JPubDB : JUIT Publication Database

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2020 (191) 2019 (172) 2018 (177) 2017 (182) 2016 (195)
2015 (159) 2014 (198) 2013 (182) 2012 (139) 2011 (110)
2010 (86) 2009 (90) 2008 (46) 2007 (49) 2006 (26)
2005 (9) 2004 (3) 2003 (2) All

Journal(s) :

  1. Karanjeet Singh, R. K. Gupta, S. Kumar (2013). Symmetry Reductions and Exact Solutions of Modified B-Family Equation. Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 4 (1a), 52-. Google Citation
  2. R.S. Raja Durai, Meenakshi Devi (2013). On the Class of T-Direct Codes over GF(2N). International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 5 (2013), 589-. Google Citation
  3. Ankit Mundra, Bhagvan K. Gupta, Geetanjali Rathee, Meenu Chawla, Nitin Rakesh, VipinTyagi (2013). Validated Real Time Middle Ware for Distributed Cyber Physical Systems using HMM. International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems, 4 (2), 23-. Google Citation
  4. Vinod Kumar, Rajiv Kumar (2013). Effect of Network-Induced Delay on Stability in Networked Control System. International Journal of Scientific Research , 4 (2), 18-. Google Citation
  5. Sakshi Khanna, Amit Srivastava, Medury Y. (2013). Testing the Market Timing Theory of Capital Structure for Indian Firms. JBIMS Spectrum, 1 (1), 9-. Google Citation
  6. R.S. Raja Durai, Devi M. (2013). A coding scheme that increases the code rate. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 33 (3), 575-. Google Citation
  7. Sunanda Sharda, Neha Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma (2013). New Quaternary Sb-Se-Ge-In Chalcogenide Glasses: Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties. Journal of Electronic Materials, 42 (2013), 3367-. Google Citation
  8. Vipin Balyan, Davinder Singh Saini (2013). Vacant codes grouping and fast OVSF code assignment scheme for WCDMA networks. Telecommunication Systems, 52 (2013), 1719-. Google Citation
  9. Jayashree Ramana (2013). Novel Structural Insights of Glutamate Racemase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis through Modeling and Docking Studies. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 7 (7), 418-. Google Citation
  10. Kumud Ranjan Jha, Ghanshyam Singh (2013). Terahertz planar antennas for future wireless communication: A technical review. Infrared Physics and Technology, 60 (2013), 71-. Google Citation
  11. Parul Gupta, Swati Agnihotri, Suman Saha (2013). Approximate Data Mining Using Sketches for Massive Data. Procedia Technology, 10 (2013), 781-. Google Citation
  12. Ankush Thakur, Ragini Raj Singh, Partha Bir Barman (2013). Structural and magnetic properties of La3+ substituted strontium hexaferrite nanoparticles prepared by citrate precursor method. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 326 (2013), 35-. Google Citation
  13. Tiratha Raj Singh, Arun Gupta, Aykkal Riju, M. Mahalaxmi, Abhik Seal, V. Arunachalam (2013). Computational identification and analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms and insertions/deletions in expressed sequence tag data of Eucalyptus. Journal of Genetics, 92 (2014), 34-. Google Citation
  14. Sanjiv Kumar, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Ghanshyam Singh, D. S. Chauhan (2013). Performance Comparison of Various Diversity Techniques using Matlab Simulation. International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 5 (11), 54-. Google Citation
  15. Sanjiv Kumar, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Ghanshyam Singh, D. S. Chauhan (2013). Performance Analysis of Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channel Models using Matlab Simulation. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications, 9 (2013), 94-. Google Citation
  16. S.B. Dash, Hemraj Saini, T.C. Panda, A. Mishra (2013). Prediction of Trustworthiness in the Cloud Computing Environment using Predator-Prey Model. International Journal of Cloud Computing and Services Science, 5 (2), 336-. Google Citation
  17. Anil kumar, Shiwani Kaushal, Shivam Sharma, Hemant Sood, D. R. Sharma (2013). Novel method of bioreactor to propagate Swertia Chirayita: A critically endangered medicinal plant. Weekly Science, 1 (4), 1-. Google Citation
  18. V. Kumar, Rajinder S. Chauhan, Hemant Sood (2013). In Vitro Production and Efficient Quantification of Major Phytopharmaceuticals in an Endangered Medicinal Herb, Swertiachirata. International Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering Research, 4 (5 (Special Issue)), 495-. Google Citation
  19. Garima Mathur, Ashwani Mathur, B.M. Sharma, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2013). Enhanced production of laccase from Coriolus sp. using Plackett Burman design. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 6 (1), 151-. Google Citation
  20. Kirti Shitiz, Saurabh Pandit, Rajinder S. Chauhan, Hemant Sood (2013). Picrosides content in the rhizomes of Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. traded for herbal drugs in the markets of North India . International Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 3 (2), 226-. Google Citation
  21. Girish Korekar, Sanjai K. Dwivedi, Harvinder Singh, Ravi B. Srivastava, Tsering Stobdan (2013). Germination of Hippophae rhamnoides L. seed after 10 years of storage at ambient condition in cold arid trans-Himalayan Ladakh region. Current Science, 104 (1), 110-. Google Citation
  22. Vikash Agarwal, Rajeev Kumar Upadhyay, Bhupendra Kr Pathak (2013). A State of Art Review on Time Cost Trade off Problems in Project Scheduling . International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management, 2 (5), 37-. Google Citation
  23. Puneet Bhushan, Yajulu Medury (2013). Financial literacy and its determinants. International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications, 4 (2), 155-. Google Citation
  24. Puneet Bhushan, Yajulu Medury (2013). Determining tax literacy of salaried individuals - An empirical analysis. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 10 (6), 76-. Google Citation
  25. Puneet Bhushan, Yajulu Medury (2013). Gender Differences in Investment Behaviour among Employees. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management , 3 (12), 147-. Google Citation
  26. Anupriya Kaur, Niti Mittal, Sanchita Agarwal (2013). Financial Literacy of New Job Entrants. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 21 (2), 713-. Google Citation
  27. Anupriya Kaur, Yajulu Medury (2013). SEM Approach to Teen Influence in Family Decision Making. Contemporary Management Research, 9 (3), 323-. Google Citation
  28. Hemank Mehta, Naina Agarwal, Kunal Dutt, Shruti Jain (2013). Effect of Current Feedback Operational Amplifiers using BJT and CMOS. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 3 (4), 1081-. Google Citation
  29. Arpit Kuthiala, Ankur Agarwal, Abhimanyu Gupta, Shruti Jain (2013). Voltage feedback v/s Current feedback operational amplifier using BJT and CMOS. International Journal of Advances in Computing and Information Technology, 2 (2), 9-. Google Citation
  30. Dipankar Sengupta, Priyanka Arora, Shradha Pant, Pradeep K. Naik (2013). Design of Dimensional Model for Clinical Data Storage and Analysis. Applied Medical Informatics , 32 (2), 47-. Google Citation
  31. Dipankar Sengupta, Meemansa Sood, Poorvika Vijayvargia, Pradeep Kumar Naik (2013). Association rule mining based study for identification of clinical parameters akin to occurrence of brain tumor. Bioinformation, 9 (11), 555-. Google Citation
  32. Sumit Bansal, Shivani Choudhary, Manu Sharma, Suthar Sharad Kumar, Sandeep Lohan, Varun Bhardwaj, Navneet Syan, Saras Jyoti (2013). Tea: A native source of antimicrobial agents. Food Research International, 53 (2), 568-. Google Citation
  33. Varun Bhardwaj, Poonam Sharma, S. Chauhan, M.S. Chauhan (2013). Lipophilic Synthetic Antioxidants (BHA/BHT) and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) in Alcohol-Water Mixtures: A Thermodynamic Study. Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine, 5 (9), 971-. Google Citation
  34. Tiratha Raj Singh, Arun Gupta, Prashanth Suravajhala (2013). Challenges in the miRNA research. International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications, 9 (6), 576-. Google Citation
  35. Tiratha Raj Singh (2013). Mitochondrial Genomes and Frameshift Mutations: Hidden Stop Codons, their Functional Consequences and Disease Associations. International Journal of Genomic Medicine, 1 (1), 1-. Google Citation
  36. Ouafae Kaissi, Eric Nimpaye, Tiratha Raj Singh, Brigitte Vannier, Azeddine Ibrahimi, Abdellatif Amrani Ghacham, Ahmed Moussa (2013). Genes Selection Comparative Study in Microarray Data Analysis. Bioinformation, 9 (20), 1019-. Google Citation
  37. Shruti Jain (2013). To Design High CMRR, High Slew rate Instrumentation Amplifier using OTA and CDTA for Biomedical Application. International Journal of Engineering Research, 2 (5), 332-. Google Citation
  38. Ved Prakash Bhardwaj, Nitin (2013). Message broadcasting via a new fault tolerant irregular advance omega network in faulty and nonfaulty network environments. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2013 (Article ID 568780), 1-. Google Citation
  39. Shri Ram (2013). A Bibliometric Assessment of Apocynin (Apocynum cannabinum) Research. Annals of Library and Information Studies, 60 (3), 149-. Google Citation
  40. Raj Kumar Bhardwaj, Shri Ram (2013). Mapping of Indian Research Output on Osteoporosis. Annals of Library and Information Studies, 60 (4), 276-. Google Citation
  41. Pooja Jain, Deepak Dahiya (2013). Knowledgeable Multi-Agent System for E-Commerce (KMASE) using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering and Case Based Reasoning. International Journal of Computers and their Applications, 20 (2), 111-. Google Citation
  42. Kapil Sachdev, Akshun Bharat, Anchal Pundir, Tapan Jain (2013). To Design a Wireless Hand Held Biometric Fingerprint Attendance System. International Journal of Electrical, Electronics & Computing Technology, 9 (1), 1-. Google Citation
  43. Mayank Sachan, Shilpa Gupta, Anjali Kansal, Tapan Jain (2013). Spectrum Sensing of Cognitive Radio. International Journal of Electrical, Electronics & Computing Technology, 8 (1), 1-. Google Citation
  44. Sakshi Agrawal, Tapan Jain (2013). Coverage Calculation in Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Network Using MAC Layer. International Journal of Electrical, Electronics & Computing Technology, 8 (1), 1-. Google Citation
  45. Manish Gandhi, Chanderdeep Tandon, Sanjeev Puri, Surindar Singla (2013). Fractions from Coconut water (Cocos nucifera) influencing in vitro calcium oxalate crystal Growth. International Journal of Pharmacy and Engineering, 1 (4), 281-. Google Citation
  46. Sharma I., Tripathi S.K., Partha Bir Barman (2013). Thickness-dependent optical properties and nonlinear refractive index of a-Ge-Se-In thin films. Phase Transitions, 87 (4), 363-. Google Citation
  47. Bhasker Gupta, Davinder Singh Saini (2013). Space-time/space-frequency/space-time-frequency block coded MIMO-OFDM system with equalizers in quasi static mobile radio channels using higher tap order. Wireless Personal Communications , 2013 (69), 1947-. Google Citation
  48. Thakur A., Ragini Raj Singh, Partha Bir Barman (2013). Synthesis and characterizations of Nd3+ doped SrFe 12O19 nanoparticles. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 141 (2013), 562-. Google Citation
  49. Nitin Gupta (2013). Stochastic comparisons of residual lifetimes and inactivity times of coherent systems. Journal of Applied Probability, 50 (3), 848-. Google Citation
  50. Panigrahi P.P., Tiratha Raj Singh (2013). Computational studies on Alzheimers disease associated pathways and regulatory patterns using microarray gene expression and network data: Revealed association with aging and other diseases. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 334 (2013), 109-. Google Citation
  51. Manchukonda N.K., Pradeep Kumar Naik, Santoshi S., Lopus M., Joseph S., Sridhar B., Kantevari S. (2013). Rational design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of third generation α-noscapine analogues as potent tubulin binding anti-cancer agents. PLoS ONE, 8 (10), e77970-. Google Citation
  52. Dipankar Sengupta, Pradeep Kumar Naik (2013). SN algorithm: Analysis of temporal clinical data for mining periodic patterns and impending augury. Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics, 3 (1), 24-1-. Google Citation
  53. Joshi A., Davinder Singh Saini (2013). Peak-to-average power ratio reduction of OFDM signals using improved PTS scheme with low computational complexity. WSEAS Transactions on Communications, 12 (12), 630-. Google Citation
  54. Panwar N.L., Siva Reddy V., Ranjan K.R., Seepana M.M., Totlani P. (2013). Sustainable development with renewable energy resources: A review. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 10 (4), 163-. Google Citation
  55. S Soni, Gargi Dey (2013). Studies on Value-added Fermentation of Madhuca latifolia Flower and Its potential as a Nutrabeverage. International Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering Research, 4 (3 (Special Issue)), 215-. Google Citation
  56. Piyush Chauhan, Nitin (2013). Fault Tolerant PLBGSA: Precedence Level Based Genetic Scheduling Algorithm for P2P Grid. Journal of Engineering, 2013 (2013), 749132 (13p.)-. Google Citation
  57. Mamta Chauhan, Rajinder S. Chauhan, Vijay Kumar Garlapati (2013). Modelling and Optimization Studies on a Novel Lipase Production by Staphylococcus arlettae through Submerged Fermentation. Enzyme Research, 2013 (Article ID 353954), 353954, 8p.-. Google Citation
  58. Abhishek Kandwal, Rakesh Sharma, Sunil Kumar Khah (2013). Dual Band Gap Coupled Antenna Design with DGS for Wireless Communications. Advanced Electromagnetics, 2 (3), 51-. Google Citation
  59. Abhishek Kandwal, Jai Verdhan Chauhan, Sunil Kumar Khah (2013). A New Compact Efficient Parasitically Coupled Notch Loaded Antenna Design. International Journal of Electronics Letters, 1 (3), 128-. Google Citation
  60. Saurabh Pandit, Kirti Shitiz, Hemant Sood, Pradeep Kumar Naik, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2013). Expression pattern of fifteen genes of non-mevalonate (MEP) and mevalonate (MVA) pathways in different tissues of endangered medicinal herb Picrorhiza kurroa with respect to picrosides content. Molecular Biology Reports, 40 (2013), 1053-. Google Citation
  61. Albino Bacolla, Nuri A. Temiz, Ming Yi, Joseph Ivanic, Regina Z. Cer, Duncan E. Donohue, Edward V. Ball, Uma S. Mudunuri, Guliang Wang, Aklank Jain, Natalia Volfovsky, Brian T. Luke, Robert M. Stephens, David N. Cooper, Jack R. Collins, Karen M. Vasquez (2013). Guanine Holes Are Prominent Targets for Mutation in Cancer and Inherited Disease. PLoS Genetics, 9 (2013), 1-. Google Citation
  62. Shri Ram (2013). India's Contribution on Guillain-Barre Syndrome: Mapping of 40 Years Research. Neurology India, 61 (4), 375-. Google Citation
  63. Pradeep Kumar Pandey (2013). On the Differentiability of Multivariable Functions. IOSR Journal of Mathematics, 8 (23), 81-. Google Citation
  64. Anupriya Kaur, M. Kaushal, J. Sisodia, S. Chopra (2013). Future Technocrats Perception on Dissemination of Technology. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 21 (1), 361-. Google Citation
  65. Neha Aggarwal, Yaj Medury (2013). A Study on the Benefit of Integrating Technology with Management: Does it Essentially Nurture Holistic Development?. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 21 (1), 383-. Google Citation
  66. Rajni Mohana, Deepak Dahiya (2013). A Proposed SOAP Model Against Wrapping Attacks and Insecure Conversation. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 10 (2), 151-. Google Citation
  67. Punit Gupta, Deepika Agrawal (2013). Behavior Based IDS for Cloud IaaS. International Journal of Software and Web Sciences, 52 (1), 31-. Google Citation
  68. Rajni Mohana, Deepak Dahiya (2013). Specifying Access Policies for Secure Content Dissemination of XML: A Technique Inspired by DNA Cryptography. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 21 (2), 71-. Google Citation
  69. Yashwant Singh, Ankur Nadda, Sahil Gupta (2013). Data Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Perspective. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 6 (1-2), 54-. Google Citation
  70. Chhavi Gupta, Rashmi Sharma, Neha Agarwal, Yashwant Singh (2013). Fault Tolerant Event Detection in Distributed WSN via Pivotal Messaging. International Journal of Computer and Technology, 7 (1), 463-. Google Citation
  71. Yashwant Singh, Vandana Mohindru, Pawan Kumar Gangwar (2013). Remote System Monitor for Linux: A Perspective. International Journal of Modern Computer Science and Applications, 1 (4), 8-. Google Citation
  72. Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Ghanshyam Singh (2013). Energy-Sustainable Framework and Performance Analysis of Power Scheme for Operating Systems: A Tool. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications, 5 (1), 1-. Google Citation
  73. Kuwar Pratap Singh, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Ghanshyam Singh (2013). Performance Evaluation of Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol in IPv6 Network. International Journal of Computer Applications, 70 (5), 42-. Google Citation
  74. Sanjiv Kumar, P. K. Gupta, Ghanshyam Singh, D.S. Chauhan (2013). Performance Comparison of Various Diversity Techniques using Matlab Simulation. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications, 5 (9), 94-. Google Citation
  75. Nitin (2013). A Graphical Tool Designed to Deploy Wireless Sensors in Homogeneous Grid Selected from Irregular Polygon. International Journal of Computer and Technology, 4 (2), 445-. Google Citation
  76. Nitin (2013). Dynamic Energy Aware Gur Game based Algorithms for Self Optimizing Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Computer and Technology, 4 (3), 776-. Google Citation
  77. Ved Prakash Bhardwaj, Nitin (2013). On Minimization of Crosstalk Conflicts in Destination Based Modified Omega Network. Journal of Information Processing Systems, 9 (2), 301-. Google Citation
  78. Hemraj Saini, Kapil Dev Sharma, Pankaj Dadheech, T.C.Panda (2013). Enhanced 4-way Handshake Process in IEEE802.11i with Cookies.. International Journal of Information and Network Security, 2 (3), 229-. Google Citation
  79. Suresh Kumar, Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma (2013). CdS Nanopowder and Nanofilm: Simultaneous Synthesis and Structural Analysis. Electronic Materials Letters, 9 (2013), 371-. Google Citation
  80. Sunanda Sharda, Neha Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma (2013). Finger prints of chemical bonds in Sb–Se–Ge and Sb–Se–Ge–In glasses: A Far-IR study. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 362 (2013), 136-. Google Citation
  81. Neha Sharma, Sunanda Sharda, Vineet Sharma, Pankaj Sharma (2013). Far-infrared investigation of ternary Ge–Se–Sb and quaternary Ge–Se–Sb–Te chalcogenide glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 375 (2013), 114-. Google Citation
  82. Neha Sharma, Sunanda Sharda, Vineet Sharma, Pankaj Sharma (2013). Effect of antimony addition on thermal stability and crystallization kinetics of germanium–selenium alloys. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 371-372 (2013), 1-. Google Citation
  83. Meenakshi Sood, Vinay Kumar, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2013). Review of State of Art in Electrooculogram Artifact Removal from Electroencephalogram Signals. International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology & Engineering, 2 (4), 32-. Google Citation
  84. Meenakshi Sood, Amit Bir Singh Chadha, Abhishek Goyal, Davisha Verma (2013). Automated Railways Collision Avoidance System Using Wireless Networks. UACEE International Journal of Advances in Computer Networks and its Security - IJCNS, 3 (2), 68-. Google Citation
  85. P. S. J. Sree, P. Kumar, R. Siddavatam, Ravikant Verma (2013). Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal by Adaptive Median Based Lifting Filter using Second Generation Wavelets. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 7 (2013), 111-. Google Citation
  86. Shweta Pandit, Ghanshyam Singh (2013). Throughput maximization with reduced data loss rate in cognitive radio network. Telecommunication Systems, 57 (2013), 209-. Google Citation
  87. Davinder Singh Saini, Munish Sood (2013). Fair Single code and Multi code designs for 3G and beyond CDMA System. Wireless Personal Communications , 2013 (69), 213-. Google Citation
  88. Bharti Negi, Rajdeep Kaur, Gargi Dey (2013). Protective effects of a novel sea buckthorn wine on oxidative stress and hypercholesterolaemia. Food and Function, 4 (2013), 240-. Google Citation
  89. Navin Tailor, Manu Sharma (2013). Antioxidant hybrid compounds: A promising intervention in oxidative stress induced diseases. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 13 (2), 280-. Google Citation
  90. S. S. Kumar, N. Tailor, H. B. Lee, Manu Sharma (2013). Reduced Lantadene A and B: Semi-synthetic synthesis, selective cytotoxicity, apoptosis induction and inhibition of NO, TNF-? production in HL-60 cells. Medicinal Chemistry Research, 22 (2013), 3379-. Google Citation
  91. Amol B. Tayade, Priyanka Dhar, Jatinder Kumar, Manu Sharma, Rajinder S. Chauhan, Om P. Chaurasia, Ravi B. Srivastava (2013). Chemometric Profile of Root Extracts of Rhodiola imbricata Edgew. With Hyphenated Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometric Technique. PLoS ONE, 8 (1), e52797-. Google Citation
  92. Sarita Kango, Susheel Kalia, Annamaria Celli, James Njuguna, Youssef Habibi, Rajesh Kumar (2013). Surface modification of inorganic nanoparticles for development of organic-inorganic nanocomposites - A review. Progress in Polymer Science, 38 (8), 1232-. Google Citation
  93. Anil Sehrawat (2013). Confused Identities: Questions of Religion and Alienation in Bhisham Sahni. Galaxy International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2 (4), 1-. Google Citation
  94. Anil Sehrawat (2013). Autobiographical Elements in Charles Dickens David Copperfield. The Criterion: An International Journal in English, 4 (5), 1-. Google Citation
  95. Anil Sehrawat (2013). Christianity and Renaissance Spirit in the Elizabethan Age: A Scrutiny of Selected Works of William Shakespeare. Galaxy International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2 (6), 1-. Google Citation
  96. Anil Sehrawat (2013). Love and Sacrifice in the Time of Partition: A Study of Khushwant Singhs Train to Pakistan. American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 4 (2), 128-. Google Citation
  97. Kanu Priya Aggarwal, Shifa Narula, Monica Kakkar, Chanderdeep Tandon (2013). Nephrolithiasis: Molecular Mechanism of Renal Stone Formation and the Critical Role Played by Modulators. BioMed Research International, 2013 (Article ID 292953), 1-. Google Citation
  98. Shri Ram (2013). Indian psoriasis research: An impact assessment through bibliometric studies. Journal of Scientometric Research, 2 (2), 126-. Google Citation
  99. Raj Kumar Bhardwaj, Shri Ram, Shikha Kaushik (2013). Vitiligo: A quantitative analysis of the world research output during 2001-2012. Journal of Scientometric Research, 2 (2), 102-. Google Citation
  100. Lohan S., Gopal Singh Bisht (2013). Small cationic Antimicrobial peptidomimetics: Emerging candidate for the development of potential anti-infective agents. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 19 (32), 5809-. Google Citation
  101. Lohan S., Gopal Singh Bisht (2013). Recent approaches in design of peptidomimetics for antimicrobial drug discovery research. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 13 (7), 1073-. Google Citation
  102. S. Chanda, Indira P. Sarethy, Biplab De, Kuldeep Singh (2013). Paederia foetida - a promising ethno-medicinal tribal plant of northeastern India. Journal of Forest Research, 24 (4), 801-. Google Citation
  103. Aditya Bhalla, Namita Bansal, Sudhir Kumar, Kenneth M. Bischoff, Rajesh K. Sani (2013). Improved lignocellulose conversion to biofuels with thermophilic bacteria and thermostable enzymes. Bioresource Technology, 128 (2013), 751-. Google Citation
  104. Bansal S., Vyas S., Bhattacharya S., Manu Sharma (2013). Catechin prodrugs and analogs: A new array of chemical entities with improved pharmacological and pharmacokinetic properties. Natural Product Reports, 30 (2013), 1438-. Google Citation
  105. Manu Sharma (2013). Remarks on Sasidharan et al. "evaluation of the hepatoprotective effects of Lantadene A, a pentacyclic triterpenoid of lantana plants against acetaminophen-induced liver damage". Molecules 2012, 17, 13937-13947. Molecules, 18 (3), 3442-. Google Citation
  106. Sudhir Kumar (2013). Bio-toilets for Indian railways. Current Science, 104 (3), 283-. Google Citation
  107. Sharma R., Kandwal A., Sunil Kumar Khah (2013). Wideband DGS circular ring microstrip antenna design using fuzzy approach with suppressed cross-polar radiations. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 42 (2013), 177-. Google Citation
  108. Varun Bhardwaj, Poonam Sharma, Malleshappa N. Noolvi, Harun M. Patel, S. Chauhan, M.S. Chauhan, Kundan Sharma (2013). Thermo-physical examination: Synthesized 2-furano-4(3H)-quinazolinone and open quinazolinone (diamide) anticancer analogs with sodium dodecyl sulfate. Thermochimica Acta, 573 (2013), 65-. Google Citation
  109. Varun Bhardwaj, Poonam Sharma, M.S. Chauhan, S. Chauhan (2013). Thermodynamic, FTIR, 1H-NMR, and acoustic studies of butylated hydroxyanisole and sodium dodecyl sulfate in ethanol, water rich and ethanol rich solutions. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 180 (2013), 192-. Google Citation
  110. Varun Bhardwaj, Poonam Sharma, S Chauhan (2013). Thermo-acoustic investigation in alcohol-water mixtures: Impact of lipophilic antioxidant on anionic surfactant properties for potential cosmeceutical application. Thermochimica Acta, 566 (2013), 155-. Google Citation
  111. Lohan S., Cameotra S.S., Gopal Singh Bisht (2013). Systematic study of non-natural short cationic lipopeptides as novel broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents. Chemical Biology and Drug Design, 82 (5), 557-. Google Citation
  112. Tailor N.K., Jaiswal V., Lan S.S., Lee H.B., Manu Sharma (2013). Synthesis, selective cancer cytotoxicity and mechanistic studies of novel analogs of lantadenes. Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 13 (6), 957-. Google Citation
  113. Tailor N.K., Boon H.L., Manu Sharma (2013). Synthesis and in vitro anticancer studies of novel C-2 arylidene congeners of lantadenes. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 64 (2013), 285-. Google Citation
  114. Chandiran S., Vyas S., Sharma N., Manu Sharma (2013). Synthesis and evaluation of antioxidant-S-(+)-ibuprofen hybrids as gastro sparing NSAIDs. Medicinal Chemistry, 9 (7), 1006-. Google Citation
  115. Pooja Kaushik, Chakresh Kumar Jain, Reema Gabrani, Tiratha Raj Singh (2013). Study on variability assessment and evolutionary relationships of glutamate racemase in Pseudomonas species. Interdisciplinary sciences, computational life sciences, 5 (2013), 247-. Google Citation
  116. Gupta A., Tiratha Raj Singh (2013). SHIFT: Server for hidden stops analysis in frame-shifted translation. BMC Research Notes, 6 (Article number: 68), 68-. Google Citation
  117. Tayade A.B., Dhar P., Kumar J., Manu Sharma, Chaurasia O.P., Srivastava R.B. (2013). Sequential determination of fat- and water-soluble vitamins in Rhodiola imbricata root from trans-Himalaya with rapid resolution liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 789 (2013), 65-. Google Citation
  118. Negi B., Sharma P., Kashyap S., Seth S., Gargi Dey (2013). Screening of yeast strains for vinification of fruits from cold desert regions of north west india. International Food Research Journal, 20 (2), 975-. Google Citation
  119. Komal Mahajan, Ansuyia Makroo, Deepak Dahiya (2013). Round robin with server affinity: A VM load balancing algorithm for cloud based infrastructure. Journal of Information Processing Systems, 9 (3), 379-. Google Citation
  120. Davinder Singh Saini, Neeru Sharma (2013). Reduction in code blocking using scattered vacant codes for orthogonal variable spreading factor-based wideband code division multiple access networks. IET Communications, 7 (1), 40-. Google Citation
  121. Davinder Singh Saini, Gupta A., Joshi A. (2013). Reducing code wastage in orthogonal variable spreading factor-based wideband code division multiple access networks. International Journal of Communication Systems, 26 (7), 863-. Google Citation
  122. Kumar S., Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma (2013). Red shift in absorption edge of Cd1-xNix S dilute magnetic semiconductor nanofilms. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 15 (Article number: 1662), 1-. Google Citation
  123. Prasad J., Iswar Baitharu, Sharma A.K., Dutta R., Prasad D., Singh S.B. (2013). Quercetin reverses hypobaric hypoxia-induced hippocampal neurodegeneration and improves memory function in the rat. High Altitude Medicine and Biology, 14 (4), 383-. Google Citation
  124. Mamta Chauhan, Vijay Kumar Garlapati (2013). Production and characterization of a halo-, solvent-, thermo-tolerant alkaline lipase by staphylococcus arlettae JPBW-1, isolated from rock salt mine. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 171 (2013), 1429-. Google Citation
  125. Warghat A.R., Bajpai P.K., Srivastava R.B., Chaurasia O.P., Hemant Sood (2013). Population genetic structure and conservation of small fragmented locations of Dactylorhiza hatagirea in Ladakh region of India. Scientia Horticulturae, 164 (17 December 2013), 448-. Google Citation
  126. Kumar S., Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma (2013). Phase transition in II-VI nanofilms of dilute magnetic semiconductors: Cd1-xNixS. Science of Advanced Materials, 5 (6), 713-. Google Citation
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  129. Aggarwal K.P., Simran Tandon, Pradeep Kumar Naik, Singh S.K., Chanderdeep Tandon (2013). Peeping into Human Renal Calcium Oxalate Stone Matrix: Characterization of Novel Proteins Involved in the Intricate Mechanism of Urolithiasis. PLoS ONE, 8 (7), e69916-. Google Citation
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  132. Partha Bir Barman, Pankaj Sharma (2013). Optical studies of Se-Bi-Te-Sb thin films by single transmission spectrum. Glass Physics and Chemistry, 39 (2013), 276-. Google Citation
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  135. Aggarwal K.P., Simran Tandon, Pradeep Kumar Naik, Singh S.K., Chanderdeep Tandon (2013). Novel antilithiatic cationic proteins from human calcium oxalate renal stone matrix identified by MALDI-TOF-MS endowed with cytoprotective potential: An insight into the molecular mechanism of urolithiasis. Clinica Chimica Acta, 415 (2013), 181-. Google Citation
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  138. Poonam Sharma, Varun Bhardwaj, Tanvi Chaudhary, Ishita Sharma, P. Kumar, S. Chauhan (2013). Micellar interaction study of synthetic antioxidant (BHA) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in aqueous solution for potential pharmaceutical/food applications. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 187 (2013), 287-. Google Citation
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  141. Pawan Kumar , Subhash Chander Katyal, Sunil Kumar Khah, Nitin Rawat, Rajesh Kumar (2013). Magnetic thin film formation on the surface of solution induced via island growth of nanoparticles. Advanced Materials Letters, 4 (1), 74-. Google Citation
  142. Sangeeta Thakur, Pallavi Pandit, S. K. Sharma, S C Katyal, Mahavir Singh, Ajay Gupta (2013). Magnetic ordering in nickel-zinc nanoferrite thin film formed by Langmuir Blodgett technique. Applied Physics Letters, 103 (23), 1-. Google Citation
  143. Jaiswal V., Chanumolu S.K., Gupta A., Rajinder S. Chauhan, Chittaranjan Rout (2013). Jenner-predict server: Prediction of protein vaccine candidates (PVCs) in bacteria based on host-pathogen interactions. BMC Bioinformatics, 14 (Article number: 211), 2-. Google Citation
  144. Sharma K.H., Pankaj Sharma (2013). Impurity effect of La on Co ferrite: Synthesis and structural study. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 7 (11-12), 887-. Google Citation
  145. Sud A., Rajinder S. Chauhan, Chanderdeep Tandon (2013). Identification of imperative enzymes by differential protein expression in Picrorhiza kurroa under metabolite accumulating and non-accumulating conditions. Protein and Peptide Letters , 20 (7), 826-. Google Citation
  146. Monga J., Chauhan C.S., Manu Sharma (2013). Human breast adenocarcinoma cytotoxicity and modulation of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced mammary carcinoma in Balb/c MICE by ACACIA CATECHU (L.f.) wild heartwood. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 12 (4), 347-. Google Citation
  147. Jitender Monga, Saurabh Pandit, Rajinder S. Chauhan, Chetan Singh Chauhan, Shailender Singh Chauhan, Manu Sharma (2013). Growth Inhibition and Apoptosis Induction by (+)-Cyanidan-3-ol in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. PLoS ONE, 8 (7), e68710-. Google Citation
  148. Girish Korekar, Phuntsog Dolkar, Harvinder Singh, Ravi B. Srivastava, Tsering Stobdan (2013). Genotypic and morphometric effect on fruit oil content in seventeen natural population of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) from trans-Himalaya. National Academy Science Letters, 36 (2013), 603-. Google Citation
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  152. Chauhan M., Rajinder S. Chauhan, Vijay Kumar Garlapati (2013). Evaluation of a new lipase from staphylococcus sp. for detergent additive capability. BioMed Research International, 2013 (Article ID 374967), 1-. Google Citation
  153. Jaiswal V., Chanumolu S.K., Sharma P., Rajinder S. Chauhan, Chittaranjan Rout (2013). EpiCombFlu: Exploring known influenza epitopes and their combination to design a universal influenza vaccine. Bioinformatics, 29 (15), 1904-. Google Citation
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  159. Sharma N., Sharda S., Dheeraj Sharma, Vineet Sharma, Partha Bir Barman, Katyal S.C., Pankaj Sharma, Surajit Kumar Hazra (2013). Effect of substitutional doping on temperature dependent electrical parameters of amorphous Se-Te semiconductors. Electronic Materials Letters, 9 (2013), 629-. Google Citation
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  163. Saurabh Pandit, Kirti Shitiz, Hemant Sood, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2013). Differential biosynthesis and accumulation of picrosides in an endangered medicinal herb Picrorhiza kurroa. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 22 (2013), 335-. Google Citation
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  165. Monga J., Pandit S., Chauhan C.S., Manu Sharma (2013). Cytotoxicity and apoptosis induction in human breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cells by (+)-cyanidan-3-ol. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 65 (7-8 ), 1091-. Google Citation
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  167. Bhardwaj V., Poonam Sharma, Noolvi M.N., Patel H.M., Bansal S., Lohan S., Badola G. (2013). Certain 2-furano-4(3H)-quinazolinone analogs: Synthesis, characterization and pharmacological evaluation. Letters In Drug Design & Discovery, 10 (4), 360-. Google Citation
  168. Kumar S., Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma (2013). CdS nanofilms: Effect of deposition temperature on morphology and optical band gap. Physica Scripta, 88 (4), 045603-. Google Citation
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  171. Tayade A.B., Dhar P., Manu Sharma, Rajinder S. Chauhan, Chaurasia O.P., Srivastava R.B. (2013). Antioxidant capacities, phenolic Contents, and GC/MS analysis of rhodiola imbricata Edgew. Root extracts from Trans-Himalaya. Journal of Food Science, 78 (3), C402-. Google Citation
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  179. Pawan Kumar, Raj Kumar Singh, Nitin Rawat, Partha Bir Barman, Subhash Chander Katyal, Hwanchol Jang, Heung-No Lee, Rajesh Kumar (2013). A novel method for controlled synthesis of nanosized hematite (α-Fe2O3) thin film on liquid-vapor interface. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 15 (Article number: 1532), 1-. Google Citation
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  182. Aggarwal K.P., Simran Tandon, Singh S.K., Chanderdeep Tandon (2013). 2D map of proteins from human renal stone matrix and evaluation of their effect on oxalate induced renal tubular epithelial cell injury. International braz j urol : official journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology, 39 (1), 128-. Google Citation