JPubDB : JUIT Publication Database

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2020 (191) 2019 (172) 2018 (177) 2017 (182) 2016 (195)
2015 (159) 2014 (198) 2013 (182) 2012 (139) 2011 (110)
2010 (86) 2009 (90) 2008 (46) 2007 (49) 2006 (26)
2005 (9) 2004 (3) 2003 (2) All

Journal(s) :

  1. Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Durg Singh Chauhan (2010). State observer controller design for packets flow control in networks-on-chip. Journal of Supercomputing, 54 (2010), 298-. Google Citation
  2. Rohit Verma, Ravikant Verma, P. Syamala Jaya Sree, Pradeep Kumar, Rajesh Siddavatam, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2010). A fast progressive image transmission algorithm using linear bivariate splines . Communications in Computer and Information Science, 94 (2010), 568-. Google Citation
  3. Amit Srivastava, Y. Medury (2010). Analyzing Indias intra-industry trade in post-liberalization era.. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 9 (4), 783-. Google Citation
  4. U.C. Kothyari, Ashish Kumar (2010). Temporal variation of scour around circular bridge piers. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 16 (1), 35-. Google Citation
  5. Nitin, Amanpreet Singh Arora, Aditya Patel, Shubhrangshu Naval & Rajat Gupta, Srishti Sarin (2010). Enhancing E-mail Security by CAPTCHA based Image Grid Master Password. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2 (5), 89-. Google Citation
  6. Ravindara Bhatt, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, T. S. Lamba (2010). Utilizing Fuzzy Clustering for Intrusion Detection on DARPA Data Set. International Journal of Computer Mathematical Science and Applications, 4 (1-2), 1-. Google Citation
  7. Anup Kumar, Partha Bir Barman, Raman Sharma (2010). Study of the physical properties with compositional dependence of bi content in Te-Se-Bi glassy system. Advances in Applied Science Research, 1 (2), 47-. Google Citation
  8. Ishu Sharma, Partha Bir Barman (2010). Non-linear refractive index of a-Ge-Se-In-Bi glassy thin films. Advances in Applied Science Research, 1 (1), 189-. Google Citation
  9. Raj Kumar Tiwari, S. Chanda, M. Deepak, B. Murli, A. Agarwal (2010). HPLC method validation for simultaneous estimation of madecassoside, asiaticoside and asiatic acid in Centella asiatica . Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research , 2 (3), 223-. Google Citation
  10. Raj Kumar Tiwari, Nitesh S Chauhan, Yoghesh H S (2010). ETHOSOMES: A Potential Carries For Transdermal Drug Delivery. International journal of drug development and research, 2 (2), 448-. Google Citation
  11. Kokare DM, Dandekar MP, Singru PS, Girdhari Lal Gupta, Subhedar NK (2010). Involvement of alpha-MSH in the social isolation induced anxiety- and depression-like behaviors in rat. Neuropharmacology, 58 (7), 1009-. Google Citation
  12. A K Singh, Ghanshyam Singh, D S Chauhan (2010). Implementation of Real Time Programs on the TMSC6713DSK Processor. International Journal of Signal and Image Processing, 1 (3), 160-. Google Citation
  13. Viranjay M Srivastava, K S Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Application of VEE Pro Software for Measurement of MOS Device Parameters using C-V curve. International Journal of Computer Applications, 1 (7), 43-. Google Citation
  14. Viranjay M Srivastava, K S Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Measurement of Oxide Thickness for MOS Devices, Using Simulation of SUPREM Simulator. International Journal of Computer Applications, 1 (6), 61-. Google Citation
  15. Suman Saha, C.A. Murthy, S.K. Pal (2010). Application of rough ensemble classifier to web services categorization and focused crawling. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal, 8 (2), 181-. Google Citation
  16. Yashwant Singh, Manu Sood, Tarun Gupta, Atish Thakur (2010). Combining AOSD into MDA: A Perspective. International Journal of Computer Engineering and Computer Applications, 5 (1), 38-. Google Citation
  17. Yashwant Singh, Manu Sood (2010). The Impact of the Computational Independent Model for Enterprise Information System Development. International Journal of Computer Applications, 11 (8), 21-. Google Citation
  18. Amit Kumar Singh, Satya Prakash Ghrera, Vipin Tyagi, Amrit Agrawal (2010). Biometrics Recognition: An Overview. Indian Science Cruiser, 24 (5), 26-. Google Citation
  19. Amit Kumar Singh, Chandrabhan Pal, Amrit Kumar Agrawal (2010). Level 2 Feature Extraction Algorithm using Fingerprint Image. International Journal on Computer Engineering and Information Technology, 14 (19), 33-. Google Citation
  20. Neetu Singh, Piyush Chauhan, Nitin Rakesh, Nitin (2010). Team Spirit Model Using MPEG Standards for Video Delivery . International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 3 (4), 364-. Google Citation
  21. Shruti Jain, Pradeep K. Naik, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2010). Computational Modeling of Cell Survival Using VHDL. International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore), 2 (1), 47-. Google Citation
  22. Shruti Jain, Pradeep K. Naik, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2010). Computational Modeling of Cell Survival/Death Using BiCMOS. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 2 (4), 478-. Google Citation
  23. Pawan Kumar Verma, Tarun Gupta, Nitin Rakesh, Nitin (2010). A Mobile Ad-Hoc Routing Algorithm with Comparative Study of Earlier Proposed Algorithms. International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 3 (3), 289-. Google Citation
  24. Ravi Rastogi, Nitin (2010). On a Fast Interconnections. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 10 (8), 75-. Google Citation
  25. Ravi Rastogi, Nitin, Durg Singh Chauhan (2010). Fast Interconnections: A Case Tool for Developing Fault-tolerant Multi-stage Interconnection Networks . International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2 (5), 13-. Google Citation
  26. Shri Ram, N. Laxman Rao (2010). Meeting Bioinformatics needs through Information Resource Integration. SALIS International Journal of Information Management and Technology, 1 (1), 1-. Google Citation
  27. Shri Ram (2010). Information Literacy through Web 2.0 Integrated WebOPAC: An Experiment at Jaypee Group of Institution. DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology, 30 (3), 43-. Google Citation
  28. Shri Ram (2010). Research Practices in Herbal Medicinal Plant. A Case Study of Podophyllotoxin. Annals of Library and Information Studies, 57 (1), 65-. Google Citation
  29. Deepak Dahiya, Pooja Jain (2010). Enterprise Systems Development: Impact of Various Software Development Methodologies. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2 (4), 77-. Google Citation
  30. Deepak Dahiya (2010). Teaching Software Engineering: A Practical Approach. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 35 (2), 1-. Google Citation
  31. Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Double negative left-handed metamaterials for miniaturization of rectangular microstrip antennas. Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 2 (6), 347-. Google Citation
  32. Amit Kumar Singh, Satya Prakash Ghrera, Amrit Kumar Agrawal, Akshay Dhawan (2010). Level 2 Feature Extraction and Matching Algorithm Using Fingerprint Image. International Journal on Computer Engineering and Information Technology, 22 (1), 49-. Google Citation
  33. Anu Chaudhary, S. K. Singla, Chanderdeep Tandon (2010). In vitro Evaluation of Terminalia arjuna on Calcium Phosphate and Calcium Oxalate Crystallization. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 72 (3), 340-. Google Citation
  34. Rajesh Goel, Ashok Kumar Gupta, A.K. Ahuja (2010). Variation of Wind Load Distribution on Gable Roof Building With Varying Length of Attached Canopy. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 1 (1), 68-. Google Citation
  35. Subodh Kumar Jain, Atul Nanda (2010). Numerical Modelling of Field Pressuremeter Tests. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 3 (3), 425-. Google Citation
  36. K. Kumar, S.S. Bhatt, N. Thakur, Pankaj Sharma (2010). Calorimetric study of Te15(Se100-xBix)85 glassy alloys using differential thermal analysis. Philosophical Magazine, 90 (29), 3907-. Google Citation
  37. Pankaj Sharma, S C Katyal (2010). Linear and non-linear refractive index of As-Se-Ge and As-Se-Ge-Bi thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, 107 (11), 113527-. Google Citation
  38. S. Bhardwaj, H.P.Sinha, Sunil Kumar Khah (2010). Study of return loss of an array of stacked microstrip ring antennas. International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management, 2 (2), 285-. Google Citation
  39. Naveen Kumar Saxena, Nitendar Kumar, Pradeep Kumar Singh, Pourush, Sunil Kumar Khah (2010). Polarized Switchable Microstrip Array Antenna Printed on LiTi Ferrite. International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, 5 (3), 134-. Google Citation
  40. Jitendra Mohan, S. Maheshwari, Sajay Vir Singh, D.S. Chauhan (2010). Voltage mode cascadable all-pass sections using single active element and grounded passive components. Circuits and Systems, 1 (1), 5-. Google Citation
  41. Viranjay M. Srivastava, K S Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Performance of Double-Pole Four-Throw Double-Gate RF CMOS Switch in 45 nm Technology. Wireless Engineering and Technology, 1 (2), 47-. Google Citation
  42. Viranjay M. Srivastava, K S Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Design parameters for RF CMOS cells. Circuits and Systems, 1 (2), 49-. Google Citation
  43. Rajinder S. Chauhan, Gupta N, Sharma SK, Rana JC, Sharma TR, Jana S (2010). Genetic and genome resources in buckwheat - present status and future perspectives. The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology, 4 (1), 33-. Google Citation
  44. Sharat Chandra, Digvijay Singh, Tiratha Raj Singh (2010). Prediction and characterization of T-cell epitopes for epitope vaccine design from outer membrane protein of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B. Bioinformation, 5 (4), 155-. Google Citation
  45. Amiya Kumar Patel, Seema Patel, Pradeep Kumar Naik (2010). Assessment of molecular binding of podophyllotoxin analogues into ATPase domain of topoisomerase II using docking-MM-GB/SA approach. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 2 (1), 13-. Google Citation
  46. Shruti Jain, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan, Pradeep Kumar Naik (2010). Caspase: Leads to Apoptosis using VHDL and SPICE. International Journal of Electronics and Computers, 2 (1), 9-. Google Citation
  47. Pradeep Kumar Naik, Seneha Santoshi, Ashima Birmani (2010). Computational prediction of potent therapeutic targets of Pseudomonas syringae and in silico virtual screening for novel inhibitors. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 1 (2), 1-. Google Citation
  48. Mani Srivastava, Harvinder Singh, Pradeep Kumar Naik (2010). Molecular modeling evaluation of the antimalerial activity of artemisinin analogues: molecular docking and rescoring using Prime/MM-GBSA approach. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 2 (2), 83-. Google Citation
  49. Shruti Jain, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan, Pradeep Kumar Naik (2010). Model of Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases for Cell Survival/Death and its Equivalent Bio-Circuit. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 2 (1), 59-. Google Citation
  50. Pradeep Kumar Naik, Abhishek Dubey, Rishay Kumar (2010). Development of predictive quantitative structure activity relationship models of epipodophyllotoxin derivatives. Journal of Biomolecular Screening, 15 (10), 1194-. Google Citation
  51. Kunal Jaiswal, Chandan Kumar, Pradeep Kumar Naik (2010). Prediction of EF-hand calcium-binding proteins and identification of calcium-binding regions using machine learning techniques. Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology, 8 (2), 41-. Google Citation
  52. Kaushal Kishore Sharma, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, Ravindara Bhatt (2010). On Study, Comparison and Implementation of Fuzzy Algorithm on Iris Data Set. Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences, 35 (3-4), 439-. Google Citation
  53. Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, D.S. Hooda (2010). Generalized Measures of Fuzzy Directed-Divergence, Total Ambiguity and Information Improvement. Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics, 6 (2), 31-. Google Citation
  54. D.S. Hooda, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj (2010). Useful Fuzzy Measures of Information, Integrated Ambiguity and Directed Divergence. International Journal of General Systems, 39 (6), 647-. Google Citation
  55. Sudhir Kumar (2010). Fast track funding units - an option to attend international conferences. Current Science, 99 (11), 1494-. Google Citation
  56. Pradeep Kumar Naik, Dubey A., Soni K., Kumar R., Harvinder Singh (2010). The binding modes and binding affinities of epipodophyllotoxin derivatives with human topoisomerase IIα. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 29 (4), 546-. Google Citation
  57. Kumari M., Sudhir Kumar, Ravikanth K., Rajinder S. Chauhan (2010). Pretreatment and saccharification of steam exploded waste of a pharma industry. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 1 (2), 1-. Google Citation
  58. Shruti Jain, Pradeep Kumar Naik, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2010). Petri net implementation of cell signaling for cell death. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 1 (2), 1-. Google Citation
  59. Pradeep Kumar Naik, Alam A., Malhotra A., Rizvi O. (2010). Molecular modeling and structure-activity relationship of podophyllotoxin and its congeners. Journal of Biomolecular Screening, 15 (5), 528-. Google Citation
  60. Singh A.K., Kumar P., Ghanshyam Singh, Chakravarty T. (2010). Linearizer for pulse-shaping of received pulse in ultra-wideband radio systems. Digital Signal Processing, 20 (2), 496-. Google Citation
  61. Tabasum Kawoosa, Harsharan Singh, Amit Kumar, Sunil Kumar Sharma, Kiran Devi, Som Dutt, Surender Kumar Vats, Madhu Sharma, Paramvir Singh Ahuja, Sanjay Kumar (2010). Light and temperature regulated terpene biosynthesis: Hepatoprotective monoterpene picroside accumulation in Picrorhiza kurrooa. Functional and Integrative Genomics, 10 (2010), 393-. Google Citation
  62. Maheshwari S., Jitendra Mohan, D.S. Chauhan (2010). High input impedance voltage-mode universal filter and quadrature oscillator. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 19 (7), 1597-. Google Citation
  63. Pradeep Kumar Naik, Santoshi S., Birmani A. (2010). Computational prediction of potent therapeutic targets of Pseudomonas Syringae and in silico virtual screening for novel inhibitors. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 1 (2), -. Google Citation
  64. C.D. Poduri (2010). Biology and chemistry. Current Science, 98 (2), 133-. Google Citation
  65. Shalabh, Gaurav Garg and Neeraj Misra (2010). Consistent estimation of regression coefficients in ultrastructural measurement error model using stochastic prior information. Statistical Papers, 51 (3), 717-. Google Citation
  66. R.S. Bisht, Rajesh Kumar, N. Thakur (2010). Change in surface free energy and surface resistivity of polycarbonate and polypropylene sheets after plasma exposure. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 4 (2), 144-. Google Citation
  67. N.K. Saxena, N. Kumar, P.K.S. Pourush, Sunil Kumar Khah (2010). Study of magnetic properties of substituted LiTiZn-ferrite for microwave antenna applications. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 4 (3), 328-. Google Citation
  68. Shruti Jain, Pradeep K. Naik, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2010). A system model for cell death/ survival using spice and ladder logic. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 5 (1), 57-. Google Citation
  69. S. Maheshwari, Jitendra Mohan, D.S. Chauhan (2010). Voltage-mode cascadable all-pass sections with two grounded passive components and one active element. IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, 4 (2), 113-. Google Citation
  70. A.K. Patel, S. Patel, Pradeep Kumar Naik (2010). Prediction and classification of DNA binding proteins into four major classes based on simple sequence derived features using ANN. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 5 (1), 191-. Google Citation
  71. S.S. Laddha, S.P. Bhatnagar (2010). Novel fused quinazolinones: Further studies on the anticonvulsant activity of 1,2,9,11-tetrasubstituted-7H-thieno[2?,3?:4,5]pyrimido[6,1-b]- quinazolin-7-one and 1,3,10,12-tetrasubstituted-8H-pyrido[2?,3?:4,5] pyrimido[6,1-b]quinazolin-8-one. Future Medicinal Chemistry, 2 (4), 565-. Google Citation
  72. A. Sharma, Partha Bir Barman (2010). Photoconductive properties of amorphous Se85-xTe15Bix thin films. Philosophical Magazine, 90 (16), 2149-. Google Citation
  73. K.R. Jha, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Analysis and design of rectangular microstrip antenna on two-layer substrate materials at terahertz frequency. Journal of Computational Electronics, 9 (2010), 68-. Google Citation
  74. Aggarwal A., Simran Tandon, Singla S.K., Chanderdeep Tandon (2010). Diminution of oxalate induced renal tubular epithelial cell injury and inhibition of calcium oxalate crystallization in vitro by aqueous extract of tribulus terrestris. International braz j urol : official journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology, 36 (4), 480-. Google Citation
  75. Aggarwal A., Simran Tandon, Singla S., Chanderdeep Tandon (2010). Reduction of oxalate-induced renal tubular epithelial (NRK-52E) cell injury and inhibition of calcium oxalate crystallisation in vitro by aqueous extract of Achyranthes aspera. International Journal of Green Pharmacy, 4 (3), 159-. Google Citation
  76. Deepak Dahiya (2010). Delivering a course in software engineering: A Hands on approach. Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 5 (5), 92-. Google Citation
  77. Rohit Sharma, Tapas Chakarvarty, Bhattacharyya A.B. (2010). Empirical expressions for characteristic impedance of modified microstrip-like interconnections. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 64 (7), 682-. Google Citation
  78. Pathak P., Singh S.K., Chanderdeep Tandon (2010). Effect of biomolecules from human renal matrix of calcium oxalate monohydrate (CaOx) stones on in vitro calcium phosphate crystallization. International braz j urol : official journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology, 36 (5), 621-. Google Citation
  79. Pranay Chaudhuri, Elcock J. (2010). Scheduling DAG-based applications in multicluster environments with background workload using task duplication. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 87 (11), 2387-. Google Citation
  80. Pradeep Kumar Naik, Md. Afroz Alam, Harvinder Singh, Vinod Goyal, Swarup Parida, Sanjay Kalia, T. Mohapatra (2010). Assessment of genetic diversity through RAPD, ISSR and AFLP markers in Podophyllum hexandrum: A medicinal herb from the Northwestern Himalayan region. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 16 (2010), 135-. Google Citation
  81. Subodh Kumar Jain, Nanda A. (2010). A constitutive model for creep rupture. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 17 (7), 459-. Google Citation
  82. Sharma A., Partha Bir Barman (2010). Study of conduction mechanism in amorphous Se85-xTe 15Bix thin films. Defects and Diffusion Forum, 303-304 (2010), 1-. Google Citation
  83. Kumar K., Thakur N., Katyal S.C., Pankaj Sharma (2010). A study of the physical properties of Te15(Se 100-xBix)85 glassy alloys. Defects and Diffusion Forum, 305-306 (2010), 61-. Google Citation
  84. Ambika, Partha Bir Barman (2010). An optical study of vacuum evaporated Se85-xTe15Bix chalcogenide thin films. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 405 (3), 822-. Google Citation
  85. Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Design considerations for rectangular microstrip patch antenna on electromagnetic crystal substrate at terahertz frequency. Infrared Physics and Technology, 53 (2010), 17-. Google Citation
  86. Jha K.R., Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Dual-band rectangular microstrip patch antenna at terahertz frequency for surveillance system. Journal of Computational Electronics, 9 (2010), 31-. Google Citation