JPubDB : JUIT Publication Database

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2020 (191) 2019 (172) 2018 (177) 2017 (182) 2016 (195)
2015 (159) 2014 (198) 2013 (182) 2012 (139) 2011 (110)
2010 (86) 2009 (90) 2008 (46) 2007 (49) 2006 (26)
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Journal(s) :

  1. D.Sharma, Abhishek Chaudhary (2020). One Pot Synthesis of Gentamicin Conjugated Gold Nanoparticlesas an Efficient Antibacterial Agent. Journal of Cluster Science, 32 (), 995-. Google Citation
  2. Monika Bharti , Rajesh Kumar, Sharad Saxena, Himanshu Jindal (2020). Optimal Resource Selection Framework for Internet-of-Things. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 86 (2020), 1-. Google Citation
  3. Akash Bhardwaj, Ravin M. Tailor (2020). PLANNING PROPOSALS FOR CHEMICAL INDUSTRIAL TOWNSHIP – STUDY OF VAPI GIDC AND DAHEJ PHASE 1 . International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, 10 (7), 209-. Google Citation
  4. Niraj Singh Parihar, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2020). Strength and Microstructural Behavior of Expansive Soil Treated with Limed Leather Waste Ash. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9 (4), 604-. Google Citation
  5. Vikrant Abbot, Poonam Sharma (2020). Effect of quercetin on micellization behaviour of Tween-20 in hydro-ethanolic solvent system: An electrolyte induced thermodynamic study. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1451 (2020), 1-. Google Citation
  6. Geetanjali Rathee, Naveen Jaglan , Razi Iqbal, Sujesh P Lal, Varun G Menon (2020). A trust analysis scheme for vehicular networks within IoT-oriented green city. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 20 (2020), 1-. Google Citation
  7. Dikshit Sandhu, Tanmay Gupta (2020). Free Vibration Analysis of Bridges Having Combined Skewness and Curvature. Test Engineering and Management, 83 (March-April, 2020), 610-. Google Citation
  8. Jyotsna Dogra, Shruti Jain, Meenakshi Sood (2020). Glioma Extraction from MR Images Employing GBKS Graph Cut Technique. Visual Computer, 36 (2020), 875-. Google Citation
  9. Amit K. Verma, Mandeep Singh, Ravi P. Agarwal (2020). Regions of existence for a class of nonlinear diffusion type problems. Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 14 (1), 106-. Google Citation
  10. Amit K. Verma, Nazia Urus, Mandeep Singh (2020). Monotone Iterative Technique for a Class of Four Point BVPs with Reversed Ordered Upper and Lower Solutions. International Journal of Computational Methods, 17 (9), 1950066 -. Google Citation
  11. Swati, Karanjeet Singh, Amit K Verma, Mandeep Singh (2020). Higher Order Emden-Fowler type equation via Uniform Haar Wavelet Resolution Technique. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 376 (2020), 1-. Google Citation
  12. Pooja Bhardwaj, Partha Bir Barman, Surajit Kumar Hazra (2020). Effect of Capping-Agent Concentration on Size and Size Dispersity of Palladium Nanoparticles for Resistive-Type Hydrogen Sensors. J Electron Mater, 49 (11), 6656-. Google Citation
  13. Pooja Bhardwaj, Partha Bir Barman, Surajit Kumar Hazra (2020). Shape dependent hydrogen response in palladium nanoparticle based sensors. Materials Today: Proceedings, 28 (1), 218-. Google Citation
  14. Vandana Mohindru, Ravindara Bhatt, Yashwant Singh (2020). Hybrid Cryptography Algorithm for Securing Wireless Sensor Networks from Node Clone Attack. Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 13 (2), 251-. Google Citation
  15. Vandana Mohindru, Yashwant Singh, Ravindara Bhatt, (2020). Securing wireless sensor networks from node clone attack: a lightweight message authentication algorithm. International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 12 (2-3), 217-. Google Citation
  16. Sameer, Pradeep Kumar Pandey (2020). Copper differential geometry. AIP Conference Proceedings , 2214 (1), 1-. Google Citation
  17. Singh M., Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Tyagi V, Flusser J., Oren T., Valentino G. (2020). Preface(Editorial). Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1244 (1), v-. Google Citation
  18. Swain D., Pattnaik P.K., Pradeep Kumar Gupta (2020). Preface. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1101 (2020), ix-. Google Citation
  19. Jonny Dhiman, Sunil Kumar Khah (2020). Y-Shaped Microstrip Patch Antennas for L and S Band using Shared Aperture. Wireless Personal Communications , 2020 (111), 1-. Google Citation
  20. Urvashi Sharma, Meenakshi Sood, Emjee Puthooran (2020). Region of Interest-Based Coding Technique of Medical Images Using Varying Grading of Compression. International Journal of Image and Graphics, 21 (2), 1-. Google Citation
  21. Amit Kumar, Yugal Kumar , Ashima Kukkar (2020). A feature selection model for prediction of software defects. International Journal of Embedded Systems , 13 (1), 28-. Google Citation
  22. Gaurav Deep, Jagpreet Sidhu, Rajni Mohana (2020). Access Management of User and Cyber-Physical Device in DBaaS according to Indian IT Laws using Blockchain. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 21 (3), 407-. Google Citation
  23. Nagma Khattar, Jaiteg Singh, Jagpreet Sidhu (2020). An Energy Efficient and Adaptive Threshold VM Consolidation Framework for Cloud Environment. Wireless Personal Communications , 2020 (113), 349-. Google Citation
  24. Deepak Garg, Jagpreet Sidhu, Shalli Rani (2020). A note on cloud computing security. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 33 (3), 133-. Google Citation
  25. Nagma, JaitegSingh, Jagpreet Sidhu (2020). Comparative analysis of VM consolidation algorithms for cloud computing. Procedia Computer Science, 167 (2020), 1390-. Google Citation
  26. D Thakur, Yugal Kumar , S Vijendra (2020). Smart irrigation and intrusions detection in agricultural fields using IoT. Procedia Computer Science, 167 (2020), 154-. Google Citation
  27. R Kumar, P Kumar, Yugal Kumar (2020). Time series data prediction using iot and machine learning technique. Procedia Computer Science, 167 (2020), 373-. Google Citation
  28. H Singh, Yugal Kumar (2020). Hybrid artificial chemical reaction optimization algorithm for cluster analysis. Procedia Computer Science, 167 (2020), 531-. Google Citation
  29. A Kukkar, Rajni Mohana, Yugal Kumar (2020). Does bug report summarization help in enhancing the accuracy of bug severity classification?. Procedia Computer Science, 167 (2020), 1345-. Google Citation
  30. A Kumar, Yugal Kumar , A Kukkar (2020). A feature selection model for prediction of software defects. International Journal of Embedded Systems , 13 (1), 28-. Google Citation
  31. Anand Kumar Srivastava, Yugal Kumar , Pradeep Kumar Singh (2020). A Rule-Based Monitoring System for Accurate Prediction of Diabetes: Monitoring System for Diabetes. International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications, 11 (3), 33-. Google Citation
  32. Anand Kumar Srivastava, Yugal Kumar , Pradeep Kumar Singh (2020). Computer aided diagnostic system based on SVM and K harmonic mean based attribute weighting method. Obesity Medicine, 19 (2020), 100270-1-. Google Citation
  33. Amit Sharma, Pradeep Kumar Singh, Yugal Kumar (2020). An integrated fire detection system using IoT and image processing technique for smart cities. Sustainable Cities and Society, 61 (2020), 102332-. Google Citation
  34. Ashima Kukkar, Rajni Mohana, Yugal Kumar , Anand Nayyar, Muhammad Bilal, Kyung-Sup Kwak (2020). Duplicate bug report detection and classification system based on deep learning technique. IEEE ACCESS, 8 (2020), 200749-. Google Citation
  35. Hakam Singh, Yugal Kumar (2020). A neighborhood search based cat swarm optimization algorithm for clustering problems. Evolutionary Intelligence, 13 (2020), 593-. Google Citation
  36. Deepika Sharma, Gopal Singh Bisht (2020). Recent Updates on Antifungal Peptides. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 20 (4), 260-. Google Citation
  37. Alok Kumar, Shweta Pandit, Ghanshyam Singh (2020). Threshold Selection Analysis of Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Network with Censoring based Imperfect Reporting Channels. Wireless Networks, 27 (2021), 961-. Google Citation
  38. Kanchan Kumari, Rajesh Kumar, Partha Bir Barman (2020). Tuning of structural, magnetic and optical properties of NiFe2O4�films by implementing high magnetic fields. Thin Solid Films, 712 (2020), 138321-. Google Citation
  39. Kanchan Kumari, Rajesh Kumar, Partha Bir Barman (2020). Magnetic field and temperature-dependent studies of structural and magnetic properties of NiFe2O4 films. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 126 (456), 1-. Google Citation
  40. Harjas Saini, Vikrant Abbot, Gopal Singh Bisht, Poonam Sharma (2020). Study of the physico-chemical properties of vancomycin hydrochloride for determining its potential applications in formulation development. Indian Journal of Chemistry-Section A, 59 (8), 1113-. Google Citation
  41. Vikrant Abbot, Poonam Sharma (2020). Thermodynamics and acoustic effects of quercetin on micellization and interaction behaviour of CTAB in different hydroethanol solvent systems. Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie, 235 (9), 1-. Google Citation
  42. Vikrant Abbot, Poonam Sharma (2020). Thermodynamic and acoustic studies of quercetin with sodium dodecyl sulfate in hydro-ethanolic solvent systems: A flavonoid-surfactant interaction study. Chemical Physics, 538 (2020), 110921-. Google Citation
  43. Vikrant Abbot, Poonam Sharma (2020). Investigation of interactions between quercetin and Tween 80 through electrolyte induced thermodynamic approach. Materials Today: Proceedings, 28 (1), 61-. Google Citation
  44. R.S. Raja Durai, Meenakshi Devi, Ashwini Kumar (2020). Multiple-rate error-correcting coding scheme. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 33 (2022), 117-. Google Citation
  45. Pradeep Kumar Pandey, Sameer Mohammad (2020). Magnetic and slant curves in Kenmotsu manifolds. Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications, 15 (2020), 139-. Google Citation
  46. Pardeep Kumar, Manoj Diwakar (2020). Blind noise estimation-based CT image denoising in tetrolet domain. International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 12 (2-3), 234-. Google Citation
  47. Tiwary A.K., Ashok Kumar Gupta (2020). Mechanical Behavior of Circular Concrete Filled Steel Tube Column under Axial Loading for Sustainable Building. Journal of Green Engineering, 10 (11), 11116-. Google Citation
  48. Ankita Taneja, Hari Singh, Suresh Chand Gupta (2020). Stream of traffic balance in active cloud infrastructure service virtual machines using ant colony. International Journal of Cloud Computing, 9 (4), 373-. Google Citation
  49. Thakur Preeti, Anupriya Kaur (2020). Using Correspondence Analysis to Map Online Purchase Criteria of Different Product Categories. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 11 (1), 45-. Google Citation
  50. Disha Thakur, Rajiv Ganguly, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2020). Characterization and Waste to Energy Techniques for improving Municipal Solid Waste in Una Town, Himachal Pradesh, India A Case Study. Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, 46 (4), 547-. Google Citation
  51. Priyanka Verma, Achlesh Daverey, Ashok Kumar Nadda, Kusum Arunachalam (2020). Microbial Fuel Cell -A Sustainable Approach for Simultaneous Wastewater Treatment and Energy Recovery. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 40 (2021), 101768-. Google Citation
  52. Pham Thi Phan, Ba-Son Nguyen, Trong-Anh Nguyen, Ashok Kumar Nadda, Van-Huy Nguyen (2020). Lignocellulose-derived monosugars: a review of biomass pre-treating techniques and post-methods to produce sustainable biohydrogen. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1 (2020), 1-. Google Citation
  53. Rajkumar Sarma, Cherry Bhargava, Shruti Jain (2020). A MUX based signed-floating-point MAC architecture using UCM algorithm. Bulletin of The Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, 68 (4), 835-. Google Citation
  54. Geetanjali Rathee, Naveen Jaglan , Sahil Garg, Bong Jun Choi, Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody (2020). Handoff Security Using Artificial Neural Networks in Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine , 3 (4), 20-. Google Citation
  55. Prashant Thakur, Vineet Sharma, Rohit Sharma, Joachim Wollschlager, Kevin Ruwisch, A. Dahshan, Shipra Thakur, Pankaj Sharma (2020). Transformation in the structural and optical properties with the phase change from hematite (Fe2O3) to pure spinel structure in Mn-Zn nanoferrites. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 584 (2020), 412107-1-. Google Citation
  56. Sharma A, Kaur S, Sarkar M, Sarin BC, Harish Changotra (2020). The AGE-RAGE axis and RAGE genetics in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.. Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology, 60 (2021), 244-. Google Citation
  57. Dinesh Kumar, Rajiv Kumar, Neeru Sharma (2020). A Proactive Link Based Fast Recovery Strategy for Survival Elastic Optical Networks. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9 (3), 4018-. Google Citation
  58. Poongodi M., A Sharma, V Vijayakumar, V Bhardwaj, AP Sharma, R Iqbal, Rajiv Kumar (2020). Prediction of the price of Ethereum blockchain cryptocurrency in an industrial finance system. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 81 (2020), 106527-. Google Citation
  59. Aakash Gupta , Ashok Kumar Gupta, Ashish Kumar (2020). A model for pavement characteristic deflection for rural roads in Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9 (3), 1208-. Google Citation
  60. Raj Kumar, Vikas Kumar, Keun Woo Lee (2020). A computational drug repurposing approach in identifying the cephalosporin antibiotic and anti-hepatitis C drug derivatives for COVID-19 treatment. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 130 (2021), 104186-. Google Citation
  61. Dinesh Kumar, Rajiv Kumar, Neeru Sharma (2020). Proactive fast connection recovery scheme for a failure in elastic optical networks. International Journal on Emerging Technologies , 11 (2), 1066-. Google Citation
  62. Dinesh Kumar, Rajiv Kumar, Neeru Sharma (2020). Path-based recovery scheme for a failure in elastic optical networks. International Journal on Emerging Technologies , 11 (4), 178-. Google Citation
  63. Rajiv Kumar, Shweta Pandit, Ashutosh Sharma (2020). Design of Reliable, Secure and Intelligent Systems for Healthcare Applications. Recent Patents on Engineering, 14 (3), 456-. Google Citation
  64. Rohit Shukla, Tiratha Raj Singh (2020). Neuroinflammation in Alzheimers Disease: Current Therapeutic Approaches and Recent Progress. Journal of Neurology and Brain Disorders, 4 (5), 403-. Google Citation
  65. Abhishek Guleria, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj (2020). A Novel Probabilistic Distance Measure for Picture Fuzzy Sets with its Application in Classification Problems. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 49 (6), 1-. Google Citation
  66. Aakash Gupta , Pradeep Kumar, Ashok Kumar Gupta, Ashish Kumar (2020). Development of Road Roughness Model using Analytical Hierarchy Process for Rural Road Network in Himachal Pradesh. Indian Highways, 48 (11), 23-. Google Citation
  67. Rajiv Ganguly, Divyansh Sharma, Prashant Kumar, B. R. Gurjar (2020). Dispersion Modeling of Air Pollutants in a Hilly City in India. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 25 (2), 1-. Google Citation
  68. Sudheer Kumar Jala, Saurabh Rawat, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2020). Loose Ash Fills Reinforced With the High Confined Encased Stone Columns: Experimental and Numerical Investigation. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 39 (2021), 2503-. Google Citation
  69. Rishi Rana , Rajiv Ganguly (2020). Water Quality Indices: challenges and applications an overview. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13 (1190), -. Google Citation
  70. Rohit Shukla, Tiratha Raj Singh (2020). Identification of small molecules against cyclin dependent kinase-5 using chemoinformatics approach for Alzheimers disease and other tauopathies. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 40 (6), 2815-. Google Citation
  71. Sagar Barage, A. Karthic, Rohit Bavi, Neetin Desai, Raj Kumar, Vikas Kumar, Keun Woo Lee (2020). Identification and characterization of novel RdRp and Nsp15 inhibitors for SARS-COV2 using computational approach. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 40 (6), 2557-. Google Citation
  72. Chanjuan Li, Ashok Kumar Nadda, Xuan Luo, Hui Shi, Ziduo Liu, Gaobing Wu (2020). Highly alkali-stable and cellulase-free xylanases from Fusarium sp. 21 and their application in clarification of orange juice. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 155 (2020), 572-. Google Citation
  73. Duong Duc La, Tuan Ngoc Truong, Thuan Q. Pham, Hoang Tung Vo, Nam The Tran, Tuan Anh Nguyen, Ashok Kumar Nadda, Jin Chung, D. Duc Nguyen (2020). Scalable Fabrication of Modified Graphene Nanoplatelets as an Effective Additive for Engine Lubricant Oil,. Nanomaterials, 10 (5), 877-1-. Google Citation
  74. Rimika Kapoor, Pooja Ghosh, Bhawna Tyagi, Virendra Kumar, Vijaya VanditVijaya, Indu Shekhar Thakur, Hesam Kamyab, Dinh Duc Nguyend, Ashok Kumar Nadda (2020). Advances in biogas valorization and utilization systems: A comprehensive review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 273 (2020), 123052-. Google Citation
  75. Tanvi Sharma, Ashok Kumar Nadda (2020). Bioprocess development for efficient conversion of CO 2 into calcium carbonate using keratin microparticles immobilized Corynebacterium flavescens. Process Biochemistry, 100 (2021), 171-. Google Citation
  76. Shefali Varshney, Rajinder Sandhu , Pradeep Kumar Gupta (2020). QoE-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Resource Provisioning in Fog Computing Using AHP Technique. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science, 11 (4), 17-. Google Citation
  77. Aastha Modgil, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin Chanderwal (2020). Energy-efficient fairness-aware memory access scheduling. International Journal of Services, Technology and Management, 26 (6), 520-. Google Citation
  78. Kapil Sharma, Vivek Kumar Sehgal (2020). Energy-efficient and sustainable communication in optical networks on chip. Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 28 (2020), 1-. Google Citation
  79. Harsuminder K. Gill, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Anil Kumar Verma (2020). A context sensitive security framework for Enterprise multimedia placement in fog computing environment. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020 (79), 10733-. Google Citation
  80. Kapil Sharma, Vivek Kumar Sehgal (2020). Modern architecture for photonic networks-on-chip. Journal of Supercomputing, 76 (2020), 9901-. Google Citation
  81. Tiwary A.K., Ashok Kumar Gupta (2020). Post-Fire Exposure Behavior of Circular Concrete-filled Steel Tube Column under Axial Loading. International Journal of Steel Structures, 21 (2021), 52-. Google Citation
  82. Harsh Panwar, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Mohammad Khubeb Siddiqui, Ruben Morales-Menendez, Prakhar Bhardwaj, Vaishnavi Singh (2020). A deep learning and grad-CAM based color visualization approach for fast detection of COVID-19 cases using chest X-ray and CT-scan images. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 140 (2020), 110190-. Google Citation
  83. Kirti, Harsh Sohal, Shruti Jain (2020). Statistical Analysis of HRV Parameters for the Detection of Arrhythmia. International Journal of Image and Graphics, 20 (4), 1-. Google Citation
  84. Rajni Chauhan, Saurabh Bansal, Wamik Azmi, Gunjan Goel (2020). Increased thermal tolerance in Cronobacter sakazakii strains in reconstituted milk powder due to cross protection by physiological stresses. Journal of Food Safety, 40 (4), e12810-. Google Citation
  85. Shubham Sharma, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2020). Identification and Management of Risk in Building and Infrastructure Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering, Technology & management, 10 (2), 1-. Google Citation
  86. Ankit Thakur, Saurabh Rawat, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2020). Experimental study of ground improvement by using encased stone columns. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 6 (2021), 1-. Google Citation
  87. Saurav, Pratyush Malaviya (2020). Experimental study of corrosion in steel fiber reinforced concrete incorporating alccofine using half cell potential method. Journal of Structural Engineering, 47 (2), 144-. Google Citation
  88. Sharma P., Saurabh Rawat, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2020). Laboratory investigation of pullout behavior of hollow and solid shaft helical nail in frictional soil. Acta Geotechnica, 16 (2021), 1205-. Google Citation
  89. Naveen Jaglan , Priyanka Dalal, Samir Dev Gupta, Mahmoud A. Abdalla (2020). Band Notched UWB MIMO/Diversity Antenna Design with Inductance Boosted Compact EBG Structures. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 105 (2020), 185-. Google Citation
  90. Vijay Kumar Garlapati, Anuj K. Chandel, S.P. Jeevan Kumar, Swati Sharma, Surajbhan Sevda, Avinash P. Ingle, Deepak Pant (2020). Circular economy aspects of lignin: Towards a lignocellulose biorefinery. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 130 (2020), 109977-. Google Citation
  91. Ragothaman M. Yennamalli, Pulkit Anupam Srivastav, Sheena D. Sarswati, Vijay Kumar Garlapati (2020). Recombinant Production and Molecular Docking Studies of Casoplatelin, a Bioactive Peptide. The Open Biotechnology Journal, 14 (2020), 84-. Google Citation
  92. Anuj K. Chandel, Vijay Kumar Garlapati, S. P. Jeevan Kumar, Meenu Hans, Akhilesh K. Singh, Sachin Kumar (2020). The role of renewable chemicals and biofuels in building a bioeconomy. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 14 (4), 830-. Google Citation
  93. Komal Agrawal, Jata Shankar, Pradeep Verma (2020). Multicopper oxidase (MCO) laccase from Stropharia sp. ITCC-8422: an apparent authentication using integrated experimental and in silico analysis. 3 Biotech, 2020 (10), 1-. Google Citation
  94. Suresh Kumar Chauhan (2020). Nanotechnology research output: bibliometric analysis with special reference to India. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 22 (Article number: 278 ), 1-. Google Citation
  95. Komal Agrawal, Jata Shankar, Raj Kumar, Pradeep Verma (2020). Insight into multicopper oxidase laccase from Myrothecium verrucaria ITCC-8447: a case study using in silico and experimental analysis. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 55 (12), 1-. Google Citation
  96. Navdeep Prashar, Meenakshi Sood, Shruti Jain (2020). A Novel Cardiac Arrhythmia Processing using Machine Learning Techniques. International Journal of Image and Graphics, 20 (3), 1(17 pages)-. Google Citation
  97. Charu Bhardwaj, Shruti Jain, Meenakshi Sood (2020). Hierarchical Severity Grade Classification of Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 12 (2021), 2649-. Google Citation
  98. Dinesh Kumar Saini, Hemraj Saini, Surjeet Singh (2020). Security and Trust Model Analysis for Banking System. International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 11 (1), 135-. Google Citation
  99. Shivi Sharma, Hemraj Saini (2020). Minimizing Energy Consumption and SLA Violation in Fog Computing Using Artificial Neural Network. International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 10 (5), 640-. Google Citation
  100. Geetanjali Rathee, Naveen Jaglan , B .K. Kanaujia (2020). An Attack Resilient Framework in Cognitive Radio Network Environment for Inter-domain and Intra-domain Communication. Wireless Personal Communications , 2020 (114), 3457-. Google Citation
  101. E. Thakur, Naveen Jaglan , S.D. Gupta (2020). Design of compact triple band-notched UWB MIMO antenna with TVC-EBG structure. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 34 (11), 1601-. Google Citation
  102. Madan Mohan Agarwal, Hemraj Saini, Mahesh Chandra Govil (2020). Probabilistic and Fuzzy based Efficient Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications, 13 (3), 422-. Google Citation
  103. Rajiv Kumar, Pardeep Kumar (2020). Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Fault-Tolerance, Reliability and Availability in Mission-Critical Networks. Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications, 13 (3), 311-. Google Citation
  104. Shukla R.P., Niraj Singh Parihar, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2020). Potassium chloride effect on efficiency of fine slag used for treatment of expansive soil. Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering, 331 (7), 87-. Google Citation
  105. Aditya Kumar Tiwary, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2020). Strength Aspects of Concrete Filled Steel Tube Columns Through Design Codes. Test Engineering and Management, 83 (March-April, 2020), 6013-. Google Citation
  106. Ankit Thakur, Saurabh Rawat, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2020). Performance Evaluation of Geosynthetic Encased Stone Columns. Test Engineering and Management, 83 (March-April, 2020), 5986-. Google Citation
  107. Niraj Singh Parihar, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2020). Chemical stabilization of expansive soil using liming leather waste ash. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 15 (8), 1008-. Google Citation
  108. Pankaj Sharma, Saurabh Rawat, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2020). Horizontal Pullout Behavior of Novel Open-Ended Pipe Helical Soil Nail in Frictional Soil. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 18 (2020), 1179-. Google Citation
  109. Disha Thakur, Ashok Kumar Gupta, Rajiv Ganguly (2020). Laboratory Analysis and Prediction of Settlement of Municipal Solid Waste under Anaerobic Condition. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, 101 (2020), 455-. Google Citation
  110. Pardeep Garg, Sunil Datt Sharma (2020). Identification of CpG Islands in DNA Sequences Using Short-Time Fourier Transform. Interdisciplinary sciences, computational life sciences, 12 (2020), 355-. Google Citation
  111. Prachi Vasistha, Rajiv Ganguly (2020). Water Quality Assessment of Natural Lakes and its importance: An Overview. Materials Today: Proceedings, 32 (4), 544-. Google Citation
  112. Prachi Vasistha, Rajiv Ganguly (2020). Assessment of spatio-temporal variations in lake water body using indexing method. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27 (2020), 41856-. Google Citation
  113. Raghvendra Kumar, Pardeep Kumar, Yugal Kumar (2020). Time Series Data Prediction using IoT and Machine Learning Technique. Procedia Computer Science, 167 (2020), 373-. Google Citation
  114. Pardeep Kumar, Ashish Parmar (2020). Versatile Approaches for Medical Image Compression: A Review. Procedia Computer Science, 167 (2020), 1380-. Google Citation
  115. Pardeep Kumar, Chandan Kumar, Amit Kumar Singh (2020). Improved wavelet-based image watermarking through SPIHT. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020 (79), 11069-. Google Citation
  116. Pardeep Kumar, Manoj Diwakar, Amit Kumar Singh (2020). CT image denoising using NLM and its method noise thresholding. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020 (79), 14449-. Google Citation
  117. Chandan Kumar, Amit Kumar Singh, Pardeep Kumar (2020). Dual watermarking: An approach for securing digital documents. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020 (79), 7339 -. Google Citation
  118. Chandan Kumar, Amit Kumar Singh, Pardeep Kumar, Rajiv Singh, Siddarath Singh (2020). SPIHT - based multiple image watermarking in NSCT domain. Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience, 32 (1), e4912-. Google Citation
  119. Verma R, Bhalla A, Sudhir Kumar (2020). Valorization of Lignocellulosic Residues for Cost-Effective Production of Thermo-Alkali-Stable Xylanase by Geobacillus thermodenitrificans X1 of Indian Himalayan Hot Spring. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 11 (2020), 1205-. Google Citation
  120. Thakur P, Sudhir Kumar (2020). Metallurgical processes unveil the unexplored sleeping mines e-waste: a review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27 (2020), 32359-. Google Citation
  121. Aishwarya Thakur, Saurav (2020). A Review Paper on Early-Stage Corrosion Detection in Reinforced Concrete Structure with Piezo-Electric Sensor. Test Engineering and Management, 82 (January-February 2020), 9973 -. Google Citation
  122. Varsha Mehta, Tanya Singh, Ankush Bansal, Tiratha Raj Singh (2020). SCAN DB: an integrated catalogue of computationally characterised NER specific skin cancers . International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications, 16 (3), 245-. Google Citation
  123. Khudeja Khatoon, Sultan Ahmad Mohammad Khubeb Siddiqui, Ruben Morales-Menendez, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Hafiz M.N. Iqbal, Fida Hussain (2020). Correlation Between Temperature and COVID-19 (Suspected, Confirmed and Death) Cases based on Machine Learning Analysis. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 14 (1), 1017-. Google Citation
  124. Harsh Panwar, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Mohammad Khubeb Siddiqui, Ruben Morales-Menendez, Vaishnavi Singh (2020). Application of Deep Learning for Fast Detection of COVID-19 in X-Rays using nCOVnet. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 138 (2020), 109944-. Google Citation
  125. Harsh Panwar, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Mohammad Khubeb Siddiqui, Ruben Morales-Menendez, Prakhar Bhardwaj, Sudhansh Sharma, Iqbal H Sarker (2020). AquaVision: Automating the detection of waste in water bodies using deep transfer learning. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 2 (2020), 100026-. Google Citation
  126. Alok Kumar, Shweta Pandit, G. Singh (2020). Optimization of censoring based cooperative spectrum sensing approach with multiple antennas and imperfect reporting channel scenarios for cognitive radio network. IET Communications, 14 (16), 2666-. Google Citation
  127. Alok Kumar, P. Thakur, Shweta Pandit, G. Singh (2020). Threshold selection and cooperation in fading environment of cognitive radio network: Consequences on spectrum sensing and throughput. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 117 (2020), 153101-. Google Citation
  128. Namita Saini, Neeraj Gandotra, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, R.P. Dwivedi (2020). Ranking of Decision-Making units in Pythagorean Fuzzy CCR Model using Data Envelopment Analysis. Materials Today: Proceedings, 33 (7), 3884-. Google Citation
  129. Raj Kumar, Young Kyu Lee, Yong Seok Jho (2020). Martini Coarse-Grained Model of Hyaluronic Acid for the Structural Change of Its Gel in the Presence of Monovalent and Divalent Salts. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21 (13), 1-. Google Citation
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