JPubDB : JUIT Publication Database

2025 (15) 2024 (105) 2023 (129) 2022 (151) 2021 (190)
2020 (191) 2019 (172) 2018 (177) 2017 (182) 2016 (195)
2015 (159) 2014 (198) 2013 (182) 2012 (139) 2011 (110)
2010 (86) 2009 (90) 2008 (46) 2007 (49) 2006 (26)
2005 (9) 2004 (3) 2003 (2) All

Journal(s) :

  1. Jasbir Singh, Nitu Singh, Anil Kumar (2009). Digital Preservation: Strategies and Standards. Journal of Library & Information Technology, 5 (1), 42-. Google Citation
  2. Jasbir Singh, Anil Kumar (2009). Total Quality Management (TQM) in the University Libraries of Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Jamia Millia Islamia : a study. Information Age, 4 (1), -. Google Citation
  3. Vipan Kumar Sharma, Jasbir Singh (2009). Use of CD-ROMs and Internet Resources by the Students in Jaypee University of Information Technology, Himachal Pradesh. Pearl: A Journal of Library and Information Science, 3 (4), 46-. Google Citation
  4. Gangal A.S., Kalra P.K., D.S. Chauhan (2009). Inversion of complex valued neural networks using complex back-propagation algorithm. International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 3 (1), 1-. Google Citation
  5. Harvinder Singh, Rupesh K. Deshmukh, Abhinay Singh, Ashok K. Singh, Kishor Gaikwad, Tilak R. Sharma, Trilochan Mohapatra, Nagendra K. Singh (2009). Highly variable SSR markers suitable for rice genotyping using agarose gels. Molecular Breeding, 25 (2009), 359-. Google Citation
  6. Mamta Kumari, Sudhir Kumar (2009). Biorefineries: India. Asian Journal on Energy and Environment, 10 (3), 160-. Google Citation
  7. P. K. Jatindra, Sudhir Kumar (2009). E-Waste Management: A Case Study of Bangalore, India. Research Journal Environmental and Earth Sciences , 1 (2), 111-. Google Citation
  8. Satish Chandra, Rajesh Bhat, Harinder Singh, D.S. Chauhan (2009). Detection of Brain Tumors from MRI using Gaussian RBF kernel based Support Vector Machine. International Journal of Advanced Computing Technology, 1 (1), 46-. Google Citation
  9. Shruti Jain, Pradeep K. Naik, Rohit Sharma (2009). A Computational Modeling of Apoptosis Signaling using VHDL and MATLAB Simulator. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 2 (1-2), 7-. Google Citation
  10. Subodh Kumar Jain, Atul Nanda (2009). Constitutive modeling of San Francisco Bay mud. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 3 (4), 527-. Google Citation
  11. Davinder Singh Saini, Manoj Upadhyay (2009). Multiple Rake Combiners and Performance Improvement in 3G and Beyond WCDMA Systems. Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on, 58 (7), 3361-. Google Citation
  12. Pradeep Kumar, Ghanshyam Singh (2009). Microstrip Antennas Loaded with Shorting Post. Engineering, 1 (1), 41-. Google Citation
  13. Pradeep Kumar, Ghanshyam Singh, T. Chakravarty (2009). Numerical Computation of Resonant Frequency of Shorting Post Loaded Gap-Coupled Circular Microstrip Patch Antennas. Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 1 (4), 259-. Google Citation
  14. Pradeep Kumar, Ghanshyam Singh (2009). Computation of mutual coupling for gap-coupled circular patch antennas loaded with shorting post. International Journal of Electronics Engineering, 1 (1), 99-. Google Citation
  15. Aditi Sharma, Ghanshyam Singh (2009). THz waves offer better imaging and screening. Electronics For You Magazine, 41 (5), 50-. Google Citation
  16. Shri Ram, N. Laxman Rao (2009). Information Resources for Education, Training and Research in Agricultural Bioinformatics. Indian Journal of Agricultural Library and Information Services, 25 (23), 1-. Google Citation
  17. Richa Babbar, Arya D.S., Joshi H. (2009). A proposed decision support system for river water quality management in India [Un système daide à la décision pour le management de la qualité des eaux en Inde]. Journal of Decision Systems, 18 (4), 411-. Google Citation
  18. Bharti Negi, Gargi Dey (2009). Comparative Analysis of Total Phenolic Content in Sea Buckthorn Wine and Other Selected Fruit Wines. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 3 (6), 300-. Google Citation
  19. Rakesh K. Bijarnia, Tanzeer Kaur, S. K. Singla, Chanderdeep Tandon (2009). Oxalate-mediated oxidant–antioxidant imbalance in erythrocytes: role of N-acetylcysteine. Human and Experimental Toxicology, 28 (4), 245-. Google Citation
  20. Yajulu Medury, Tanu Sharma (2009). Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management: An Empirical Study in India. International Journal of Business, 1 (1), 16-. Google Citation
  21. Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, Amit Srivastava, Hooda D.S (2009). Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Testing the Convergence of projected per capita GDP of BRIC and G6 Countries. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 1 (1), 1-. Google Citation
  22. Richa Babbar (2009). Emerging Role of Community in Rural Sanitation: A Developing Country Perspective. Journal of Environmental Research and Development, 4 (2), 629-. Google Citation
  23. A. D. John, A. Gairola, M. Mukherjee (2009). Experimental study for wind load on wall in a gable roof building - Evaluation of design wind load. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, (), -. Google Citation
  24. Poonam, Anil Kumar, S. Setia, Sehgal V K (2009). Effect of Variation in Damping of Bearings for Base isolated Buildings. ICFAI Journal of Structural Engineering, 2 (2), 1-. Google Citation
  25. Richa Babbar, Himanshu Joshi (2009). Decisive model for Water Quality Management of an Indian Tropical River: A Case Study. Water And Environment Journal, (), -. Google Citation
  26. Rajesh Kumar, Nagesh Thakur (2009). Synthesis of FeO nanorods on silicon substrate using annealing technique . Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 3 (9), 933-. Google Citation
  27. Rajesh Kumar, Nagesh Thakur (2009). Formation and characterization of SiO2 nanowire groups on Si substrate by SLS mechanism. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 3 (4), 343-. Google Citation
  28. Rajesh Kumar, S. Gautam, In-Chul Hwang , Jae Rhung Lee, K.H. Chae, Nagesh Thakur (2009). Preparation and characterization of α-Fe2O3 polyhedral nanocrystals via annealing technique. Materials Letters, 63 (12), 1047-. Google Citation
  29. Rajesh Kumar, In-Chul Hwang, Nagesh Thakur (2009). Carbon nanotube growth at the tip of SiO2 nanocone. Material Science and Engineering: C, 29 (8), 2384-. Google Citation
  30. In-Chul Hwang, Rajesh Kumar, Nam Dong Kim, Young Chun, JungWoo Lee, Pavan Kumar Rudra S Mana, Changhoon Choi, Jae Rhung Lee, Kwang S Kim (2009). Controlling Metal Nano-toppings on the tip of Silicide Nanostructures. Nanotechnology, 20 (24), 245605-1-. Google Citation
  31. Mainika, N. Thakur, Pankaj Sharma, S C Katyal (2009). A Study of Impurities (Ag, Bi & Ge) on the optical properties of Se-Te thin films . Journal of Non-Oxide Glasses , 1 (2), 90-. Google Citation
  32. P. Sharma, V. S. Rangra, Pankaj Sharma, S C Katyal (2009). Far Infrared Study of Amorphous Ge0.17Se0.83-xSbx Chalcogenide Glasses. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 480 (2), 934-. Google Citation
  33. Vineet Sharma, Anup Thakur (2009). Effect of visible light on a-Se-Te thin film. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 3 (10), 1046-. Google Citation
  34. Hemant Sood, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2009). Development of a low cost micropropagation technology for an endangered medicinal herb (picrorhiza kurroa) of north-western Himalayas. Journal of Plant Sciences, 4 (2), 21-. Google Citation
  35. Hemant Sood, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2009). High frequency callus induction and plantlet regeneration from different explants of Picrorhoza kurroa- a medicinal herb of Himalayas. African Journal of Biotechnology, 8 (9), 1965-. Google Citation
  36. Priyadarshini, Shrawan Kumar Singh, Chanderdeep Tandon (2009). Exploring the role of lipids isolated from human renal stone matrix in urolithiasis. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 24 (1), 145-. Google Citation
  37. Aggarwal A, Singla SK, Chanderdeep Tandon (2009). In vitro studies on anticalcifying properties of Achyranthes aspera . Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 24 (1), 137-. Google Citation
  38. Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, Amit Srivastava (2009). Study of Output Convergence pattern of BRIC Economies: Application of Fuzzy Mathematics. The IUP Journal of Applied Economics , 8 (3-4), 107-. Google Citation
  39. Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, Gaurav Garg, D.S. Hooda (2009). On Restricted Fuzzy Linear Regression Model. International Review of Fuzzy Mathematics, 4 (1-2), 11-. Google Citation
  40. R.K.Gupta, Karanjeet Singh (2009). Modified Boussinesq System with Variable Coefficients: Classical Lie Approach and Exact Solutions. Journal of Partial Differential Equations, 22 (2), 97-. Google Citation
  41. Gargi Dey, Bharti Begi, Akanksha Gandhi (2009). Can fruit wines be considered as functional food? An overview. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources, 8 (4), 314-. Google Citation
  42. Sudhir Kumar, Kumari M. (2009). Biofuels: Concern about substrate selection. Current Science, 96 (5), 630-. Google Citation
  43. Shalabh, Gaurav Garg, Misra N. (2009). Use of prior information in the consistent estimation of regression coefficients in measurement error models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 100 (7), 1498-. Google Citation
  44. Ashok Kumar Gupta (2009). Triaxial behaviour of rockfill materials. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 14 (J), -. Google Citation
  45. Ambika, Partha Bir Barman (2009). Transient photoconductivity of Amorphous Se85-xTe15Bix thin films. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 21 (10), S028-. Google Citation
  46. Srivastava M., Harvinder Singh, Pradeep Kumar Naik (2009). Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) of artemisinin: The development of predictive in vivo antimalarial activity models. Journal of Chemometrics, 23 (12), 618-. Google Citation
  47. Pradeep Kumar Naik, Patel A. (2009). Prediction of anticancer- non-anticancer drugs based on comparative molecular moment descriptors using artificial neural network and support vector machine. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 4 (1), 19-. Google Citation
  48. Pankaj Sharma, Sharma I., Katyal S.C. (2009). Physical and optical properties of binary amorphous selenium-antimony thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, 105 (5), 053509-. Google Citation
  49. Davinder Singh Saini, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2009). OVSF code sharing and reducing the code wastage capacity in WCDMA. Wireless Personal Communications , 2009 (48), 521-. Google Citation
  50. Thakur S., S C Katyal, Gupta A., Reddy V.R., Sharma S.K., Knobel M., Singh M. (2009). Nickel - Zinc ferrite from reverse micelle process: Structural and magnetic properties, mössbauer spectroscopy characterization. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (49), 20785-. Google Citation
  51. Afroz Alam Md., Pradeep Kumar Naik (2009). Molecular modelling evaluation of the cytotoxic activity of podophyllotoxin analogues. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 23 (2009), 209-. Google Citation
  52. Sharma I., Ambika, Partha Bir Barman (2009). Magnesium oxide films as temperature sensor. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 21 (10), S076-. Google Citation
  53. Kaur T., Bijarnia R.K., Singla S.K., Chanderdeep Tandon (2009). In vivo efficacy of Trachyspermum ammi anticalcifying protein in urolithiatic rat model. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 126 (3), 459-. Google Citation
  54. Afroz Alam M., Pradeep Kumar Naik (2009). Impact of soil nutrients and environmental factors on podophyllotoxin content among 28 Podophyllum Hexandrum populations of Northwestern Himalayan region using linear and nonlinear approaches. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 40 (15-16), 2485-. Google Citation
  55. Ashok Kumar Gupta (2009). Effect of particle size and confining pressure on breakage and strength parameters of rockfill materials. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 14 (H), -. Google Citation
  56. Sharma A., Partha Bir Barman (2009). Effect of Bi incorporation on the glass transition kinetics of Se 85Te15 glassy alloy. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 96 (2009), 413-. Google Citation
  57. Sharma A., Partha Bir Barman (2009). Effect of Bi incorporation on defect state density in a-Se85-xTe15Bix thin films. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 404 (8-11), 1591-. Google Citation
  58. Jitendra Singh (2009). Defining power sums of n and ψ(n) integers. International Journal of Number Theory, 5 (1), 41-. Google Citation
  59. Kumar M., Mishra G.P., Singh R., Kumar J., Pradeep Kumar Naik, Singh S.B. (2009). Correspondence of ISSR and RAPD markers for comparative analysis of genetic diversity among different apricot genotypes from cold arid deserts of trans-Himalayas. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 15 (Article number: 225), 225-. Google Citation
  60. Dheeraj Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, Singh A.K.R., Thakur N. (2009). Comparision of optical properties of spun cast polystyrene and iodine doped polystyrene films. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 3 (4), 371-. Google Citation
  61. Sharma A., Partha Bir Barman (2009). Calorimetric and optical study of amorphous Se85 - xTe15Bix glassy alloy. Thin Solid Films, 517 (9), 3020-. Google Citation
  62. Hemant Sood, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2009). Biosynthesis and accumulation of a medicinal compound, Picroside-I, in cultures of Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 100 (Article number: 113), 113-. Google Citation
  63. Patel A.K., Patel S., Pradeep Kumar Naik (2009). Binary classification of uncharacterized proteins into DNA binding/non-DNA binding proteins from sequence derived features using ANN. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 4 (4), 775-. Google Citation
  64. Alam Md.A., Gulati P., Gulati A.K., Mishra G.P., Pradeep Kumar Naik (2009). Assessment of genetic diversity among Podophyllum hexandrum genotypes of the North-western Himalayan region for podophyllotoxin production. Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 8 (4), 391-. Google Citation
  65. Alam Md.A., Pradeep Kumar Naik (2009). Applying linear interaction energy method for binding affinity calculations of podophyllotoxin analogues with tubulin using continuum solvent model and prediction of cytotoxic activity. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 27 (8), 930-. Google Citation
  66. Rohit Sharma, Tapas Chakarvarty, Bhattacharyya A.B. (2009). Analytical modelling of microstrip-like interconnections in presence of ground plane aperture. IET Microwaves Antennas and Propagation, 3 (1), 14-. Google Citation
  67. Sharma A., Partha Bir Barman (2009). An optical study of vacuum evaporated amorphous Ge20Te 80-x Bi x thin films using transmission and reflection spectra. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 97 (2009), 835-. Google Citation
  68. Rajesh Kumar, Vineet Sharma, Sharma D., Thakur N. (2009). An insight into the mechanism of ordered holes formation in porous alumina template. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 3 (3), 190-. Google Citation
  69. Dwivedi V.K., Ghanshyam Singh (2009). A novel bit error rate analysis and improved ici reduction method in OFDM communication systems. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 30 (2009), 1170-. Google Citation
  70. Shruti Jain, Pradeep K. Naik, Rohit Sharma (2009). A computational model for cell survival/death using VHDL and MATLAB simulator. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 4 (4), 863-. Google Citation
  71. Sharma A., Ghanshyam Singh (2009). Rectangular Microstirp Patch Antenna Design at THz Frequency for Short Distance Wireless Communication Systems. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 30 (2009), 1-. Google Citation
  72. Alfred Q.M., Chopra N., Chakravarty T., Ghanshyam Singh, Sanyal S.K. (2009). A programmable phased array with time-delay units and its applications. International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 16 (2009), 59-. Google Citation
  73. Nitin, Garhwal S., Srivastava N. (2009). Designing a Fault-tolerant Fully-Chained Combining Switches Multi-stage Interconnection Network with?Disjoint Paths. Journal of Supercomputing, 55 (2011), 400-. Google Citation
  74. Subodh Kumar Jain (2009). Mrozlocal response moduli as a means for comparing constitutive equations in plasticity. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 16 (8), 632-. Google Citation
  75. M. Srivastava, Harvinder Singh, Pradeep Kumar Naik (2009). Application of the linear interaction energy method for rational design of artemisinin analogues as haeme polymerisation inhibitors. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 20 (3-4), 327-. Google Citation
  76. Sharma A., Partha Bir Barman (2009). Effect of Bi additions upon the physical properties of germanium telluride glassy semiconductors. Defects and Diffusion Forum, 293 (2009), 107-. Google Citation
  77. Pradeep Kumar Naik, Sindhura, Singh T., Harvinder Singh (2009). Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) for insecticides: Development of predictive in vivo insecticide activity models. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 20 (5-6), 551-. Google Citation
  78. Dheeraj Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, Thakur N. (2009). Analysis of the optical constants of spun cast polystyrene thin film. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 3 (2), 145-. Google Citation
  79. Thakur S., S C Katyal, Gupta A., Reddy V.R., Singh M. (2009). Room temperature ferromagnetic ordering in indium substituted nano-nickel-zinc ferrite. Journal of Applied Physics, 105 (7), 07A521-. Google Citation
  80. Pankaj Sharma, S C Katyal (2009). Effect of substrate temperature on the optical parameters of thermally evaporated Ge-Se-Te thin films. Thin Solid Films, 517 (13), 3813-. Google Citation
  81. Priyadarshini, Singh S.K., Chanderdeep Tandon (2009). Mass spectrometric identification of human phosphate cytidylyltransferase 1 as a novel calcium oxalate crystal growth inhibitor purified from human renal stone matrix. Clinica Chimica Acta, 408 (1-2), 34-. Google Citation
  82. Pankaj Sharma, S C Katyal (2009). Effect of Cd and Pb impurities on the optical properties of fresh evaporated amorphous (As2Se3)90Ge10 thin films. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 95 (2009), 367-. Google Citation
  83. Mainika, Pankaj Sharma, Thakur N. (2009). Effect of germanium addition on the physical properties of Se-Te glassy semiconductors. Philosophical Magazine, 89 (33), 3027-. Google Citation
  84. Pradeep Kumar, Ghanshyam Singh (2009). Theoretical investigation of the input impedance of gap-coupled circular microstrip patch antennas. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 30 (2009), 1148-. Google Citation
  85. Sunil Kumar Khah, Chakarvarty T., Balamurali P. (2009). Analysis of an electromagnetically coupled microstrip ring antenna using an extended feedline. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 23 (2-3), 369-. Google Citation
  86. Rohit Sharma, Tapas Chakarvarty, Bhattacharyya A.B. (2009). Analytical model for optimum signal integrity in PCB interconnects using ground tracks. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 51 (1), 67-. Google Citation
  87. Alam Md.A., Pradeep Kumar Naik, Mishra G.P. (2009). Congruence of RAPD and ISSR markers for evaluation of genomic relationship among 28 populations of Podophyllum hexandrum Royle from Himachal Pradesh, India. Turkish Journal of Botany, 33 (1), 1-. Google Citation
  88. Bijarnia R.K., Kaur T., Singla S.K., Chanderdeep Tandon (2009). A novel calcium oxalate crystal growth inhibitory protein from the seeds of Dolichos biflorus (L.). Protein Journal, 28 (2009), 161-. Google Citation
  89. Kaur T., Bijarnia R.K., Singla S.K., Chanderdeep Tandon (2009). Purification and characterization of an anticalcifying protein from the seeds of Trachyspermum ammi (L.). Protein and Peptide Letters , 16 (2), 173-. Google Citation
  90. Thakur S., S C Katyal, Singh M. (2009). Structural and magnetic properties of nano nickel-zinc ferrite synthesized by reverse micelle technique. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 321 (2009), 1-. Google Citation