaraghavan (2024). cyp51A mutations, protein modeling, and efflux pump gene expression reveals multifactorial complexity towards understanding Aspergillus section Nigri azole resistance mechanism. Scientific Reports, 14 (6156), 1-. Google Citation
- Ekta Thakur, Naveen Jaglan , Anupma Gupta, Ahmed Jamal Abdullah Al-Gburi (2024). Multi-Band Notched Circular Polarized MIMO Antenna for Ultra-Wideband Applications. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 125 (2024), 87-. Google Citation
- Parul Katoch, Rolika Gupta, Ashish Jaiswal, Shriyanshu Thakur, Hemant Sood (2024). Effect of LEDs in phytochemical accumulation and biomass production in callus cultures of Podophyllum hexandrum. Journal of Chemical Health Risks, 14 (1), 1681-. Google Citation
- Akshit Aggarwal, Shruti Jain, Himanshu Jindal (2024). Computational Model for the Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy in 2-D Color Fundus Retina Scan. Current Medical Imaging, In Press (online), -. Google Citation
- Anupama Jamwal, Shruti Jain (2024). Empirical Curvelet-ridgelet Wavelet Transform for Multimodal Fusion of Brain Images. Current Medical Imaging, E-pub Ahead of Print (e260124226313), 1-. Google Citation
- Raman Thakur, Sonia Kumari Shishodia, Ananya Sharma, Arjun Chauhan, Sumanpreet Kaur, Jata Shankar (2024). Accelerating the understanding of Aspergillus terreus: Epidemiology, physiology, immunology and advances. Current Research in Microbial Sciences, 6 (100220), 1-. Google Citation
- Falguni Bhardawaj, Shruti Jain (2024). CAD System Design for Two-class Brain Tumor Classification using Transfer Learning. Current Cancer Therapy Reviews, 20 (2), 223-. Google Citation
- Anjuman Nahar, Shruti Jain, Sudip Paul (2024). Advances in Cerebral Palsy Treatment. Recent Patents on Engineering, 18 (6), 14-. Google Citation
- Sagrika, Shruti Jain (2024). CAD system design for Pituitary Tumor Classification based on Transfer Learning Technique. Current Medical Imaging, 20 (), -. Google Citation
- Garima Thakur, Harsh Sohal, Shruti Jain (2024). Power Area Optimized Approximate Multiplier Design for Image Fusion. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 43 (2024), 2288-. Google Citation
- Righa Tandon, Ajay Verma, Pradeep Kumar Gupta (2024). D-BLAC: A dual blockchain-based decentralized architecture for authentication and communication in VANET. Expert Systems with Applications, 237 (B), 1-. Google Citation
- Himanshu Dhumras, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj (2024). On potential strategic framework for green supply chain management in the energy sector using q-rung picture fuzzy AHP & WASPAS decision-making model. Expert Systems with Applications, 237 (B), 121550-. Google Citation
- Meghna Dhalaria, Ekta Gandotra (2024). MalDetect: A classifier fusion approach for detection of Android malware. Expert Systems with Applications, 235 (2024), 1-. Google Citation
- Tulika Srivastava, Divya Tyagi, Siraj Fatima, Malur Thirumalesh Vishnu Sathyan, Ritu Raj, Aniket Sharma, Minal Chaturvedi, Meetali Sinha, Sonia Kumari Shishodia, Dinesh Kumar, Sandeep K. Sharma, Jata Shankar, Aruna Satish, Smriti Priya (2024). A natural small molecule-mediated inhibition of alpha-synuclein aggregation leads to neuroprotection in Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Neurochemistry, 168 (8), 1640-. Google Citation