JPubDB : JUIT Publication Database

2025 (1) 2024 (34) 2023 (37) 2022 (49) 2021 (54)
2020 (38) 2019 (57) 2018 (81) 2017 (105) 2016 (69)
2015 (91) 2014 (91) 2013 (96) 2012 (134) 2011 (174)
2010 (105) 2009 (111) 2008 (88) 2007 (42) 2006 (30)
2005 (8) 2004 (2) 2003 (1) All

Conference(s) :

  1. Arvind Kumar, Rakesh Matam, Srinibas Swain, Somanath Tripathy, Mithun Mukherjee, Jaime Lloret (2022). Delay aware fault-tolerant concurrent data collection trees in shared IIoT applications. Proceedings of the GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference [Rio de Janeiro, Brazil : 4–8 December 2022], pp.323-.. Google Citation
  2. Parthh Dikshit, Bhawna Dey, Ayush Shukla, Akhilesh Singh, Tarankit Chadha, Vivek Kumar Sehgal (2022). Prediction of Breast Cancer using Machine Learning Techniques. Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Computing [14th : JIIT Noida India : August 4 - 6, 2022], pp.382-.. Google Citation
  3. Geetanjali Goyal, Shubham Goel (2022). A Comparative Review on State-of-the-art Clustering techniques for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC) [7th : JUIT, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India : 25-27 November 2022], pp.1-.. Google Citation
  4. Triambica Gautam, Amit Srivastava, Shruti Jain (2022). Neural Network and DEA Model for Evaluation of Operational Efficiency of Co-operative Banks. Proceedings of the IEEE Delhi Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (DELCON-2022) [1st : Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Dwarka, New Delhi, India : 11-13 Februrary, 2022], pp.-.. Google Citation
  5. Ruchi Verma, Shreya Jayant (2022). Cyber Crime Prediction Using Machine Learning. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences [6th : Kurnool , India : 22-23 April 2022], pp.160-.. Google Citation
  6. Ruchi Verma (2022). Crop Analysis and Prediction. Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies, (IMPACT) [5th : Aligarh, India : 26-27 Nov. 2022], pp.1-.. Google Citation
  7. Ruchi Verma , Ruchi Verma (2022). Leaf Disease Identification Using DenseNet. Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Speech Technology [3rd : New Delhi : 12-13 November ,2021], pp.500-.. Google Citation
  8. Achyut Sharma, Jonny Dhiman, Sanyog Rawat, Sunil Kumar Khah (2022). A Frequency Reconfigurable X-shaped Antenna for WiMAX/WLAN Band. Proceedings of the International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT) [Goa : 21-22 January 2022], pp.1-.. Google Citation
  9. Niveditta Thakur, Nafis Uddin Khan, Sunil Datt Sharma (2022). Cuckoo Search Optimized Histogram Equalization for Low Contrast Image Enhancement. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC) [7th : Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India : 25-27 November 2022], pp.727-.. Google Citation
  10. Prashansa Taneja, Aman Sharma, Mrityunjay Singh (2022). Comparison of Machine Learning Models for predicting Covid-19 patients’ recovery in India. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC) [7th : JUIT, Waknaghat, India : 25-27 November 2022], pp.176-.. Google Citation
  11. Munish Bhardwaj, Nafis uddin Khan, Vikas Baghel (2022). Improved Road Crack Detection using Histogram Equalization based Fuzzy-C Means Technique. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC) [7th : Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India : 25-27 November 2022], pp.547-.. Google Citation
  12. Sudhanshu Saurabh, Pradeep Kumar Gupta (2022). Non-Linear behavior of CNN model interpretation using Saliency Map. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing, PDGC 2022 [7th : JUIT, Solan : 25-27 November 2022], pp.733-.. Google Citation
  13. Joshi A, Rana V, Aman Sharma (2022). Brain Tumor Classification using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms: A Comparison: Classifying brain MRI images on thebasis of location of tumor and comparingthe various Machine Learning and Deep LEARNING models used to predict best performance. Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Computing [14th : Noida India : August 4 - 6, 2022], pp.51-.. Google Citation
  14. Piyush Sewal, Hari Singh (2022). A machine learning approach for predicting execution statistics of spark application. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Grid Computing (PDGC) [7th : JUIT, Waknaghat, Solan, HP, India : 25-27 November 2022], pp.331-.. Google Citation
  15. Triambica Gautam, Amit Srivastava, Shruti Jain (2022). Neural Network and DEA Model for Evaluation of Operational Efficiency of Co-operative Banks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC) [7th : Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat : 25-27 November 2022], pp.313-.. Google Citation
  16. Tytiana Tamy Momin, Sandeep Singh, Tanu Sharma (2022). Glass Ceiling: Existing Position and Future Directions. Proceedings of the IEEE Delhi Section Conference, DELCON 2022 [New Delhi, India : 11-13 February, 2022], pp.1-.. Google Citation
  17. Neena Jindal, Tanu Sharma, Singh A., Sharma S., Moghe C. (2022). Is life imprisonment a violation of Human Rights. Proceedings of the IEEE Delhi Section Conference, DELCON 2022 [New Delhi, India : 11-13 February, 2022], pp.1-.. Google Citation
  18. Ipshita Dutta, Hemant Sood (2022). Screening of phytochemicals in shoot cultures of endangered herb Gentiana kurroo Royle. . Proceedings of the International Conference on Revolutionizing Agricultural Innovations towards social sustainability [23 : Maejo University, Chiang Mai, Thailand : 04-08 July, 2022], pp.1-.. Google Citation
  19. Ankush Singh, Himanshu Dhumras, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj (2022). On Green Supplier Selection Problem Utilizing Modified TOPSIS with R-norm Picture Fuzzy Discriminant Measure. Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT) [5th : AMU, Aligarh : 26-27 November, 2022], pp.1-.. Google Citation
  20. Srishti Aggarwal, Himanshu Dhumras, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj (2022). On Banking Site Selection Decision Making Problem Utilizing Similarity Measures of Picture Fuzzy Soft Sets. Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT) [5th : AMU, Aligarh : 26-27 November, 2022], pp.1-.. Google Citation
  21. Pranjal Bansal, Himanshu Dhumras, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj (2022). On T-Spherical Fuzzy Hypersoft Sets and Their Aggregation Operators with Application in Soft Computing. Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT) [5th : AMU, Aligarh : 26-27 November, 2022], pp.1-.. Google Citation
  22. Shivani Rana, Rakesh Kanji, Shruti Jain (2022). Comparison of SVM and Naïve Bayes for Sentiment Classification using BERT data. Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT), Aligarh, India [5th : Aligarh, India : 26-27 November 2022], pp.1-.. Google Citation
  23. Triambica Gautam, Amit Srivastava, Shruti Jain (2022). Data Envelopment Analysis and Kendell’s Coefficient of Concordance for Efficiency Evaluation of State Co-operative Banks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT), Aligarh, India [5th : Aligarh, India : 26-27 November 2022], pp.1-.. Google Citation
  24. Ajay Kumar, Simran Rai, Tiyasha De, Rohit Shukla, Tiratha Raj Singh (2022). Structural and functional level of mutational analysis of TREM2 Gene to study its role in Alzheimer’s disease. Proceedings of the ICGAMS, 2022 [9th : PCCOE, Pune, India : 29 Sept.- 01 Oct., 2022], pp.70-.. Google Citation
  25. Prazwal Thakur, Kartik Joshi, Prateek Thakral , Shruti Jain (2022). Detection of Email Spam using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Comparative Study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC) [8th : JIIT Noida, India : 1-3 December 2022], pp.349-.. Google Citation
  26. Righa Tandon, Ajay Verma, Pradeep Kumar Gupta (2022). A Secure Framework Based on Nature-Inspired Optimization for Vehicle Routing. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences [6th : Kurnool, India : 22-23 April, 2022], pp.74-.. Google Citation
  27. Sudhanshu Saurabh, Pradeep Kumar Gupta (2022). 2D-CNN Model for Classification of Neural Activity Using Task-Based fMRI. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences [6th : Kurnool, India : 22-23 April, 2022], pp.192-.. Google Citation
  28. Righa Tandon, Pradeep Kumar Gupta (2022). ACHM: An Efficient Scheme for Vehicle Routing Using ACO and Hidden Markov Model. Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science [1st : Hyderabad, telangana : 11-12 March 2022], pp.169-.. Google Citation
  29. Pankaj Sharma, Pradeep Kumar Gupta (2022). An Efficient Mobility Aware Scheduling Algorithm. Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science [1st : Hyderabad, Telangana : 11-12 March 2022], pp.363-.. Google Citation
  30. Tiyasha De, Simran Rai, Ajay Kumar, Rohit Shukla, Tiratha Raj Singh (2022). Computational investigations of Alzheimer ’s disease related pathways with special relevance to DNA repair and autophagy. Proceedings of the ICGAMS, 2022 [9th : PCCOE, Pune, India : 29 Sept., 01 Oct., 2022], pp.-.. Google Citation
  31. Simran Rai, Tiyasha De, Ajay Kumar, Rohit Shukla, Tiratha Raj Singh (2022). Structural and Functional level Mutational investigations of SERPINI1 gene to explore its role in Alzheimer’s disease. Proceedings of the ICGAMS, 2022 [9th : PCCOE, Pune, India : 29 Sept., 01 Oct., 2022], pp.-.. Google Citation
  32. Rohit Shukla, Tiratha Raj Singh (2022). Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease-associated genes using machine learning techniques. Proceedings of the [9th : PCCOE, Pune, India : 29 Sept., 01 Oct., 2022], pp.-.. Google Citation
  33. Tiyasha De, Rohit Shukla, Tiratha Raj Singh (2022). Computational investigation of Alzheimers Disease related pathways with special relevance to DNA repair and autophagy. Proceedings of the Proceedings of the ICABB-2022 [ : 20 - 22, January, 2022], pp.-.. Google Citation
  34. Meghna Dhalaria, Ekta Gandotra (2022). Detecting Android Malicious Applications using Dynamic Malware Analysis and Machine Learning. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing [14th : Noida India : ], pp.362-.. Google Citation
  35. Divya Sharma, Kritika Shelly, Ekta Gandotra, Deepak Gupta (2022). Diagnosis of Covid-19 using Deep Learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Computing [14th : Noida, U.P. : 4-6 August, 2022], pp.388-.. Google Citation
  36. Ritu Aggarwal, Prateek Thakral (2022). A Novel Approach for Detecting the Malignant Features of Breast Cancer using Algorithms of ML. Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Information System (ICDSIS) [Hassan, India : 29-30 July 2022], pp.1-.. Google Citation
  37. Hemant Sood (2022). Production of Medicinal Compounds from Endangered and Commercially Important Medicinal Plants of Himalayas Through Cell and Tissue Culture Technology in Picrorhiza kurroa for Herbal Industry. Proceedings of the Global Conference on Plant Science and Agricultural Research [2nd : Iris Scientific Group in Rome, Italy : 24-26th Mrach, 2022 ], pp.1-.. Google Citation
  38. Divyansh Sharma, Rajiv Ganguly, Tanmay Gupta (2022). Air Quality assessment during festivities in Shimla City, India. Proceedings of the International Conference on Structures, Material and Construction 2021 [1st : Waknaghat, India : 12-13 November 2021], pp.883-.. Google Citation
  39. Tanmay Gupta (2022). Influence of skewness on deflection response of horizontally curved RC box-girder bridges. Proceedings of the International Conference on Structures, Material and Construction 2021 [1st : Solan, H.P. : 12-13 November 2021], pp.23-.. Google Citation
  40. Aanchal Choudhary, Tanmay Gupta (2022). Effect of Curvature on Seismic Response of Box Girder Bridge of Himachal. Proceedings of the İstanbul International Modern Scientific Research Congress -III [3rd : Istanbul, Turkey : 6-8 May 2022], pp.-.. Google Citation
  41. Payal Thakur, Vivek Kumar Sehgal (2022). Temperature Management Using Smart Thermostat in Cyber Physical Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE Delhi Section Conference (DELCON) [New Delhi : 11-13 Feb. 2022], pp.1-.. Google Citation
  42. Arshdeep Singh, Mohak Goel, Mrityunjay Singh (2022). Breast cancer classification by random forest classifier with feature decomposition using principal component analysis. Proceedings of the Proceeding of the International Conference on Data and Information Sciences (ICDIS 2021), [ICDIS 2021 : Agra, : May 14-15, 2021], pp.111-.. Google Citation
  43. Ashwini Kumar, R.S. Raja Durai (2022). Application of T-Direct codes in Multiple rate Codes. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Computing (ICMC21) [7th : IIEST Shibpur, India : March 2-5, 2021], pp.673-.. Google Citation
  44. Kaushal kumar, Rishi Rana (2022). Analysis of Critical Factors Affecting Labor Productivity of Construction Projects in Himachal Pradesh. Proceedings of the Advances in Construction Materials and Sustainable Environment [JUIT Wakhnaghat : June 2022], pp.1047-.. Google Citation
  45. Satvik Garg, Pradyumn Pundir, Geetanjali Rathee, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Somya Garg, Saransh Ahlawat (2022). On Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery for Automated Deployment of Machine Learning Models using MLOps. Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering (AIKE) [4th : Laguna Hills, CA, USA : 1-3 Dec. 2021], pp.25-.. Google Citation
  46. Arvind Kumar Yadav, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Tiratha Raj Singh (2022). A multi-omics analysis to reveal the significance correlation of SMYD2 with different cancers using TCGA dataset. Proceedings of the ICABB-2022 [Noida : 20-22, January, 2022], pp.-.. Google Citation
  47. Abhishek Thakur, Saurav (2022). Mechanical properties and development of light weight concrete by using autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) with aluminum powder. Proceedings of the International Conference on Design and Materials (ICDM-2021) [1st : Delhi Technological University (DTU), Delhi, India : December 26-27, 2021], pp.-.. Google Citation
  48. Apoorv Vats, Rashi Singh, Ramneek Kaur Khurana, Shruti Jain (2022). A Robust System for Detection of Pneumonia using Transfer Learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks [2nd : University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra : June 23-24, 2021], pp.667-.. Google Citation
  49. Manasvi Kashyap, Shruti Jain (2022). Importance of Pulse Examination and its Diagnostic System. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computing (ICRIC-2021) [4th : Jammu, India : May 08-09, 2021], pp.189-.. Google Citation