JPubDB : JUIT Publication Database

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2010 (105) 2009 (111) 2008 (88) 2007 (42) 2006 (30)
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Conference(s) :

  1. Vivek Kumar Sehgal (2007). Reduced - Order controller design in discrete time domain. Proceedings of the Innovative Algorithms and Techniques in Automation, Industrial Electronics and Telecommunications [USA : 4-14 December, 2006], pp.481-.. Google Citation
  2. P Kumar, Ghanshyam Singh, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan, T Chakravarty (2007). Mutual coupling between gap coupled pin shorted circular patch antennas. Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Electromagnetic Conference [India : December 19-20, 2007], pp.-.. Google Citation
  3. R N Tiwari, Ratish Kumar, Ghanshyam Singh (2007). Wave propagation characteristics of u-negative metamaterial loaded parallel plate waveguide. Proceedings of the National Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication (WOC-2007) [PEC Chandigarh, India : ], pp.230-.. Google Citation
  4. Ankita Taneja, Ved P Mishra, Ajay K Singh, Ghanshyam Singh (2007). Research overview of software defined radio. Proceedings of the National Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication (WOC-2007) [PEC Chandigarh, India : 2007], pp.148-.. Google Citation
  5. Ved P Mishra, Ankita Taneja, Ajay K Singh, Ghanshyam Singh (2007). Software defined radio architectures with assignment of local frequencies. Proceedings of the National conference on Wireless Optical Communication (WOC-2007) [PEC Chandigarh, India : 2007], pp.209-.. Google Citation
  6. Vivek K Dwivedi, Ghanshyam Singh (2007). Inter-carrier-interference cancellation in OFDM systems. Proceedings of the National Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication (WOC-2007) [PEC Chandigarh, India : ], pp.245-.. Google Citation
  7. Aditi Sharma, Ghanshyam Singh (2007). Microstrip-line fed single pin shorted rectangular patch antenna for broadband communication. Proceedings of the National Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication (WOC-2007) [PEC Chandigarh, India : ], pp.195-.. Google Citation
  8. P Kumar, Ghanshyam Singh, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2007). Pin shorted rectangular patch antenna for mobile communication. Proceedings of the National Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication (WOC-2007) [PEC Chandigarh, India : 2007], pp.77-.. Google Citation
  9. S Thakur, Ghanshyam Singh (2007). Metamaterials - artificially engineered electromagnetic material for communication systems. Proceedings of the Proc. Int. Conference on Information and Communication Technology (IICT-2007) [India : July 26-28, 2007], pp.491-.. Google Citation
  10. Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin, Amit Jain, Neeraj Shah, Sachin Garg, Sumit Gupta (2007). RJ-11 interfaced Embedded Platform for DTMF Based Remote Control System. Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications (ESA) [5th : Nevada, USA : June 25-28, 2007], pp.239-.. Google Citation
  11. Pradeep Kumar, Ajay K Singh, Ghanshyam Singh, T Chakravarty, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2007). A Novel Printed Cross Antenna for Wideband Application. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Antenna Technology, Small and Smart Antenna Materials and Applications [Cambridge, U.K. : March 21-23, 2007], pp.255-.. Google Citation
  12. Tanzeer Kaur, Rakesh K. Bijarnia, P. K. Naik, S.K. Singla, Chanderdeep Tandon (2007). Molecular interactions of calcium oxalate with protein inhibitors of crystallization: A combined approach of docking and MM-GB/SA. . Proceedings of the National Symposium on Biophysics [Panjab University, Chandigarh, India : Nov 15 -17, 2007], pp.-.. Google Citation
  13. Rakesh K. Bijarnia, Tanzeer Kaur, S.K. Singla, Chanderdeep Tandon (2007). A novel antilithiatic protein from the seeds of Dolichos biflorus. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Biophysics [Panjab University, Chandigarh, India : Nov 15 -17, 2007], pp.-.. Google Citation
  14. Anil Kumar, Poonam, B. Saini, V.K. Sehgal (2007). Active Vibration Control of Buildings against Earthquakes Using Quadratic Optimal Approach. Proceedings of the Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC 2007) [76th : California, USA : 26-29 September, 2007], pp.505-.. Google Citation
  15. Sunil Vidya Bhooshan, Vinay Kumar (2007). Design of Chebyshev FIR Filter Based On Antenna Theory Approach. Proceedings of the WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation [6th : Corfu Island, Greece : 16-19 February, 2007], pp.97-.. Google Citation
  16. P Kumar, Ghanshyam Singh, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan, T Chakravarty (2007). Gap-Coupled Microstrip Antennas. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications (ICCIMA-2007) [Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu : 13-15 December, 2007], pp.434-.. Google Citation
  17. Shri Ram (2007). RSS Feeds and its Dynamic Role in Library & Information Centers. Proceedings of the Recent Trends in Library & Information Services [Hamirpur, India : 15-16 November, 2007], pp.180-.. Google Citation
  18. Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin (2007). An embedded application for driverless metro train. Proceedings of the European Computing Conference [Athens : 25-27 September 2007], pp.545-.. Google Citation
  19. Ashish Sharma, Neeraj Kohli (2007). Future space explorations: Benefits to society. Proceedings of the International Astronautical Federation [58 : Hyderabad, India : 24-28 September, 2007], pp.8420-.. Google Citation
  20. Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, Amit Srivastava (2007). Projected per capita GDP Convergence Analysis of BRIC Countries based on Goldman Sach. Proceedings of the International Conference on BRICS - Agenda for Cooperation [Integrated Academy of Management and Technology, New Delhi : December 5-7, 2007], pp.-.. Google Citation
  21. S. Garhwal, K. Vaibhav, N. Srivastava, Amit Srivastava (2007). Impact of Inflation on Economic Growth of India. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management [ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad : December 27-29, 2007], pp.40-.. Google Citation
  22. M. Kapoor, R. Khare, S. Sinha, Amit Srivastava (2007). India in the New Era of Regionalism. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management [ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad : December 27-29, 2007], pp.52-.. Google Citation
  23. H. Vatsyayan, S. Shekhar, V. Uppal, A. Prasad, Amit Srivastava (2007). Income Disparities in an Economically Growing India. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management [ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad : December 27-29, 2007], pp.41-.. Google Citation
  24. S. Gupta, G. Sehgal, P. Jain, R. Agrawal, Amit Srivastava (2007). Effects of Privatizationon Regional Growth and Disparity in India. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management [ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad : December 27-29, 2007], pp.47-.. Google Citation
  25. A. Sinha, A. Choudhary, A. Agarwal, Amit Srivastava (2007). Analyzing the Role of Public Distribution System for Poverty Alleviation in the Post Liberalisation Era. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management [ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad : December 27-29, 2007], pp.43-.. Google Citation
  26. R. Verma, J.P. Pandey, Amit Srivastava (2007). Economic Shift. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management [ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad : December 27-29, 2007], pp.46-.. Google Citation
  27. S. Dutta, M. Kathju, A..Kapoor, A. Ranjan, Amit Srivastava (2007). FDI in India:A Comparative Study of Uneven Distribution and Its Impact on Economic Development, across States. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management [ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad : December 27-29, 2007], pp.49-.. Google Citation
  28. Poonam, Anil Kumar, Setia S, Sehgal V K (2007). Response of Base-Isolated Buildings with Change in Damping of Bearings against Ground Motion. Proceedings of the 76th SEAOC Convention [California, USA : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
  29. Poonam, Anil Kumar, Setia S, Vasan R M (2007). Base-Isolation: Mechanisms and Practice. Proceedings of the AICTE sponsored National Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering [Mullana, Ambala : March], pp.-.. Google Citation
  30. Anil Kumar, Poonam, Saini B, Sehgal V K (2007). Active Vibration Control of Buildings against Earthquakes. Proceedings of the AICTE sponsored National Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering [Mullana, Ambala : March], pp.-.. Google Citation
  31. Rajesh Goel, Ahuja A.K. (2007). Effects of Length of Attached Canopy on Wind Loads on Gable Roof Building. Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Wind Engg [Chennai : October - November 2007], pp.-.. Google Citation
  32. Goyal, R., Ahuja A.K. (2007). Effects of Length of Attached Canopy on Wind Loads on Gable Roof Buildings. Proceedings of the Advancements and Challenges in Civil Engineering [Ambala : March], pp.-.. Google Citation
  33. Ishu Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, S. K. Tripathi, Partha Bir Barman (2007). Optical and electrical study of a-Ge-Se-In thin films. Proceedings of the DAE-SSPS [ : ], pp.599-.. Google Citation
  34. Pankaj Sharma, S. C. Katyal (2007). A conjoins in theoretical and experimental optical band gap of Ge-Se-Te thin films. Proceedings of the DAE-SSPS [ : ], pp.597-.. Google Citation
  35. Pankaj Sharma, Ishu, S. C. Katyal (2007). A Study of Ge Additive on the Optical Parameters of Arsenic Selenide. Proceedings of the International Conference on Condensed Matter Physics (ICCMP [Univ. of Rajasthan : November 25-28 , 2007], pp.123-.. Google Citation
  36. M.Mahajan, T Chakravarty, Sunil Kumar Khah (2007). Analysis of planar array of rectangular and circular patch microstrip antenna in X-band. Proceedings of the Optical and wireless communication, Conference [Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh : 13 December 2007 - 15 December 2007], pp.-.. Google Citation
  37. M.Mahajan, T Chakravarty, Sunil Kumar Khah (2007). Analysis of superstrate covered circular microstrip antenna.. Proceedings of the Optical and wireless communication [Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh : 13 December 2007 - 15 December 2007], pp.-.. Google Citation
  38. Davinder Singh Saini, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2007). Code tree extension and performance improvement in OVSF-CDMA systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing Communications and Networking [Chennai, India : 20-24 February 2007], pp.316-.. Google Citation
  39. Davinder Singh Saini, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2007). Performance improvement in 3G and beyond CDMA systems using priority based code assignment scheme. Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing Communications and Networking [Chennai, India : 20-24 February 2007], pp.98-.. Google Citation
  40. Sunil Kumar Khah, Singh P., Rabra S., Saxena R., Chakarvarty T. (2007). Broadband impedance matching technique for microwave amplifiers. Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference [Kolkata, India : 19-20 December 2007], pp.-.. Google Citation
  41. Q.M.Alfred, N. Chopra, T. Chakravarty, Ghanshyam Singh, S.K. Sanyal (2007). Applications of a phased array with switched time-delay units. Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC 2007) [Kolkata, India : December 19-20, 2007], pp.-.. Google Citation
  42. Nitin, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Sharma N., Krishna K., Bhatia A. (2007). On path-length and routing-tag algorithm for hybrid irregular multi-stage interconnection networks. Proceedings of the ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing [8th : Qingdao : 30 July-1 August 2007], pp.652-.. Google Citation