JPubDB : JUIT Publication Database

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Journal(s) :

  1. Neel Kanth, Bhupendra Kr Pathak (2016). Artificial Neural Network for Modeling the Uniform Load on Nip Width of Machine Calendering. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 37 (6), 861-. Google Citation
  2. Manoj Gaur, Karanjeet Singh (2016). Symmetry Classification and Exact Solutions of a Variable Coefficient Space Time Fractional Potential Burgers Equation. International Journal of Differential Equations, 2016 (Article ID 4270724 ), 1-. Google Citation
  3. Ritendra Mishra, Shruti Jain, Bharat Thakur, Yajvender Pal Verma, Chadalapaka Durgaprasad (2016). Performance Analysis of Piezoelectric Drum Transducers as Shoe-Based Energy Harvesters. International Journal of Electronics Letters, 5 (4), 402-. Google Citation
  4. Kaushik Annam, Sunil Kumar Khah, Steven Dooley, Charles Cerny, Guru Subramanyam (2016). Experimental Design of Bandstop Filters Based on Unconventional Defective Ground Structures. Microwave Optical Technology Letters, 58 (12), 2969-. Google Citation
  5. Jonny Dhiman, Sunil Kumar Khah (2016). Multifunctional shared aperture antenna for L and S band, Advanced Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics. Advanced Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics, 1 (2016), 1-. Google Citation
  6. Ruchi Verma, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin (2016). Implementation of Information System in Crisis Management Using Modeling and Simulation. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology, 17 (32), 1-. Google Citation
  7. Ruchi Verma, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin (2016). Implementation of Control Measure in the Crisis Using Social Networks . International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology, 17 (32), 1-. Google Citation
  8. Ruchi Verma, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin (2016). Computational Stochastic Modelling to Handle the Crisis Occurred During Community Epidemic. Annals of Data Science, 3 (2), 119-. Google Citation
  9. Rajender Singh, Partha Bir Barman, Dheeraj Sharma (2016). Enhanced Thermal Properties of Highly Monodispersed ZnO Nanoparticle /Poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) Nanocomposite. Polymer Science Series B, 58 (2016), 439-. Google Citation
  10. D Dutta, J Das, Surajit Kumar Hazra, S Basu (2016). Influence of Metal Contacts on Graphene Based Chemical Sensor Devices. Journal of Microelectronics and Solid State Devices, 3 (3), 1-. Google Citation
  11. D Gupta, D Dutta, Partha Bir Barman, S Basu, Surajit Kumar Hazra (2016). A Review on Palladium with Low Dimensional Configurations for Chemical Gas Sensor Applications. Sensor Letters, 14 (3), 211-. Google Citation
  12. Surajit Kumar Hazra, S Basu (2016). Graphene-Oxide Nano Composites for Chemical Sensor Applications. C: Journal of Carbon Research, 2 (2), 1-. Google Citation
  13. D Dutta, Surajit Kumar Hazra, J Das, CK Sarkar, S Basu (2016). Temperature-and Hydrogen-Gas-Dependent Reversible Inversion of n-/p-Type Conductivity in CVD-Grown Multilayer Graphene (MLG) Film. Journal of Electronic Materials, 45 (2016), 2861-. Google Citation
  14. Aditya Sahni, Anil Kumar, Sudhir Kumar (2016). Chemo-biohydrometallurgy - A hybrid technology to recover metals from obsolete mobile SIM cards. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 6 (2016), 130-. Google Citation
  15. Sukhnandan Kaur, Rajni Mohana (2016). Prediction of Sentiment from Textual Data Using Logistic Regression Based on Stop Word Filteration and Volume of Data. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (45), 1-. Google Citation
  16. Akanksha Puri, Sukhnandan Kaur, Rajni Mohana (2016). Temporal Sentiment Analysis: A Review. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (40), 327-. Google Citation
  17. Shruti Jain (2016). Implementation of MIN/MAX functions using Operational Transconductance Amplifier. International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, 4 (1), 5-. Google Citation
  18. Shruti Jain (2016). Compedium Model using Frequency Cumulative Distribution Function for Receptors of Survival Proteins: Epidermal growth factor and insulin. Network Biology, 6 (4), 101-. Google Citation
  19. Saurabh Rawat, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2016). An Experimental and Analytical Study of Slope Stability by Soil Nailing. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 21 (17), 5577-. Google Citation
  20. Shukla R.P., Niraj Singh Parihar (2016). Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil Using Micro-fine Slag. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, 97 (2016), 299-. Google Citation
  21. Geetanjali Rathee, Hemraj Saini (2016). End to End Encryption by Algebraic OR/XOR. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (10), 4819-. Google Citation
  22. Mayank Kumar Goyal, Satya Prakash Ghrera, Jai Prakash Gupta (2016). Improving the Average Number of Network Coded Transmission in AODV Routing Protocol with Network Coding Scheme. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-. Google Citation
  23. Padhan Jibesh Kumar, Kumar Pawan, Hemant Sood, Chauhan Rajinder S. (2016). Prospecting NGS-transcriptomes to assess regulation of miRNA-mediated secondary metabolites biosynthesis in Swertia chirayita, a medicinal herb of the North-Western Himalayas. Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries, 8 (3), 219-. Google Citation
  24. Jitain Sharma, Sunil Datt Sharma (2016). Analysis of the multi-component signal using co-variance modified S-transform. International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology, 5 (12), 22-. Google Citation
  25. Mehla K, Jayashree Ramana (2016). Identification of epitope-based Peptide Vaccine Candidates against Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli: A Comparative Genomics and Immunoinformatics Approach. Molecular Biosystems , 12 (3), 890-. Google Citation
  26. Tamanna, Jayashree Ramana (2016). Structural Insights into the Quinolone Resistance Mechanism of Shigella flexneri DNA Gyrase. Microbial Drug Resistance , 22 (5), 401-. Google Citation
  27. Aakanksha Sharma, Vivek K. Dwivedi, Ghanshyam Singh (2016). Channel capacity with suboptimal adaptation technique over Generalized-K fading using marginal moment generating function. Radioelectronics and Communication Systems, 59 (2016), 325-. Google Citation
  28. Prabhat Thakur, Ghanshyam Singh, S N Satasia (2016). Spectrum sharing in cognitive radio communication system using power constraints: A technical review. Perspectives in Science, 8 (2016), 651-. Google Citation
  29. Reza Malekian, A. F. Kavishe, B. T. Maharaj, P. K. Gupta, Ghanshyam Singh, H. Waschefort (2016). Smart vehicle navigation system using hidden Markov Model and RFID technology. Wireless Personal Communications , 2016 (90), 1717-. Google Citation
  30. Reza Malekian, A.F. Kavishe, B.T.J. Maharaj, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Ghanshyam Singh, H. Waschefort (2016). Smart vehicle navigation system using Hidden Markov Model and RFID sensors. Wireless Personal Communications , 90 (2016), 1717-. Google Citation
  31. Pradeep Kumar Singh , Yugal Kumar, Om Prakash Sangwan, (2016). Empirical Evaluation of Aspect Oriented Software Quality Model Using Mutli-criteria Decision Making based AHP Approach. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (45), 159-. Google Citation
  32. Anupriya Kaur, Chauhan A., Medury Y. (2016). Destination Image: scale validation and measurement invariance analysis. International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing, 5 (1), 4-. Google Citation
  33. Anupriya Kaur, Chauhan A., Medury Y. (2016). Destination Image of Indian Tourism Destinations: an evaluation using correspondence analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 28 (3), 499-. Google Citation
  34. Punit Gupta, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Task Allocation Using Big Bang-Big Crunch in Cloud Infrastructure. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (45), 107-. Google Citation
  35. Punit Gupta, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Fault and QoS based Genetic Algorithm for Task Allocation in Cloud Infrastructure. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (45), 73-. Google Citation
  36. Punit Gupta, Singh A A, Bhatt P, Goyal MK. (2016). A Survey on Green Power Efficient Resource Allocation Algorithm for Cloud Infrastructure. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (44), 1-. Google Citation
  37. Prakash Kumar, Punit Gupta (2016). Cloud Data Sec - Secure Data Sharing on the Cloud. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (45), 167-. Google Citation
  38. Geetanjali Rathee, Nitin Rakesh (2016). Resilient Packet Transmission (RPT) for the Buffer Based Routing (BBR) Protocol . Journal of Information Processing Systems, 12 (1), 57-. Google Citation
  39. Geetanjali Rathee, Hemraj Saini (2016). Security Concerns with Open Research Issues of Present Computer Network. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 14 (1), 406-. Google Citation
  40. Geetanjali Rathee, Hemraj Saini (2016). A Secure Multicast Routing Protocol Against Grey Hole Attack. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11 (21), 12828-. Google Citation
  41. Geetanjali Rathee, Hemraj Saini (2016). End-to-End Encryption by Algebaric OR/XOR. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (16), 4819-. Google Citation
  42. Amol Vasudeva, Manu Sood, Prem Prakash (2016). A Vampire Act of Sybil Attack on the Highest Node Degree Clustering in Mobile Ad Hoc Network. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-. Google Citation
  43. Puneet Bhushan, Pradeep Kumar Singh , Yashwant Singh (2016). Energy Consumption Pattern at Household Level: a micro level study of Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-. Google Citation
  44. Mohinder Kaur Sidhu, Yashwant Singh, Pradeep Kumar Singh (2016). Localization and Classification of Species in a Habitat in WSN: A Species Perspective. International Journal of Computer Applications, Proceedings, RICSIT 2016 (1), 8-. Google Citation
  45. Aditi Zear, Pradeep Kumar Singh , Yashwant Singh (2016). Intelligent Transport System: a progressive review. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-. Google Citation
  46. Ishani Sharma, Pradeep Kumar Singh (2016). A Survey on Anaphora Resolution. International Journal of Computer Applications, Proceedings, RICSIT 2016 (1), 5-. Google Citation
  47. P. Khurana, A. Sharma, Pradeep Kumar Singh (2016). A Systematic Analysis on Mobile Application Software Vulnerabilities: Issues and Challenges. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-. Google Citation
  48. Kshitiza Vasudeva, Pradeep Kumar Singh , Yashwant Singh (2016). A Methodical Review on Issues of Medical Image Management System with Watermarking Approach. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-. Google Citation
  49. Poonam Koundal, Rajiv Kumar (2016). Reliable Fault-Tolerant Multipath Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER), 3 (5), 1-. Google Citation
  50. Ashutosh Sharma, Rajiv Kumar, Poonam Koundal (2016). A Tuning-Based Approach for the Multi-Constrained Data-Path Transmission. International Journal of Control Theory and Automation, 9 (11), 5521-. Google Citation
  51. Raj Kumar Tiwari, Udayabanu M, Silpi Chanda (2016). Quantitative Analysis of Secondary Metabolites in Aqueous Extract of Clerodendrum Serratum. International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 7 (12), 61-. Google Citation
  52. Priyam Dhani, Tanu Sharma (2016). Emotional Intelligence: History, Models and Measures. International Journal of Science Technology and Management, 5 (7), 189-. Google Citation
  53. Priyam Dhani, Anil Sehrawat, Tanu Sharma (2016). Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance: A Study in Indian Context. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (47), 1-. Google Citation
  54. Dishti Agarwal, Aakriti Gupta, Pradeep Kumar Singh (2016). A systematic review on Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Technique. International Journal of Control Theory and Application, 9 (11), 5487-. Google Citation
  55. Neena Jindal, Kistwal .A., Sehrawat A (2016). ICT,Good governance and Development. Indian Journal of computer science, 1 (1), 22-. Google Citation
  56. Neena Jindal, Sehrawat A., Medury Y (2016). Status of User-Centric E-governance Practices in North India. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 9 (4), 18-. Google Citation
  57. Ravindara Bhatt, Raja Datta (2016). A Two-tier Strategy for Priority based Critical Event Surveillance with Wireless Multimedia Sensors. Wireless Networks, 22 (2016), 267-. Google Citation
  58. Ravindara Bhatt, Pansul Bhatt, Atishay Arvind (2016). An Integration Framework of Three-Dimensional Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network with Cloud Computing for Surveillance Applications. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-. Google Citation
  59. Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Mayank Singh (2016). Sustainable Computing: a beginning. CSI Communications, 40 (5), 23-. Google Citation
  60. Salman Raju Talluri (2016). Analysis on Phase Properties of a Transmission Line Model with Non-Linear Elements.. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 7 (1), 185-. Google Citation
  61. Salman Raju Talluri, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2016). Effect of a Relatively Small Non-Linear Capacitor in the Unit Cell of Transmission Line Model on Scattering Parameters and Propagation Constant. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11 (6), 3795-. Google Citation
  62. Tamanna Sharma, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2016). Comparative Transcriptomics Reveals Molecular Components Associated with Differential Lipid Accumulation between Microalgal sp., Scenedesmus Dimorphus and Scenedesmus Quadricauda. Algal Research, 19 (2016), 109-. Google Citation
  63. Ruchi Devi, Ashish Kumar, Sudhir Kumar (2016). Comparison of Biogas Production in Ambient Temperature Condition and Under Green House Canopy. Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology, 3 (6), 495-. Google Citation
  64. Ruchi Devi, Ashish Kumar, Sudhir Kumar (2016). Use of Pine Needles as Substrate for Biogas Production. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 4 (2016), 1242-. Google Citation
  65. Suman Saha, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Low Rank Approximation for Community Detection in Large Complex Networks. Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, 3 (ICCS - 2016, Part II), 387-. Google Citation
  66. Ruchi Verma, Amit Srivastava, Nitin (2016). On Behavioural Responses and Different Shades of Flaming in Social Media and Computer Mediated Communication. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals, 7 (4), 33-. Google Citation
  67. Akanksha Dhiman, Ambesh Singh, Shwetanjali Dubey, Shruti Jain (2016). Design of Lead II ECG Waveform and Classification Performance for Morphological features using Different Classifiers on Lead II . Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 7 (4), 1226-. Google Citation
  68. Shailja Rana, Shruti Jain, Jitendra Virmani (2016). Classification of Focal Kidney lesions using Wavelet-Based Texture Descriptors. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 7 (3 B), 646-. Google Citation
  69. Kanchan Bala, Pankaj Sharma, Nainjeet Singh Negi (2016). Investigation on Multiferroic, Optical and Photoluminescence Properties of CoFe2O4/(Pb1-xSrx)TiO3 Nanostructured Composite Thin Films. Solid State Sciences, 61 (2016), 63-. Google Citation
  70. Sahil Bhusri, Shruti Jain, Jitendra Virmani (2016 ). Classification of Breast Lesions using the Difference of Statistical Features. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 7 (4), 1365-. Google Citation
  71. Shailja Rana, Shruti Jain, Jitendra Virmani (2016). SVM-Based Characterization of Focal Kidney Lesions from B-Mode Ultrasound Images . Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 7 (4), 837-. Google Citation
  72. Pankaj Sharma (2016). Glass Forming Ability and Rigidity Percolation in SeTePb Lone Pair Semiconductors. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 122 (402), 1-. Google Citation
  73. Dinesh C. Sati, S. C. Katyal, Pankaj Sharma (2016). Role of Composition and Substrate Temperature on Nonlinear Optical Properties of GeSeTe Thin Films in 0.4um to 2.4um Wavelength Range. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , 63 (2), 698-. Google Citation
  74. L. K. Abhilashi, Pankaj Sharma, V. S. Rangra, P. Sharma (2016). Effect of Antimony Addition on the Optical Behaviour of SnSeSb Thin Films. Journal of Non-Oxide Glasses , 8 (1), 17-. Google Citation
  75. Pankaj Sharma, M.S. El-Banab, S.S. Fouad, Vineet Sharma (2016). Effect of Compositional Dependence on Physical and Optical Parameters of Te17Se83xBix Glassy System. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 667 (2016), 204-. Google Citation
  76. Rajeev Arora, Anupam Srivastav, Utam Kumar Mandal, Pankaj Sharma (2016). TiO2/PANI Nano Composite Loaded in PVA for Anticorrosive Applications. Materials Science-Poland , 34 (4), 721-. Google Citation
  77. A. Dahshan, Pankaj Sharma, K.A. Aly (2016). Correction: Semiconducting quaternary chalcogenide glasses as new potential thermoelectric materials: an As-Ge-Se-Sb case. Dalton Transactions, 45 (6), 2740-. Google Citation
  78. Prashant Thakur, Rohit Sharma, Manoj Kumar, SC Katyal, NS Negi, Nagesh Thakur, Vineet Sharma, Pankaj Sharma (2016). Superparamagnetic La Doped Mn - Zn Nano Ferrites: dependence on dopant content and crystallite size. Materials Research Express , 3 (7), 075001-1-. Google Citation
  79. Rohit Sharma, Prashant Thakur, Manoj Kumar, Nagesh Thakur, N.S. Negi, Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma (2016). Improvement in Magnetic Behaviour of Cobalt Doped Magnesium Zinc Nano-ferrites Via Co-Precipitation Route. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 684 (2016), 569-. Google Citation
  80. Pankaj Sharma, Neha Sharma, Sunanda Sharda, S.C. Katyal, Vineet Sharma (2016). Recent Developments on the Optical Properties of Thin Films of Chalcogenide Glasses. Progress in Solid State Chemistry, 44 (4), 131-. Google Citation
  81. Sakshi Khanna, Amit Srivastava, Yajulu Medury (2016). A study of capital structure dynamics on the value of Indian firms using panel threshold regression model. International Journal of Management Practice, 9 (1), 40-. Google Citation
  82. Achman Shukla, Punit Gupta, Mayank Kumar Goyal (2016). Intelligent And Efficient Rule Based Home Automation System Using Voice Recognition. Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, 3 (1), 647-. Google Citation
  83. Raman Thakur, Jata Shankar (2016). In silico Identification of Potential Peptides or Allergen Shot Candidates Against Aspergillus fumigatus . BioResearch Open Access, 5 (1), 330-. Google Citation
  84. Reema Aswani, Satya Prakash Ghrera, Satish Chandra (2016). A Novel Approach to Outlier Detection using Modified Grey Wolf Optimization and k-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (44), 1-. Google Citation
  85. Pawan Kumar, Varun Kumar, Vijay Kumar Garlapati (2016). Biosynthesis and pharmacological evaluation of shikonin-A highly valuable metabolite of North-Western Himalayas: Mini Review. Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries, 8 (4), 267-. Google Citation
  86. Tarun Pal, Varun Jaiswal, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2016). DRPPP: A machine learning based tool for prediction of disease resistance proteins in plants. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 78 (2016), 42-. Google Citation
  87. Gautam Kumar, Hemraj Saini (2016). On Reduced Computation Cost for Edwards and Extended Twisted Edwards Curves. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (44), 1-. Google Citation
  88. Shubham Sharma, Devanshi Popli, Neha Sharma, O P Chaurasia, Hemant Sood (2016). Effect of Temperature on In Vitro Organogenesis of Rhodiola Imbricate Edgew: a medicinal herb. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5 (12), 1228-. Google Citation
  89. Shivam Sharma, Nikhil Malthora, Hemant Sood (2016). Expression Analysis of Steroid Pathway Genes Revealed Positive Correlation with Diosgenin Biosynthesis in Trillium govanianum. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 38 (Article number: 272), 1-. Google Citation
  90. V. Bhardwaj, Poonam Sharma, M.S. Chauhan, S. Chauhan (2016). Micellization, Interaction and Thermodynamic Study of Butylatedhydroxyanisole (synthetic antioxidant) and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate in Aqueous-Ethanol Solution at 25, 30 and 35 C.. Journal of Saudi Chemical society, 20 (1), S109-. Google Citation
  91. A Sharma, V Mehta, A Parashar, R Patrwal, Udayabanu M (2016). Solid Lipid Nanoparticle: Fabricated through Nanoprecipitation and their Physicochemical Characterization. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 8 (10), 144-. Google Citation
  92. Udayabanu M, V Mehta, A Sharma, P Kailkhura (2016). Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Antidiabetic Activity of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Ocimum Sanctum: an In-Vitro and In-Silico Study. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 9 (5), 44-. Google Citation
  93. SS Patel, N Mahindroo, Udayabanu M (2016). Urtica Dioica Leaves Modulates Hippocampal Smoothened-glioma Associated Oncogene-1 Pathway and Cognitive Dysfunction in Chronically Stressed Mice. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 83 (2016), 676-. Google Citation
  94. Rajni Mohana (2016). Anaphora Resolution in Hindi: Issues and Directions. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-. Google Citation
  95. Ashima, Rajni Mohana (2016). Improving Anaphora Resolution by Resolving Gender and Number Agreement in Hindi Language using Rule based Approach. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-. Google Citation
  96. Singh N, Patil A, Prabhune A, Gunjan Goel (2016). Inhibition of quorum-sensing-mediated biofilm formation in Cronobacter sakazakii strains. Microbiology (United Kingdom), 162 (9), 1708-. Google Citation
  97. Jain S, Thakur N, Jitendraa Vashistt, Grover N, Krishnan T, Harish Changotra (2016). Predominance of Unusual Rotavirus G1P[6] Strain in North India: an evidence from hospitalized children and adult diarrheal patients. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 46 (2016), 65-. Google Citation
  98. Saurabh Rawat, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2016). Analysis of a Nailed Soil Slope Using Limit Equilibrium and Finite Element Methods. International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering, 2 (Article number: 34), 1-. Google Citation
  99. Ira Vashisht, Tarun pal, Hemant Sood, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2016). Comparative Transcriptome Analysis in Different Tissues of a Medicinal Herb, Picrorhiza kurroa Pinpoints Transcription Factors Regulating Picrosides Biosynthesis. Molecular Biology Reports, 43 (2016), 1395-. Google Citation
  100. Devanshi Popli, Shubham Sharma, Hemant Sood (2016). Optimization of Liquid MS Medium for Enriching Biomass of Dactylorhiza hatagirea.. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 34 (5), 1271-. Google Citation
  101. Payal Kotvi, Enesh Vashist, Shivam Sharma, Hemant Sood (2016). Optimization of Culture Conditions for the Production and Germination of Artifical Seed in an Important Medicinal Plant Gentian kurroo. Innovare Journal Of Agricultural Sciences , 4 (4), 13-. Google Citation
  102. Jain S, Jitendraa Vashistt, Gupta K, Kumar A, Harish Changotra (2016). Molecular Analysis of VP7 Gene of Rotavirus G1 Strains Isolated from North India. Current Microbiology, 73 (2016), 781-. Google Citation
  103. Ahmed Moussa, Brigitte Vannier, Raghu M. Yennamalli , Tiratha Raj Singh (2016). Recent Trends and Developments in Bioinformatics: Challenges and Opportunities. CSI Communications, 40 (7), 28-. Google Citation
  104. Oshin Sharma, Hemraj Saini (2016). State of Art for Energy Efficient Resource Allocation for Green Cloud Datacenters. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (11), 5271-. Google Citation
  105. Nutan, Swapnil Jain, Shilpa, Akanksha Tomar, Harish Changotra, Jitendraa Vashistt (2016). Computational Tools; Indispensable Armamentarium of Medical Biotechnology. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-. Google Citation
  106. Nagesh Kumar, Yashwant Singh (2016). An Energy Efficient Opportunistic Routing Metric for Wireless Sensor Networks. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-. Google Citation
  107. Vandana Mohindru, Yashwant Singh (2016). Efficient Approach for Securing Message Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks from Node Clone Attack. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-. Google Citation
  108. Abhishek Jaswal, Pradeep Kumar Singh, Yashwant Singh (2016). 5G: Survey of Technologies and Challenges. International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology , (Special Issue RICSIT-2016), 1-. Google Citation
  109. Puneet Bhushan, Pradeep Kumar Singh, Yashwant Singh (2016). Energy Consumption Pattern at Household Level: A Micro Level Study of Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), -. Google Citation
  110. Abhishek Jaswal, Yashwant Singh (2016). Event Detection and Pattern Recognition using Support Vector Machine in Meteorology. International Journal of Computer Applications, RICSIT 2016 (2), 20-. Google Citation
  111. Neetu Faujdar, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Performance Analysis of Parallel Sorting Algorithms using GPU Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications, 2 (2016), 5-. Google Citation
  112. Chin-Yuan Chang, Jeremy R. Lohman, Hongnan Cao, Kemin Tan, Jeffrey D. Rudolf, Ming Ma, Weijun Xu, Craig A. Bingman, Raghu M. Yennamalli , Lance Bigelow, Gyorgy Babnigg, Xiaohui Yan, Andrzej Joachimiak, George N. Phillips, Ben Shen (2016). Crystal Structures of SgcE6 and SgcC, the Two-Component Monooxygenase that Catalyzes Hydroxylation of a Carrier Protein-Tethered Substrate during the Biosynthesis of the Enediyne Antitumor Antibiotic C-1027 in Streptomyces globisporus. Biochemistry, 55 (36), 5142-. Google Citation
  113. Geetanjali Rathee, Hemraj Saini (2016). End to End Encryption by Algebric OR/XOR. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (10), 4819-. Google Citation
  114. Prabhat Ranjan, Hemraj Saini (2016). Cross -- Layer IDS for Grayhole Attack in Wireless Mesh Networks. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (10), 4885-. Google Citation
  115. S. B. Dash, Hemraj Saini, T. C. Panda, A. Mishra (2016). Mathematical Ontology for Infectious Virtual Machines in IaaS Cloud Environment. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (34), 1-. Google Citation
  116. Yerra Shankar Rao, Aswin Kumar Rauta, Hemraj Saini, Tarini Charana Panda (2016). Influence of Educational Qualification on Different Types of Cyber Crime: A Statistical Interpretation. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-. Google Citation
  117. Pooja Upadhyay, Rahul Shrivastava, Pavan Kumar Agrawal (2016). Bioprospecting and Biotechnological Applications of Fungal Laccase. 3 Biotech, 2016 (6), 15-. Google Citation
  118. Shivani Sood, Satinder Kaur, Rahul Shrivastava (2016). A LacZ Reporter-based Strategy for Rapid Expression Analysis and Target Validation of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Latent Infection Genes. Current Microbiology, 72 (2016), 213-. Google Citation
  119. Shivani Sood, Anant Yadav, Rahul Shrivastava (2016). Mycobacterium Aurum is Unable to Survive Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Latency Associated Stress Conditions: Implications as Non-suitable Model Organism. Indian Journal of Microbiology, 56 (2), 198-. Google Citation
  120. Rajiv Ganguly, Satyarth (2016). Interrelationships Amongst Pollutants and their Predictions in Shimla City: India. Journal of Industrial Pollution Control, 32 (2), 466-. Google Citation
  121. Vij A, Randhawa R, Parkash J, Harish Changotra (2016). Investigating Regulatory Signatures of Human Autophagy Related Gene 5 (ATG5) through Functional in Silico Analysis. Meta Gene, 9 (2016), 237-. Google Citation
  122. Shraddha Tiwari, Raman Thakur, Gunjan Goel, Jata Shankar (2016). Nano-LC-Q-TOF Analysis of Proteome Revealed Germination of Aspergillus flavus Conidia is Accompanied by MAPK Signalling and Cell Wall Modulation. Mycopathologia, 181 (2016), 769-. Google Citation
  123. Bandna Bharti, Santosh Kumar, Heung-No Lee, Rajesh Kumar (2016). Formation of oxygen vacancies and Ti3+ state in TiO2 thin film and enhanced optical properties by air plasma treatment. Scientific Reports, 6 (2016), 32355 -. Google Citation
  124. Oshin Sharma, Hemraj Saini (2016). VM Consolidation for Cloud Data Center Using Median Based Threshold Approach. Procedia Computer Science, 89 (2016), 27-. Google Citation
  125. S. Rawat, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2016). An Experimental and Analytical Study of Slope Stability by Soil Nailing. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 21 (17), 5577-. Google Citation
  126. Abhilasha Sharma, Amit Kumar Singh, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Robust and Secure Multiple Watermarking for Medical Images. Wireless Personal Communications , 2017 (92), 1611-. Google Citation
  127. Gautam Kumar, Hemraj Saini (2016). Reduced Precomputed Scalar Multiplication Cost for ECC. Contemporary Engineering Sciences, 9 (18), 897-. Google Citation
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