JPubDB : JUIT Publication Database
Conference(s) :
- Sudhir Kumar (2014). Bioremediation of e-waste. Proceedings of the Indo-US workshop on Anaerobic Microbial Processes for Energy and Environment [Department of Microbiology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab. : 23 December, 2014 ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Sudhir Kumar (2014). Biogas production from solid waste. Proceedings of the Indo-US workshop on Anaerobic Microbial Processes for Energy and Environment [Department of Microbiology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab. : 22 December, 2014 ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Sudhir Kumar (2014). Biogas and bio-briquettes from solid waste: Cost effective Models. Proceedings of the National workshop on renewable energy [Jawaharlal Nehru Government Engineering College, Sundernagar, Mandi, HP. : 22 November, 2014 ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Sudhir Kumar (2014). Standards level the playing field – Solid waste Trade. Proceedings of the World Standards Day – 2014 organized by Bureau of Indian Standards, Govt. of India [Hotel Best Park Inn, Parwanoo, Solan, Himachal Pradesh. : October 14, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Sudhir Kumar (2014). Disposal and usage of kitchen waste. Proceedings of the Solid and liquid waste management in rural Himachal. [Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh : 9th April, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Kumari M., Tripathi A., Sudhir Kumar (2014). Biogas production using food waste. . Proceedings of the National conference on Emerging horizons in Science and Technology [Shri Guru Granth Sahib World University, Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab : 17-18 january 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Pandita M., Kanwar S., Sudhir Kumar (2014). Diesel degradation by Acinetobacter species for bioremediation of contaminated soil ecosystem. . Proceedings of the National conference at Botany Department [Panjab University, Chandigarh : 28-29 october 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Kumar A., Sharda M., Sharma P., Saini H.S., Sudhir Kumar (2014). Development of sustainable bioleaching technology for recovery of precious metals (Au, Ag and Pt.) from e-waste and biodegradation of polybrominated aromatic fire retardants. . Proceedings of the Himachal Pradesh science congress on Role of Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in H.P [1st : : 15-16 october 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Kumar A., Saini H.S., Sudhir Kumar (2014). Exploration of novel bacterial species from the abandoned gold mine for bioleaching and enhancement of gold recovery from E-Waste. . Proceedings of the International Conference on Life Sciences, Informatics, Food and Environment [JIIT Noida : 29-30 august 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Agrawal S., Sudhir Kumar (2014). Characterization of cellulose degrading alkaliphillic bacteria from. . Proceedings of the National conference on Emerging horizons in Science and Technology: [Shri Guru Granth Sahib World University, Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab. : 17-18 january 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Manoj Diwakar, Pratibha Sharma, Sandip Swarnakar, Pardeep Kumar (2014). Image Security Using Cellular Automata Rules. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving [IIT Roorkee : ], pp.403-.. Google Citation
- Shruti Jain (2014). Design of Sigma and Anti sigma membership functions using Operational Transconductance Amplifier. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Recent Trends in VLSI and Embedded Systems (RTVES-2014) [Jaipur National University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. : Oct 15-16, 2014], pp.29-.. Google Citation
- Rajiv Kumar, Sumit Vardhan, Vipul Sharma (2014). A Dependable Routing Framework for Seamless Traffic Flow over the Computer Network. Proceedings of the International Conference on Optimization, Reliabilty, and Information Technology (ICROIT), [Faridabad, India : Feb. 6-8, 2014], pp.199-.. Google Citation
- Meenu chawla, Geetanjali Rathee, Satya Prakash Ghrera, Nitin Rakesh (2014). Performance Evaluation of Fault Tolerance Based Routing Approach for WMN. Proceedings of the International conference on communication and computing [ : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- L.K. Sharma, Hemraj Saini, Geetanjali Rathee (2014). Proposed Optimized Algorithm for Coverage Area with Capacity Calculations. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing [Solan, India : 11-13 Dec. 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Ravindara Bhatt, Raja Datta (2014). Utilizing Graph Sampling and Connected Dominating Set for Backbone Construction in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the Twentieth National Conference on Communications (NCC 2014) [IIT Kanpur, India : 28 Feb.-2 March, 2014], pp.1-.. Google Citation
- Arvind, J Suchi, Suman Saha (2014). Reduction in Searching Time of Inverted Index using Bloom Filter. Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications [ : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Akash Punhani, Nitin, Pardeep Kumar (2014). A Modified Diagonal Mesh Interconnection Network. Proceedings of the Annual IEEE India Conference [Pune, India : 11-13 December, 2014.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Deepika Sharma, Rajiv Ganguly (2014). Management of Urban Solid Waste in Solan. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Solid Waste Management [Chandigarh University, Chandigarh : December 22-23, 2014], pp.11-.. Google Citation
- P. Balina, K. Garg, S.V.R.K Rao (2014). Spectrum occupancy measurements and analysis in a rural area setting. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing [3rd : Solan, India : 11-13 December 2014], pp.412-.. Google Citation
- Meenakshi Sood, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2014). Modular based dynamic analysis of EEG signals using non-linear feature. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing [Solan, India : 11-13 December 2014], pp.186-.. Google Citation
- L.K. Sharma, Hemraj Saini, G. Rathee, T.C. Panda (2014). Proposed optimized algorithm for coverage area with capacity calculation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing [Solan, India : 11-13 December 2014], pp.461-.. Google Citation
- P.K. Gangwar, Yashwant Singh, V. Mohindru (2014). An Energy Efficient Zone-based Clustering Approach for Target Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering [Jaipur, India : 9-11 May 2014], pp.1-.. Google Citation
- P. Chawla, Bhasker Gupta (2014). SINR, MGF and PEP based BER performance analysis of multi-user MIMO systems. Proceedings of the Recent Advances in Engineering and Computational Sciences [Chandigarh, India : 6-8 March 2014], pp.1-.. Google Citation
- P. Syamala Jaya Sree, Pradeep Kumar Gupta (2014). A Fast Algorithm for Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal with Edge Preservation Using Cardinal Spline Interpolation for Intrinsic Finger Print Forensic Images. Proceedings of the Annual Convention of Computer Society of India [48th : Visakhapatnam, India : ], pp.321-.. Google Citation
- Hemraj Saini (2014). Efficient hybrid watermarking approach by using SVD, DWT, and Back Propagation Neural Network. Proceedings of the IEEE International Advance Computing Conference [Gurgaon, India : 21-22 Feb. 2014], pp.985-.. Google Citation
- Pooja Jain (2014). Architectural design of a multi agent enterprise knowledge management system (MAEKMS) for e-health. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks [Mathura, india : 1-2 March 2014], pp.93-.. Google Citation
- Ankit Mundra, Nitin Rakesh (2014). Online Hybrid Model for Fraud Prevention (OHM-P): Implementation and Performance Evaluation. Proceedings of the ICT and Critical Infrastructure: Annual Convention of Computer Society of India [48 : Visakhapatnam : ], pp.585-.. Google Citation
- Balyan V., Davinder Singh Saini, Aggarwal P., Gupta G., Sharma I. (2014). Utilizing mobile station capacity and reduction in code blocking. Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks [Noida, India : 20-21 Feb. 2014], pp.393-.. Google Citation
- Pallavi Chawla, Bhasker Gupta (2014). BER analysis of single/multi-user LTE and LTE- A systems. Proceedings of the IEEE International Advance Computing Conference [Gurgaon, India : 21-22 February, 2014], pp.262-.. Google Citation
- Mrityunjay Sharma, Suman Saha (2014). Graph based approach for minimum multicollinearity highly accurate regression model explaining maximum variability. Proceedings of the International Conference on Confluence The Next Generation Information Technology Summit (Confluence) [5th : Noida : 25-26 Sept. 2014], pp.304-.. Google Citation
- Puneet Bhushan, Mohd. Abbas Murtaza (2014). Bancassurance: The Indian Scenario. Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Paradigms and practices in Global Technology, Management & Business Issues [ : December 22-24, 2014], pp.703-.. Google Citation
- Puneet Bhushan (2014). Financial Capability of Salaried Individuals: Evidence from Himachal Pradesh. Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Paradigms and practices in Global Technology, Management & Business Issues [NIT Hamirpur : December 22-24, 2014], pp.751-.. Google Citation
- K. Tiwari, Davinder Singh Saini (2014). BER performance comparison of MIMO system with STBC and MRC over different fading channels. Proceedings of the High Performance Computing and Applications, International Conference on [Bhuvneshwar : 22-24 Dec. 2014], pp.1-.. Google Citation
- Mrityunjay Sharma, Aditi Kansal, Pardeep Kumar (2014). Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Task Division amongst Different Data Centre in Cloud Computing. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication Networks [8 : Banglore, India : 25-27 Jul 2014], pp.79-.. Google Citation
- Anubhav Patrick, Lucky Rajpoot, Meenu Chawla, Garima Singh, Pardeep Kumar, Durg Singh Chauhan (2014). A Neural Network Based Intrusion Detection System for Pervasive Computing Environment. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication Networks [8 : Banglore, India : 25-27 Jul 2014], pp.352-.. Google Citation
- Ankit Mundra, Ashutosh Soni, Sunil Kumar Sharma, Pardeep Kumar, Durg Singh Chauhan (2014). Decision Support System for Determining: Right Education Career Choice. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication Networks [Banglore, India : 25-27 Jul 2014], pp.8-.. Google Citation
- Tapan Jain, Davinder Singh Saini, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2014). Performance Analysis of Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering in a Wireless Sensor Network using Quantitative data. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON), [Mathura, India : 1-2 March 2014], pp.99-.. Google Citation
- Priyanka, R.M.K. Sinha (2014). A system for identification of idioms in Hindi. Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Computing [7th : Noida, India : 7-9 Aug. 2014], pp.467-.. Google Citation
- Goel Abhilasha Rani, Akhil Ranjan, Mohammad Wajid (2014). VLSI architecture and implementation of statistical multiplexer. Proceedings of the Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity [Ghaziabad, India : 28- 29 November 2014], pp.360-.. Google Citation
- C. Kumar, A. Usmani, A. Nanda, Subodh Kumar Jain (2014). Back Analysis of Measured Displacements in Large Cavern. Proceedings of the Indian Rock Conference [5th : New Delhi, India : 12-14 Nov 2014], pp.441-.. Google Citation
- P Syamala Jaya Sree, Prasanth Kumar Pattnaik, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2014). A Novel Algorithm for Suppression of Salt and Pepper Impulse Noise in Fingerprint Images Using B-Spline Interpolation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications [3rd : : ], pp.521-.. Google Citation
- Uday Singh Kushwaha, Pradeep Kumar Gupta (2014). AOMDV routing algorithm for Wireless Mesh Networks with local repair (AOMDV-LR). Proceedings of the International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing [Melmaruvathur, India : 3-5 April 2014], pp.818-.. Google Citation
- Manika Sehgal, Tiratha Raj Singh (2014). Bioinformatics applications to resolve the mystery of diseases associated with Human DNA repair system. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists [35 : Palampur, India : 14-16 July 2014], pp.39-.. Google Citation
- A. Rana, Sudhir Kumar (2014). Bioleaching of precious metals from printed circuits board. Proceedings of the National conference on Emerging horizons in Science and Technology [Fatehgarh Sahib, India : 17-18 January 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Richa Kokhra, Rajesh Kumar (2014). Effect of Fe Doping Concentration on Photocatalytic Activity of ZnO Nanosheets Under Natural Sunlight. Proceedings of the International Conference on Condensed Matter Physics [Shimla, India : 4-6 November 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Rajiv Ganguly, Anil Kumar, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2014). Construction and Design principles for Energy-efficient Buildings in Hilly Regions in Northern India. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure [Hyderabad, India : 17-18 October, 2014], pp.970-.. Google Citation
- Shaily Mittal, Nitin (2014). Fractional Associative Memory: A Solution to Conflict Misses. Proceedings of the International Conference on Eco-friendly Computing and Communication Systems [3rd : Mangalore, India : 18-21 December 2014], pp.Forthcoming-.. Google Citation
- Tanu Bhardwaj, Hemraj Saini (2014). Effective detection of jamming in WiMAX based communication systems. Proceedings of the Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering [Jaipur, India : 9-11 May 2014], pp.1-.. Google Citation
- Anupriya Kaur (2014). Insights on E-Tail Service Attributes and User Response Using an E-Squal Approach. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Emerging Markets [Conference Board, IIM Lucknow, India. : January 9-11, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Mohammad Wajid, Abhilasha Rani Goel (2014). Pixel Probability Based Estimation of Skew Angle for Text Images. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications [4th : Cochin, India : 27-29 August 2014], pp.105-.. Google Citation
- Ankita Shukla, Manika Sehgal, Tiratha Raj Singh (2014). Hydroxymethylation and its Role in DNA Repair Associated Disease. Proceedings of the International Conference on Life Sciences, Informatics, Food and Environment [Noida, India : 29-30, August 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Manika Sehgal, Ankita Shukla, Tiratha Raj Singh (2014). Functional Enrichment of Pathways Implicated in DNA Repair using Top Down Approach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Life Sciences, Informatics, Food and Environment [Noida, India : 29-30, August 2014], pp.180-.. Google Citation
- Manika Sehgal, Tiratha Raj Singh (2014). Computational Approach for the Identification of Plausible Biomarkers from Composite Networks and Gene Expression data Associated with Colorectal Cancer. Proceedings of the World Congress on Stem Cell Research, Cancer Biology and Applied Biotechnology [New Delhi, India : 3-4, May 2014], pp.140-.. Google Citation
- Hitanshu kumar, Partha Bir Barman, Ragini Raj Singh (2014). CdS/ZnS, ZnS/CdS and ZnS/CdS/ZnS quantum dots synthesized by wet chemical method: Investigations of optical and structural properties. Proceedings of the International conference on advanced functional materials (ICAFM) [Council of Scientific and Industrial Research at Thiruananthpuram, Kerala : February 19-21, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Hitanshu Kumar, Partha Bir Barman, Ragini Raj Singh (2014). Controlled growth and characterization of CdS, ZnS, CdS/ZnS and ZnS/CdS core-shell quantum dots. Proceedings of the NanoSciTech2014 [Punjab University, Chandigarh, India : February 13-15, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Sarita Kango, Rajesh Kumar (2014). Efficient Removal Of Arsenic (III) From Drinking Water By Fe3O4 Nanoparticle Coated Sand: Time Dependent Removal Study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanotechnology in the service of health, environment & society (NanoSciTech 2014) [Punjab University, Chandigarh, India : February 13-15, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Richa Khokhra, Rajesh Kumar (2014). Sunlight Photocatalytic Activity of Transition Metal-Doped ZnO Interwoven Nanosheets for Degradation of Methylene Blue. Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanotechnology in the service of health, environment & society (NanoSciTech 2014) [Punjab University, Chandigarh, India : February 13-15, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Aseem Chawla, Tsering Stobdan, Ravi B Srivastava, Rajinder S. Chauhan, Anil Kant Thakur (2014). Cross species application of female specific marker in H. salicifolia and H. tibetana. Proceedings of the National conference on perspective and trends in plant science and biotechnology [Department of Botany Punjab University Chandigarh : February 21-23, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Anjana Sharma, Vikas Hastir, Davinder Singh Saini (2014). Transmit power optimization in Cognitive Radio Networks using game theoretic approach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology [Ajmer, India : 12-13 July 2014], pp.312-.. Google Citation
- Komal Mahajan, Deepak Dahiya (2014). A cloud based deployment framework for load balancing policies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Computing [7th : Noida, India : 7-9 August 2014], pp.565-.. Google Citation
- Yashwant Singh, Urvashi Chugh (2014). MEHEED: Mutual Exclusive Hybrid Energy Efficient Distributed Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the ELSEVIER ERCICA [Bangalore, India : August 1-2, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Yashwant Singh, Pawan Kumar Gangwar, Vandana Mohindru (2014). Heterogeneous Sensor Networks for Target Detection: A WMSN Perspective. Proceedings of the ELSEVIER ERCICA [Bangalore, India : August 1-2, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Aseem Chawla, Anil Kant Thakur, Tsering Stobdan, Ravi B Srivastava, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2014). Cross species application of female specific markers in H. tibetana and H. salicifolia. Proceedings of the National Conference on prospectives and trends in plant sciences and biotechnology [Chandigarh, India : 21-23 february 2014], pp.68-.. Google Citation
- Rajiv Ganguly, Ashok Kumar Gupta, Mudit Mishra (2014). Traffic Volume and Accident Studies on NH-22 Between Solan and Shimla, India. Proceedings of the Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference [2nd : Azores, Portugal : 8-12 July, 2014], pp.232-.. Google Citation
- Dhiren Kashyap, Tapan Jain (2014). Comparative analysis of time synchronization schemes for wireless sensor networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology [Ajmer, India : 12-13 July 2014], pp.106-.. Google Citation
- Pallavi Gupta, Bhasker Gupta (2014). LLR based analysis of LDPC codes concatenated with orthogonal STBC coded MIMO systems. Proceedings of the Signal Propagation and Computer Technology, International Conference on [Ajmer, India : 12-13 July 2014], pp.680-.. Google Citation
- Poonam Rana, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Rajesh Siddavatam (2014). Combined and Improved Framework of Infrastructure as a Service and Platform as a Service in Cloud Computing. Proceedings of the International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving [2nd : : December 28-30, 2012], pp.831-.. Google Citation
- Gangwar Manali, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2014). Dissecting the molecular basis of female flower in Jatropha curcas. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Advances in Biotechnology for Crop Improvement [Baru Sahib, HP : 12 July, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Padhan Jibesh Kumar, Varun Kumar, Hemant Sood, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2014). Expression profiling of swertiamarin and amarogentin biosynthetic pathway genes in an endangered medicinal herb, Swertia chirayita (Roxb. Ex Fleming) H. Karst. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Advances in Biotechnology for Crop Improvement [Baru Sahib, HP : 12 July, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Kumar Pawan, Tarun Pal, Varun Jaiswal, Hemant Sood, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2014). Computational mining of transcriptomes for transcription factors controlling various biological processes in Podophyllum spp.. Proceedings of the International Conference on Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences [2nd : Hyderabad, India : February 03-05, 2014], pp.297-.. Google Citation
- Randhawa R, Harish Changotra (2014). A Novel Multiplex T-ARMS-PCR Assay to Genotype IL28B Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms rs12979860 and rs8099917 Simultaneously. Proceedings of the New insights into Pharmacogenomics, Drug Development and Personalized Medicine [Bhagwan Mahavir Medical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India : July 18-19, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Aseem Chawla, Tsering Stobdan, Ravi B Srivastava, Rajinder S. Chauhan, Anil Kant Thakur (2014). Female specific markers in H. salicifolia and H. tibetana: A tool for useful in large scale commercial plantation. Proceedings of the ISTS-IUFRO Conference on Sustainable Resource Management for Climate Change Mitigation and Social Security [IT Park Chandigarh. : March 13-15, 2014], pp.131-.. Google Citation
- Shivani Sood, Anant Yadav, Poonam, Rahul Shrivastava (2014). M. fortuitum persistence on exposure to granuloma specific conditions: Implications for a surrogate model. Proceedings of the International conference on Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Disease Processes [University of Kashmir, Jammu & Kashmir, India. : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Anant Yadav, Shivani Sood, Rahul Shrivastava (2014). Promoter trap strategy for gene expression analysis under stress conditions of M. tuberculosis latency. Proceedings of the 2nd International Science Symposium on HIV and Infectious Diseases (HIV SCIENCE 2014) [Chennai, India : 30 January - 1 February 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Jyoti Kaushik, S.K Singla, Chanderdeep Tandon (2014). Optimization of Extraction Parameters for Tribulus terrestris as an Antiuroiithiatic Herbal Product using Response Surface Methodology. Proceedings of the Perspectives & Trends in Plant Sciences and Biotechnology [Punjab University, Chandigarh, India : February 21 - 23, 2014], pp.153-.. Google Citation
- Amit Sud, Rajinder S. Chauhan, Chanderdeep Tandon (2014). Correlation of Differentially Expressed Proteins with Picroside Biosynthesis in Picrorhiza Kurroa - a proteomics approach. Proceedings of the Perspectives & Trends in Plant Sciences and Biotechnology [Punjab University, Chandigarh, India : February 21 - 23, 2014], pp.83-.. Google Citation
- Shri Ram, Sanjay Kataria (2014). Transliteracy and Library Services: changing face of information literacy. Proceedings of the National Conference on From Bricks to click: transforming libraries into social space [Delhi, India : 7-8 February, 2014], pp.395-.. Google Citation
- Rashmi Sharma, Nitin (2014). Evaluation and comparison of Load Balancing in RTDS using Information theoretic entropy. Proceedings of the IEEE International Advance Computing Conference [Gurgaon, India : 21-22 February, 2014], pp.674-.. Google Citation
- Ekta Gupta, Kalyani, Nitin (2014). Preserving the Basic Property of Stable Matching by Deleting a Pair. Proceedings of the International Conference in Distributed Computing & Internet Technology [Bhubaneswar, India : February 6-9, 2014], pp.14-.. Google Citation
- Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Anubhav Patrick, L. Rajpoot (2014). A comparative study of cyber physical cloud, cloud of sensors and internet of things: Their ideology, similarities and differences. Proceedings of the International Advanced Computing Conference [Gurgaon, India : 21-22 February, 2014], pp.708-.. Google Citation
- Amandeep Goyal, Naina Singh, Meenakshi Sood (2014). Texture Based Classification for Face Recognition. Proceedings of the Proceedings of SARC-IRF International Conference [4 : New Delhi, India : 27 April, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Aditya Ahuja, Nikita Gupta, Kamal Dewan, Meenakshi Sood (2014). Deploying Pragmatic Techniques for Campus Network Design. Proceedings of the Proceedings of SARC-IRF International Conference [New Delhi, India : 12 April, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Meenakshi Sood, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2014). Automatic Processing of EEG signals for Seizure Detection using Soft Computing Techniques. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering, IEEE [Jaipur, India : 09-11 May, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Tapan Jain, Davinder Singh Saini, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2014). Increasing Lifetime of a Wireless Sensor Network Using Multiple Sinks. Proceedings of the International Information Technology: New Generations [11 : Las Vegas, USA : 7-9 April, 2014], pp.616-.. Google Citation
- Preeti Sharma, Tapan Jain (2014). Robust digital watermarking for colored images using SVD and DWT technique. Proceedings of the International Advance Computing Conference, IEEE [Gurgaon : 21-22 February, 2014], pp.1024-.. Google Citation
- D. Rana, R. Bhadauria, Kuldeep Singh (2014). Synthesis, characterization and bioassay of novel beta-lactam. Proceedings of the CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry [16 : IIT Bombay : February 7-9, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Poonam, Anil Kumar, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2014). Analytical Study of Dynamic Response of Building Frames with Structural Irregularities. Proceedings of the [Department of Civil Engineering, Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology, Guna, MP, India : December 21-22, 2011], pp.62-.. Google Citation
- Eshan Ganju, Himneet Singh, Subodh Kumar Jain (2014). Deep Soil Mixing: An untapped technique of soil improvement in India. Proceedings of the [ : ], pp.G-27-.. Google Citation
- Ashok Kumar Gupta (2014). Experimental Study on Particle Breakage of Rockfill Materials. Proceedings of the [ : ], pp.G-10-.. Google Citation
- Apeksha Chauhan, Raghove Bhargove, Tanvi Sharm, Tapan Jain (2014). A framework for energy efficient routing protocol for homogeneous wireless sensor networks using sensing range. Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks [Noida : 20-21 February, 2014], pp.438-.. Google Citation