JPubDB : JUIT Publication Database
Conference(s) :
- S. Chauhan, M.S.Chauhan, V. K. Syal, Poonam Sharma (2010). Acoustical Studies of Trammadol hydrochloride in Aqueous-Alcoholic Mixtures at 25° C. Proceedings of the 3rd National Symposium on Analytical Sciences on Recent Advances in Analytical Sciences [3rd : Department of Chemistry, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla : April 12-14, 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Kumari M., Sudhir Kumar (2010). Anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic biomass for biogas production.. Proceedings of the Delhi International Renewable Energy Conference (DIREC) [Knowledge Park (II), Noida. : 27-29 october 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Sudhir Kumar, Kumari M., Ravikanth K (2010). Herbal waste: A waste or a fortune. . Proceedings of the International Biofuels Conference [7th : Hotel Le-Meridian organized by Winrock International India, New Delhi : 11-12 feb 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Sangeeta Thakur, S C Katyal, A Gupta, V R Reddy, M Singh (2010). Nickel-Zinc-Indium Ferrite: Magnetic Properties and Mossbauer Spectroscopy Characterization. Proceedings of the International Conference on the Applications of the Mossbauer Effect [ : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Rohit Sharma, Karandeep Singh Dhingra, Nikhil Pandey, Rahul Garg, Rohit Singhal (2010). Electric Field and Ultrasonic Sensor Based Security System . Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation [Liverpool, UK : 27-29 Jan. 2010], pp.423-.. Google Citation
- Jain S., Singh H., Chauhan A., Pandey D., Satish Chandra (2010). Heuristics-aided load balancing in distributed systems and node prioritization. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation [12th : Cambridge, UK : 24-26 March 2010], pp.521-.. Google Citation
- Gupta P.K., Nitin Rakesh (2010). Different job scheduling methodologies for web application and web server in a cloud computing environment. Proceedings of the 3rd [International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology : 19-21 Nov. 2010], pp.569-.. Google Citation
- Ajay Kant, Arnesh Sharma, Sanchit Agarwal, Satish Chandra (2010). An ACO approach to job scheduling in grid environment. Proceedings of the International Conference on Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing [1st : Chennai, India : December 16-18, 2010.], pp.286-.. Google Citation
- Ranvijay, Yadav R.S., Smriti Agrawal (2010). Efficient energy constrained scheduling approach for dynamic real time system. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing [1st : Solan, India : 28-30 Oct. 2010], pp.284-.. Google Citation
- Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Panda N., Handa N.R., Naval S., Goel V. (2010). Electronic energy meter with instant billing. Proceedings of the European Modelling Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulation [4th : Pisa, Italy : 17-19 November 2010], pp.27-.. Google Citation
- Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Dhope S., Goel P., Chaudhry J.S., Sood P. (2010). An embedded platform for intelligent traffic control. Proceedings of the European Modelling Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulation [4th : Pisa, Italy : 17-19 November 2010], pp.541-.. Google Citation
- Rashmi Chaudhary, S. Mishra (2010). Scope, challenges, development and applications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for effective agricultural education and knowledge management systems - A case study of village Mulshi in Pune. Proceedings of the International Conference Agriculture Education and Knowledge Management [IFPRI and the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Agartala (Tripura), India : August 24-26, 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Sunil Vidya Bhooshan, Shipra Sharma (2010). A Lossy/Lossless Coding Algorithm Using Histogram. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Visual Computing [6th : Las Vegas, Nevada, USA : November 29 - December 1, 2010], pp.458-.. Google Citation
- Rajesh Kumar, Pawan Kumar, Nagesh Thakur (2010). A review of Nanotechnology and a brief description of synthesized nanoparticles. Proceedings of the National Scientific and Technical Seminar [TBRL (DRDO lab) Chandigarh, India : December 7-8, 2010.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Chandra Bhan Pal, Amit Kumar Singh, Amrit Kumar Agrawal (2010). Comparative Analysis of DS-VoD using Periodic Broadcast Technique. Proceedings of the National Conference On Emerging Trends in Information & Computing, ETIC- 2010 [GITM, Gurgaon, India : March 27, 2010], pp.173-.. Google Citation
- Amrit Kumar Agrawal, Amit Kumar Singh, Chandra Bhan Pal (2010). An Efficient Approach for Task Scheduling in Heterogeneous Distributed Systems. Proceedings of the National Conference On Emerging Trends in Information & Computing, ETIC -2010 [GITM, Gurgaon, India : March 27, 2010], pp.101-.. Google Citation
- Amit Kumar Singh, Chandra Bhan Pal, Amrit Kumar Agrawal (2010). Multimodal biometric system using fingerprint images. Proceedings of the National Conference On Emerging Trends in Information & Computing, ETIC- 2010 [GITM, Gurgaon, India : March 29, 2010], pp.28-.. Google Citation
- Amit Kumar Singh, Chandra Bhan Pal, Amrit Kumar Agrawal (2010). Biometric Verification System Using Hand Geometry. Proceedings of the National Conference On Emerging Trends in Information & Computing, ETIC- 2010 [GITM, Gurgaon, India : March 27, 2010], pp.40-.. Google Citation
- Amit Kumar Singh, Chandrabhan Pal, Amrit Kumar Agrawal (2010). A Survey on Multimodal Biometric System. Proceedings of the All India Conference on Recent Emergences and Scope of Electronics Architecture - 2010 (RESEARCH-2KX) [The Institution of Engineers (India) Haryana state Centre and Center for Advanced Technology (CAT) - Haryana Engineering College, Jagadhri, India : February 19-20, 2010], pp.245-.. Google Citation
- Nitin, Aditya Patel, Amanpreet Singh Arora, Radhika Medury, Anisha Pubbi (2010). CAPTCHA based Email Hacking Prevention. Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Management (SAM) [9th : Nevada, USA : July 12-15, 2010], pp.678-.. Google Citation
- Nitin, Pradeep Naik, Anitya Nijhara, Shantanu Agarwal, Ayush Agarwal, Shweta Malik, Ujjawal Khandelwal (2010). A Case Tool for Prediction of Squamousal Cancerous and Non-Cancerous Cells using DIP and ANN. Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BIOCOMP) [11th : Nevada, USA, : July 12-15, 2010], pp.841-.. Google Citation
- Nitin, Ankush Bansal, Chirag Bogra, Jodhbir Singh Sehmi (2010). Application of Point Mapping for Predicting Regions of Cheating in an Examination Hall. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE) [9th : Nevada, USA : July 12-15, 2010], pp.466-.. Google Citation
- Ved Prakash Bhardwaj, Nitin, Vipin Tyagi (2010). Emerging trends in Network management. Proceedings of the International Conference on Project Risk Management [Pune, India. : October 2010, ], pp.149-.. Google Citation
- Shivam Rastogi, Anshika Chaudhry, Shweta Tiwari, Shruti Jain (2010). Dipper Control using RF waves. Proceedings of the International Multi Conference on Intelligent Systems & Nanotechnology (IISN-2010) [4th : Institute Of Science and Technology, KLAWAD (ISTK), Ambala- Jagadhri Road, Distt. Yamuna Nagar, Haryana, India. : February 26-28, 2010], pp.472-.. Google Citation
- Shivam Rastogi, Anshika Chaudhry, Shweta Tiwari, Shruti Jain (2010). Current Mode Active Filters Using CDTA. Proceedings of the International Multi Conference on Intelligent Systems & Nanotechnology (IISN-2010) [4th : Institute Of Science and Technology, KLAWAD (ISTK), Ambala- Jagadhri Road, Distt. Yamuna Nagar, Haryana, India. : February 26-28, 2010], pp.92-.. Google Citation
- Shivam Rastogi, Anshika Chaudhry, Shweta Tiwari, Shruti Jain (2010). Current Mode Comparators Using SPICE Simulation. Proceedings of the International Multi Conference on Intelligent Systems & Nanotechnology (IISN-2010) [4th : Institute Of Science and Technology, KLAWAD (ISTK), Ambala- Jagadhri Road, Distt. Yamuna Nagar, Haryana, India. : February 26-28, 2010], pp.36-.. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Attenuation with Double Pole Four Throw CMOS switch design. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE-2010). [Malacca, Malaysia : June 28-30, 2010], pp.173-.. Google Citation
- Chandra Bhan Pal, Amit Kumar Singh, Nitin, Amrit Kumar Agrawal (2010). An Efficient Multi Fingerprint Verification System using Minutiae Extraction Technique. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Engineering & Technology [ : 19-20 March, 2010], pp.114-.. Google Citation
- S. Sharma, Hemant Sood, A. Mathur, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2010). Optimization of bioreactor parameters for in vitro production of medicinal compunds in shoot cultures of an endangered medicinal herb, Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. . Proceedings of the National Symposium on Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture: The Present Scenario & XXXI Annual Meeting of Plant Tissue Culture Association [CAS,Dept of Botany, University of Kolkata,India : March 3-5, 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Bharti Negi, Rajdeep Kaur, M.P Bansal, Gargi Dey (2010). Seabuckthorn wine enhances plasma antioxidant capacity in mice (Poster). Proceedings of the Indo-Australian Biotechnology Conference [7th : Brisbane, Australia : October 25-27, 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Varun Jaiswal, Chittaranjan Rout, Tarun Pal (2010). In silico design of vaccine candidate against stomach cancer focusing on Helicobacter pylori. Proceedings of the International symposia on cancer research & translational initiatives cum workshop of flow cytometry [Panjab University, Chandigarh, India : October 14-16, 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Anup Kumar, Partha Bir Barman, Raman Sharma (2010). Theoretical Investigations of Electronic Properties of Se82−xBixTe18 Thin Films. Proceedings of the Dae Solid State Physics Symposium [55th : Manipal, India : 26-30 December, 2010], pp.853-.. Google Citation
- A. Usmani, A. Nanda, G. Kannan, Subodh Kumar Jain (2010). Analysis of Groundwater Flow in Underground Storage Caverns. Proceedings of the International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics [6th : New Delhi, India : 8-12 November, 2010], pp.754-.. Google Citation
- Ayush Gupta, Aditya Bhansali, Swati Bhargava, Shruti Jain (2010). Configuration of Operational Amplifier using CMOS. Proceedings of the Interanational Symposiun on Computer Engineering and Technology (ISCET 2010) [Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab : 19-20 March, 2010], pp.148-.. Google Citation
- Davinder Singh Saini, Vipin Balyan, Kanika Mittal, Mansi Saini, Manika Kishore (2010). Fast OVSF Code Assignment Scheme for WCDMA Wireless Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Trends in Business Administration and Information Processing [Trivandrum, Kerala, India : 26-27 March, 2010], pp.65-.. Google Citation
- V. Balyan, Davinder Singh Saini (2010). An efficient multi code assignment scheme to reduce call establishment delay for WCDMA networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC) [1st : Solan : 28-30 October, 2010], pp.278-.. Google Citation
- Ankit Sabharwal, Ayush Agarwal, Harsh Lohia, Nitin (2010). Enhancing Dynamic Web Applications Using a Multi-Level Indexed Query Caching Scheme. Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing [Las Vegas Nevada, USA : July 12-15, 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Shri Ram (2010). Libraries as an Institution of combating corruptions. Proceedings of the MANLIBNET National Convention [11 : Secundrabad, India : ], pp.169-.. Google Citation
- Shri Ram (2010). Social Cataloguing: Changing Face of Card Catalogue in Web 2.0 Technology Environment. Proceedings of the MANLIBNET National Convention [12 : Jaipur, India : 22-24 November, 2014], pp.651-.. Google Citation
- Pawan Kumar Verma, Deepak Dahiya (2010). Enterprise Systems Development: Impact of Aspect Oriented Software Architecture. Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering [22 : San Francisco, USA : July 1-3, 2010], pp.176-.. Google Citation
- Pooja Jain, Deepak Dahiya (2010). A multi agent knowledge management system architecture for the IT industry. Proceedings of the Real-Time and Embedded Systems [Singapore : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Deepak Dahiya, Sudha Dahiya (2010). Role of Software Process Models in Enterprise System Developmen. Proceedings of the Roedunet International Conference [9 : Sibiu, Romania : 24-26 June 2010], pp.134-.. Google Citation
- P.K. Verma, Deepak Dahiya, Pooja Jain (2010). Using aspect oriented software architecture for enterprise systems development. Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Information Management [5 : USA : 5-8 July, 2010], pp.448-.. Google Citation
- Rohit Verma, Ravikant Verma, Syamala Jaya Sree P, Pradeep Kumar, Rajesh Siddavatam, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2010). A Fast Progressive Image Transmission Algorithm Using Linear Bivariate Splines. Proceedings of the Contemporary Computing [3 : Noida, India : 9-11 August, 2010], pp.568-.. Google Citation
- N. Gupta, S. Sharma, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2010). Comparative genomics to elucidate rutin biosynthesis genes in a nutraceutical food crop, Fagopyrumtataricum. Proceedings of the International Conference on Genomics Sciences- Recent Trends (ICGS) [India : 12-14 Nov.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- A. Sharma, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2010). Comparative analysis of genes involved in oil synthesis and accumulation in plants for candidate gene markers identification. Proceedings of the International Conference Genomics Sciences- Recent Trends (ICGS) [India : 12-14 Nov.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Sharma K, Lathar P K, Rajinder S. Chauhan, Chanderdeep Tandon (2010). Inhibitory activity of Fagopyrumesculentumand Fagopyrumtataricum on in vitro thoracic aorta calcification. Proceedings of the Biennial International conference on new developments in drug discovery from natural products and traditional medicines [2nd : Punjab : Nov. 20-24], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Aggarwal A, Singla SK, Priyadarshini, Chanderdeep Tandon (2010). In vitro studies on anticalcifying potency of Tribulusterrestris. Proceedings of the [ : ], pp.A211-.. Google Citation
- Priyadarshini, S.K. Singh, Chanderdeep Tandon (2010). Studies on matrix protein(s) from human calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) stones. Proceedings of the [ : ], pp.A212-.. Google Citation
- Kanupriya Aggarwal, Priyadarshini, S.K. Singh, Chanderdeep Tandon (2010). Evaluation of the activity of human renal stone extract on nucleation and growth of calcium oxalate crystals. Proceedings of the [ : ], pp.A131-.. Google Citation
- Gandhi M., Chanderdeep Tandon, Singla S. K. (2010). Biomolecules from Coconut water( Cocusnucifera L.) influencing calcium oxalate monohydrate crystal growth. Proceedings of the Symposium on Natural Products in Health & Disease [Chandigarh : March 5-6.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Prashant Kumar Lathar, Kritika Sharma, Chanderdeep Tandon (2010). Role of Terminaliaarjunabark extract on in vitro thoracic aorta calcification. Proceedings of the Symposium on Natural Products in Health &Disease [Chandigarh : March 5-6.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- V Jaiswal, Rahul Shrivastava, Chittaranjan Rout (2010). Computational analysis of immunogenic epitopes to identify vaccine candidate of influenza A virus with broad specificity. Proceedings of the Influenza: Translating basic insights [Washington D.C., USA : December 2-4.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- A. Chaudhary, S. K. Singla, Chanderdeep Tandon (2010). Anticalcifying protein isolated from Terminaliaarjuna. Proceedings of the Symposium on Natural Products in Health & Disease [Chandigarh : March 5-6.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Prabodh K. Bajpai, Ashish R. Warghat, Ashutosh A. murkute, AshishYadav, Anil Kant Thakur, R.B Srivastava (2010). Genetic diversity in Mulberry (Morus sp.) from Ladakh using ISSR markers. Proceedings of the Indian Horticulture Congress [4th : New Delhi : 18 to 21 Nov. 2010.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Nirupma Prakash (2010). Gender Equality and Development. Proceedings of the First Meeting of Asian and Spanish Women on Gender and Culture of Peace at the Round Table organized by Casa Asia [Barcelona, Spain : October 25-27, 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Amit Srivastava, Y. Medury (2010). India's Intra-Industry Trade with Different Economies. Proceedings of the 2nd Research Conference on Empirical Issues in International Trade and Finance [Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi : December 16-17, 2010.], pp.18-.. Google Citation
- Puneet Bhushan, Pavit Verma (2010). Implementing Six Sigma in Service Sector : A Model for the Hotel Industry. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Management Next: Paradigms & Innovations [Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology, Mohali, Chandigarh : February 19-20, 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Anupriya Kaur, Medury Y (2010). Traditional and contemporary influences on consumer socialization: results from an exploratory in India. Proceedings of the Global Marketing Conference [GMC, Japan : September, 2010], pp.2383-.. Google Citation
- Anupriya Kaur, Y. Medury (2010). Childrens influence on family purchases: some new insights. Proceedings of the Global Marketing Conference [GMC, Japan : September, 2010], pp.172-.. Google Citation
- Anil Kumar, Poonam, Sehgal V.K (2010). Hybrid Control of High Rise Buildings against Earthquakes using Quadratic Optimal Approach. Proceedings of the of 9th International Conference on High Rise Towers and Tall Buildings [Germany : 13 April 2010 - 17 April 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Anil Kumar, Poonam, V K Sehgal (2010). Hybrid Control of Tall Buildings against Ground Excitations Using H? Control Approach. Proceedings of the Proc 79th International Convention of Structural Engineers [California , USA : 22 September 2010 - 25 September 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Rajesh Goel, A.K. Ahuja (2010). Comparative Study of Wind Loads on Gable Roof Buildings With and Without Attached Canopies. Proceedings of the Proc 4th Int Conf Struct Eng, Mech & Comp [South Africa : 6 September 2010 - 8 September 2010], pp.1379-.. Google Citation
- R. Chauhan, S. Mittal, Rajesh Goel (2010). A review of basic soil structure interaction modelss for geotechnical problems. Proceedings of the Proc 4th Int Conf Struct Eng, Mech & Comp [South Africa : 6 September 2010 - 8 September 2010], pp.1379-.. Google Citation
- Subodh Kumar Jain (2010). On the nature of secondary compression in soils. Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference [Bombay : 16 December 2010 - 18 December 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Subodh Kumar Jain (2010). Analysis and design of large storage caverns and Hydraulic confinement of hydrocarbons in unlined rock caverns. Proceedings of the 6th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) [New Delhi : 23-27 October, 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Pankaj Sharma, S.C. Katyal (2010). Crystallographic study of of Se-Te alloy using XRD spectra. Proceedings of the Recent Trends in Materials and Devices [Amity University, Noida : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Pankaj Sharma, S.C. Katyal (2010). Structural study of chalcogenide glasses using XRD spectra. Proceedings of the Advances in Materials and Devices [ITM-Gurgaon : May 15, 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- K. Kumar, Pankaj Sharma, N. Thakur (2010). Dielectric relaxation in Bi doped Se-Te glassy alloys. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Materials Science & Engineering : A Multidisciplinary Approach [JUET Guna : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Dheerendra Singh Gangwar, Davinder Singh Saini (2010). Arrogyam: Arrhythmia Detection for Ambulatory Patient Monitoring. Proceedings of the Communications in Computer and Information Science [ : ], pp.168-.. Google Citation
- Mohammad Wajid, Shashank, S.B. (2010). Architecture for Faster RAM Controller Design with Inbuilt Memory. Proceedings of the Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks, International Conference on [2nd : Liverpool, UK : 28-30 July 2010], pp.147-.. Google Citation
- Bhasker Gupta, Davinder Singh Saini (2010). BER performance improvement in OFDM systems using equalization algorithms. Proceedings of the Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2010 [ : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Analysis of double-pole four-throw RF CMOS switch with HfO2. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Microwave Processing of Materials (NSMWP-2010 [India : 40510], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Double-pole four-throw RF CMOS switch design with double-gate transistors. Proceedings of the Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON-2010 [India : 17 December 2010 - 19 December 2010], pp.1-.. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Designing parameters for RF CMOS. Proceedings of the Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON-2010 [India : 17 December 2010 - 19 December 2010], pp.1-.. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Analysis of attenuation, isolation and switching speed of DP4T double gate RF CMOS switch design. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Robotics (IECR-2010 [India : 27 December 2010 - 29 December 2010], pp.257-.. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Designing parameters for RF MOS cells. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Robotics (IECR-2010) [India : 27 December 2010 - 29 December 2010], pp.259-.. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Modeling of MOS capacitor with VEE Programming. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT-2010) [India : 29 July 2010 - 31 July 2010], pp.1-.. Google Citation
- Kumud Ranjan Jha, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Effect of unit-cell in the electromagnetic bandgap in the terahertz frequency spectrum. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMWTHz-2010) [Italy : 7 September 2010 - 11 September 2010], pp.1-.. Google Citation
- Kumud Ranjan Jha, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Terahertz dipole antenna in Fabry-Perot cavity with two sidewall. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMWTHz-2010) [Italy : 7 September 2010 - 11 September 2010], pp.1-.. Google Citation
- Joshi A., Davinder Singh Saini (2010). Performance analysis of coded OFDM for various modulation schemes in 802.11a based digital broadcast applications. Proceedings of the Communications in Computer and Information Science [ : ], pp.60-.. Google Citation
- Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, Hooda D.S. (2010). On some new generalized measures of fuzzy information. Proceedings of the Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology [Penang, Malaysia : February 24-26, 2010], pp.747-.. Google Citation
- Shruti Jain, Naik Pradeep Kumar, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2010). BiCMOS implementation of cell signaling for cell survival/death. Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Acquisition and Processing [ : ], pp.23-.. Google Citation
- Shruti Jain, Pradeep Kumar Naik, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2010). A system model for cell death using Fuzzy and SPICE. Proceedings of the International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology [ : ], pp.756-.. Google Citation
- Joshi A., Davinder Singh Saini (2010). Coded-OFDM in various multipath fading environments. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering [2nd : : ], pp.127-.. Google Citation
- Rakesh N., Nitin (2010). K-k sorting on the multi Mesh of trees. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering [2nd : Singapore : 26-28 February 2010], pp.678-.. Google Citation
- Srivastava V.M., Kapoor S., Nitasha, Jaswal N., Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Full subtractor circuit design with independent double gate transistor. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Trends in Information, Telecommunication, and Computing [Kochi, India : 12-13 March 2010], pp.302-.. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, Rachit Patel, H Parashar, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Reduction in parasitic capacitances for transmission gate with the help of CPL. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Trends in Information, Telecommunication and Computing [ : 12-13 March 2010], pp.218-.. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, Priyank, Singh S.P., Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Parasitic capacitances in double gate MOSFET. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Trends in Information, Telecommunication and Computing (ITC 2010) [Kochi, Kerala : 12-13 March, 2010], pp.305-.. Google Citation
- Davinder Singh Saini, Neeru Sharma (2010). An efficient multi code design for code blocking reduction in 3G wireless networks. Proceedings of the IEEE Sarnoff Symposium 2010, Conference Proceedings [33rd : Princeton, USA : 12-14 April 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Jha K.R., S.V.R.K Rao, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Constructive interference in Yagi-Uda type printed terahertz antenna on photonic crystal substrate. Proceedings of the IEEE Sarnoff Symposium [33rd : Princeton, USA : 12-14 April 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Abhilash Srivastava, Dhruv Kartikey, Utkarsh Srivastava, Vaibhav Srivastava, Rajesh Sidhavatam (2010). Non holonomic shortest robot path planning in a dynamic environment using polygonal obstacles. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology [Vi a del Mar : 14-17 March 2010], pp.553-.. Google Citation
- Patel S., Gupta P., Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Performance measure of drop tail and RED algorithm. Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Computer Technology [2nd : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia : 7-10 May 2010], pp.35-.. Google Citation
- Kundra R., Singhal H., Nitin (2010). Turing Machine for i-head Hydra. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation [12th : Cambridge, UK : 24-26 March 2010], pp.11-.. Google Citation
- Jain S., Sabharwal A., Davinder Singh Saini (2010). An improvised localization scheme using active RFID for accurate tracking in smart homes. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation [12th : Cambridge, UK : 24-26 March 2010], pp.51-.. Google Citation
- Thakur S., S C Katyal, Gupta A., Reddy V.R., Singh M. (2010). Characterization of magnetic nano materials by Mossbauer spectroscopy. Proceedings of the Journal of Physics: Conference Series [ : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Srivastava V.M., Saubagya N., Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Circuit design with independent double gate transistors. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering [ : ], pp.289-.. Google Citation
- Deepak Dahiya (2010). Enterprise systems development: Impact of various software development methodologies. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Mining, SEDM 2010 [ : ], pp.117-.. Google Citation
- Aluru P., Rajpurohit J., Agarwal M., S.V.R.K Rao, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Improvement in total sensing time of the receiver in the cognitive radio. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing, ARTCom 2010 [ : ], pp.437-.. Google Citation
- Agarwal M., Rajpurohit J., Aluru P., S.V.R.K Rao, Ghanshyam Singh (2010). Performance evaluation of cognitive radio with emphasis on uplink and downlink. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing [2nd : Kottayam, Kerala : 15-16 Oct 2010], pp.440-.. Google Citation
- Syamala Jaya Sree P., Verma R.K., Pradeep Kumar, Siddavatam R., Satya Prakash Ghrera (2010). An evolutionary approach to image noise cancellation using adaptive particle swarm optimization (APSO). Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks [2nd : Liverpool : 28-30 July 2010], pp.279-.. Google Citation
- Balyan V., Davinder Singh Saini (2010). Immediate neighbor assignment and reduction in code blocking for OVSF-WCDMA. Proceedings of the International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks [Split, Bol : 23-25 September 2010], pp.155-.. Google Citation
- Shri Ram, Rohit Sureka, Puneet Sharma, N Laxman Rao (2010). Integrating Bioinformatics Information Resources: Managing Information through Clustering. Proceedings of the Students [Kharagpur : 3-4 April, 2010], pp.177-.. Google Citation
- Shri Ram, Sanjay Kataria, Allen Hopkinson, Nitin Paliwal. (2010). Acceptance and Usage of Web 2.0 Services in Libraries: A Survey. Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services [2nd : Solan, Himachal Pradesh : 3-5 June, 2002], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Sanjay Kataria, Shri Ram, John Paul Anbu K, Jay Bhatt (2010). Social Networking for event Management: A Case with ETTLIS 2010@Ning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services [2nd : Solan, Himachal Pradesh : 3-5 June, 2002], pp.-.. Google Citation