JPubDB : JUIT Publication Database

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Journal(s) :

  1. Moumita Chakraborty, Kingsuk Das, Gargi Dey, Adinpunya Mitra (2006). Unusually high quantity of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid accumulation in cell wall of palm mesocarps. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 34 (6), 509-. Google Citation
  2. D.S. Hooda, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj (2006). Some non-additive generalized measures of useful inforamtion and J-divergence. Aligarh Journal of Statistics, 26 (2006), 65-. Google Citation
  3. A. Thakur, Vineet Sharma, P. S. Chandel, N. Goyal, G. S. S. Saini, S. K. Tripathi (2006). Photoconductivity in Thin Film of a-(Ge20Se80)0.90Sn0.10. Journal of Materials Science: Material in Electronics, 41 (2006), 2327-. Google Citation
  4. S. K. Tripathi, Anup Thakur, G. Singh, J. Sharma, Vineet Sharma, K. P. Singh, G. S. S. Saini, N. Goyal (2006). Proton-induced changes on the optical parameters of a-(Ge20Se80)0.96Ag0.04 thin films. Journal of Materials Science: Material in Electronics, 41 (2006), 1847-. Google Citation
  5. Dipankar Sengupta, Deeptak Verma, Viplav S Mishra, Pradeep K. Naik (2006). Clustering of HIV-I Subtype: Study of Molecular Diversity using Phylogenetic Analysis. Bioinformatics Trends, 1 (1), 1-. Google Citation
  6. M.V. Kartikeyan, Ghanshyam Singh, E. Borie, B. Piosczyk, M. Thumm (2006). Conceptual design studies of an 84 GHz, 500 kW, CW gyrotron. International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 27 (2006), 657-. Google Citation
  7. Chanderdeep Tandon, Rakesh K. Bijarnia, S.K.Singla (2006). Molecular aspects of Urolithiasis - A Review Article. Punjab University Research Journal (Science), 56 (2006), 1-. Google Citation
  8. Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma, S C Katyal (2006). Variations of optical constants in Ge10Se60Te30 thin film. Chalcogenide Letters, 3 (10), 73-. Google Citation
  9. Pankaj Sharma, S. C. Katyal (2006). Influence of Replacing Se in Ge10Se90 Glassy Alloy by 50 at. % Te on the Optical Parameters. Journal of Ovonic Research, 2 (6), 105-. Google Citation
  10. Karanjeet Singh, Gupta R.K. (2006). Exact Solutions of a Variant Boussinesq System. International Journal of Engineering Science, 44 (18-19), 1256-. Google Citation
  11. Harkewal Singh, Soma S. Marla, Agarwal Manas (2006). Docking studies of tau protein. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 33 (1), 154-. Google Citation
  12. C.D. Poduri (2006). Origin of hepatitis C virus. Current Science, 91 (8), 996-. Google Citation
  13. Vineet Sharma (2006). Phase transition in a-Se85Te15 thin film on thermal annealing. Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter, 18 (45), 10279-1-. Google Citation
  14. Karanjeet Singh, Gupta R.K. (2006). Lie symmetries and exact solutions of a new generalized Hirota-Satsuma coupled KdV system with variable coefficients. International Journal of Engineering Science, 44 (3-4), 241-. Google Citation
  15. Ishu, Tripathi S.K., Partha Bir Barman (2006). Influence of composition on the optical band gap in A-Ge20Se80-XInX thin films. Chalcogenide Letters, 3 (12), 121-. Google Citation
  16. Ghanshyam Singh, Kartikeyan M.V., Basu B.N. (2006). Gain-frequency response of nearby waveguide modes in vane-loaded gyro-TWT. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 34 (3), 554-. Google Citation
  17. Nayak S., Pradeep Kumar Naik (2006). Factors effecting in vitro microrhizome formation and growth in Curcuma longa L. and improved field performance of micropropagated plants. Science Asia, 32 (1), 31-. Google Citation
  18. Mahajan M., Sunil Kumar Khah, Chakravarty T. (2006). Extended cavity model analysis of stacked circular disc. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 65 (2006), 287-. Google Citation
  19. Vineet Sharma (2006). Effect of Sn additive on the electrical properties of Se-Te glassy alloy. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 8 (5), 1823-. Google Citation
  20. Nayak S., Pradeep Kumar Naik, Acharya L.K., Pattnaik A.K. (2006). Detection and evaluation of genetic variation in 17 promising cultivars of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) using 4C nuclear DNA content and RAPD markers. Cytologia, 71 (1), 49-. Google Citation
  21. Sharma R., Chakravarty T., Sunil Vidya Bhooshan, Bhattacharyya A.B. (2006). Design of a Novel 3db Microstrip Backward Wave Coupler Using Defected Ground Structure. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 65 (2006), 261-. Google Citation
  22. Nitin (2006). Component Level reliability analysis of fault-tolerant hybrid MINs. WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 5 (9), 1851-. Google Citation
  23. Nirupma Prakash, Srivastava S., Sabharwal S. (2006). A systematic approach for engineering inter model transformations. International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 17 (4), 15-. Google Citation
  24. Q.M. Alfred, T. Chakravarty, S. K. Sanyal (2006). A novel schematic for calibration of large phased array antenna using programmable time-delay units. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 65 (2006), 81-. Google Citation
  25. Singh A.Kr., Pradeep Kumar, Chakravarty T., Ghanshyam Singh, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2006). A novel digital beamformer with low angle resolution for vehicle tracking radar. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 66 (2006), 229-. Google Citation
  26. Alfred Q.M., Chakravarty T., Ghanshyam Singh, Sanyal S.K. (2006). A delay-line cancellation method for clutter attenuation and elimination of blind speed. International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 27 (2006), 1529-. Google Citation