JPubDB : JUIT Publication Database

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Conference(s) :

  1. Krishna Gopal, Rajiv Kumar (2006). Reliability Constrained Minimum-Delay Transmission Path-Routing for Data Network. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference of the Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics on Interdisciplinary Mathematical and Statistical Techniques [13th : Portugal : 1-4 September, 2006], pp.-.. Google Citation
  2. Krishna Gopal, Rajiv Kumar (2006). Fault-Management Techniques for the Best Performing Path in a Computer Network. Proceedings of the International Conference on Quality, Reliability and Information TechnologyICQRIT 2006 [3rd : New Delhi : 2-4 December, 2006], pp.-.. Google Citation
  3. Vineet Sharma, Anup Thakur, S.K. Tripathi (2006). Electrical Properties of a-Se85-xTe15SnxThin Films . Proceedings of the International Symposium on non-oxide and new optical glasses, [15th. : Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. : April 10-14, 2006], pp.-.. Google Citation
  4. Anup Thakur, Vineet Sharma, S K Tripathi (2006). Photoelectrical Properties of a-(Ge20Se80)Ag10 Thin Film. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Materials Science (RAMS-2006) [Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra : 27- 29 September, 2006], pp.327-.. Google Citation
  5. Vineet Sharma, Anup Thakur, S K Tripathi (2006). Progressive Annealing Effects on the Electrical Properties of a-Se75Te15Sn10 Thin Film. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Materials Science (RAMS-2006) [Kuruksetra University Kurukshetra, India. : 27- 29 September, 2006], pp.327-.. Google Citation
  6. Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma, S.C.Katyal (2006). Refractive Index of Thin Films using Transmission Spectrum. Proceedings of the DAE-SSPS [Solid State Physics (India), : ], pp.425-.. Google Citation
  7. Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin (2006). Stochastic communication in application specific networks-on-chip. Proceedings of the Innovative Algorithms and Techniques in Automation, Industrial Electronics and Telecommunications [ : 4-14 December 2006], pp.11-.. Google Citation
  8. Vivek Kumar Sehgal (2006). Stochastic modeling of worm propagation in trusted networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Management [Las Vegas, USA : 26-29 June 2006], pp.7p-.. Google Citation
  9. Nitin, Ashok Subramanian (2006). On Reliability Analysis of Cost-effective Hybrid Zeta Network: A Fault-tolerant Multi-stage Interconnection Network. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA) [12th : Nevada, USA : June 26-29, 2006], pp.260-.. Google Citation
  10. Nitin (2006). On Analytic Bounds of Regular and Irregular Fault-tolerant Multi-stage Interconnection Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA) [12th : Nevada, USA : June 26-29, 2006], pp.221-.. Google Citation
  11. Nitin (2006). Reliability Analysis of Multi-path Multi-stage Interconnection Network. Proceedings of the WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communication and Computers (CSCC) [10th : Vouliagmeni, Athens, GREECE : July 13-15, 2006], pp.1018-.. Google Citation
  12. Shri Ram, Sanjay Kataria (2006). Facilitating Access and Use of Bioinformatics Informatics Information Resources through Digital Library System. Proceedings of the National Conference on Initiatives on New Library and Information Services [Coimbator, India : June 8-10, 2006], pp.-.. Google Citation
  13. Rakesh K. Bijarnia, Tanzeer Kaur, S.K. Singla, Chanderdeep Tandon (2006). Comparative analysis of the anti-calcifying properties of different plants. Proceedings of the [Symposium on Emerging Trends in Biochemistry : Department of Biochemistry, Panjab University, Chandigarh : 9-10 February, 2006], pp.-.. Google Citation
  14. Subodh Kumar Jain (2006). Five parameter endochronic solid. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics [California : June], pp.-.. Google Citation
  15. Rajesh Goel, Ahuja A.K. (2006). The Distribution of Pressure Near the Corners of Flat Canopy Attached to the Gable Roof Buildings. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Wind Engineering [Yakohama City, Japan : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
  16. Rajesh Goel, Sunn A., Ahuja A.K. (2006). Wind Pressure Distribution on Horizontal Canopy Attached to Gable Roof Buildings. Proceedings of the 10th East Asia Structural Engineering Conference [Bangkok, Thailand : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
  17. Rajesh Goel (2006). Role of Information Technology in Wind Engineering. Proceedings of the Indo Australian Conference on IT Applications in Civil Engineering [Roorkee, India : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
  18. Rajesh Goel, Sunn A., Ahuja A.K. (2006). Wind Loads on Gable Roof Buildings with Attached Canopies. Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference on Wind Engg [Kolkata : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
  19. Vasan R.M., Veeresh Gali (2006). Need for Information Technology based Educational Tools in Civil Engineering. Proceedings of the Indo Australian Conference on IT Applications in Civil Engineering [Roorkee : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
  20. Richa Babbar, Himanshu Joshi, D.S. Arya (2006). Waste Load Allocation for a tropical river: An overview. Proceedings of the In proceedings: First Uttaranchal Science Congress [Dehradun, India : 10 November 2006 - 11 November 2006], pp.-.. Google Citation
  21. Richa Babbar, Himanshu Joshi, D.S.Arya (2006). A waste load allocation methodology for water quality management. Proceedings of the National Conference on Environmental Pollution Control for sustainable development [Kota : 27 March 2006 - 28 March 2006], pp.-.. Google Citation
  22. Richa Babbar, Himanshu Joshi, D.S.Arya (2006). DSS: Scope and its application in water quality management. Proceedings of the Indo-Australian Conference on Information Technology in Civil Engineering [Roorkee : 20 February 2006 - 21 February 2006], pp.-.. Google Citation
  23. Himanshu, Jaideep, M.Mahajan, Sunil Kumar Khah (2006). C/C++ based software for the simulation of rectangular microstrip patch antenna. Proceedings of the Proceedings of Nat. Conf. Recent Adv. Microwave Techniques & Appl. [University of Rajasthan Jaipur India : October, 2006], pp.214-.. Google Citation
  24. M.Mahajan, Sunil Kumar Khah (2006). Analysis of circular patch microstrip antenna with superstrate in X-band. Proceedings of the Proceedings of Nat. Conf. Recent Adv. Microwave Techniques & Appl. [University of Rajasthan Jaipur India : October, 2006], pp.345-.. Google Citation
  25. Rohit Sharma (2006). Effects of input variations in interconnection trees. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Circuits, Signals, and Systems [4th : San Francisco, USA : 20-22 November 2006], pp.160-.. Google Citation
  26. Rohit Sharma (2006). RLC trees revisited. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Circuits, Signals, and Systems [4th : San Francisco, USA : 20-22 November 2006], pp.319-.. Google Citation
  27. Davinder Singh Saini, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2006). Adaptive assignment scheme for OVSF codes in WCDMA. Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications [2nd : Bucharest : 29-31 July, 2006], pp.-.. Google Citation
  28. Sunil Vidya Bhooshan, Kumar V. (2006). A polynomial approach towards the design of linear phase FIR filters. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology [Mumbai, India : 15-17 December 2006], pp.632-.. Google Citation
  29. Rohit Sharma, Kumar K., Vig S. (2006). DTMF based remote control system. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology [Mumbai, India : 15-17 December, 2006], pp.2380-.. Google Citation
  30. Davinder Singh Saini, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2006). Assignment and reassignment schemes for OVSF codes in WCDMA. Proceedings of the IWCMC 2006 - the 2006 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference [Vancouver, Canada : 3-6 July 2006], pp.497-.. Google Citation