JPubDB : JUIT Publication Database

2025 (1) 2024 (34) 2023 (37) 2022 (49) 2021 (54)
2020 (38) 2019 (57) 2018 (81) 2017 (105) 2016 (69)
2015 (91) 2014 (91) 2013 (96) 2012 (134) 2011 (174)
2010 (105) 2009 (111) 2008 (88) 2007 (42) 2006 (30)
2005 (8) 2004 (2) 2003 (1) All

Conference(s) :

  1. Manika Sehgal, Tiratha Raj Singh (2016). An integrated In-Silico Approach for Unraveling Prominence of Human DNA Repair System in Carcinogenesis. Proceedings of the NSCSB-2016 [JUIT, Solan, India : March 18-20, 2016], pp.33-.. Google Citation
  2. Ashwani Kumar, Ankush Bansal, Ajay Sharma Dharmani, Uttara Shankar, Amrita Budhiraja, Tiratha Raj Singh (2016). ABCD: Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers Comprehensive Database. Proceedings of the NSCSB-2016 [JUIT, Solan, India : March 18-20, 2016], pp.41-.. Google Citation
  3. Agam Kanodia, Parveen Kaur Thakur, Tanvi Katoch, Shubhangi Kaushik, Ankita Shukla, Tiratha Raj Singh (2016). Network Topology Studies on TGFB Signaling Pathway in Colorectal Cancer. Proceedings of the NSCSB-2016 [JUIT, Solan, India : March 18-20, 2016], pp.43-.. Google Citation
  4. Siddharth S. Tomar, Ivo Kwee, Tiratha Raj Singh (2016). Evaluation of Short Read GPU Based Aligners. Proceedings of the NSCSB-2016 [JUIT, Solan, India : March 18-20, 2016], pp.35-.. Google Citation
  5. Sudhir Kumar (2016). Extremophilic xylanases for efficient conversion of lignocellulosic biomass. Proceedings of the International conference on Recent advances in Bio-energy research- ICRABR [S.S.S. National Institute of Renewable Energy, Kapurthala, Pb. : 25 to 27 February 2016 ], pp.-.. Google Citation
  6. Kumar A., Patial G., Saini H.S., Sudhir Kumar (2016). Development of sustainable bioleaching technology for precious metals recovery from e-waste. . Proceedings of the National Seminar on issues of E-waste Management [Govt. Degree College, Arki, Solan, : 17 dec 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  7. Rajender Singh, Partha Bir Barman, Dheeraj Sharma (2016). Study of removal of methylene blue dye from water by Ag doped ZnO nanoparticles.. Proceedings of the International conference on Improving Quality of life by nanotechnology : Potential role of polymer [Panjab University Chandigarh : 18-20 Feb, 2018], pp.-.. Google Citation
  8. Sunil Datt Sharma (2016). Evaluation of time frequency tools for multi-component chirp signals. Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing​​ (ICSP 2016) [ ​ : Vidisha, M.P. India. : 7-9 Nov. 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  9. R.S. Raja Durai (2016). Multiple-rate Maximum Rank Distance Codes. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications (ISITA) [14th. : Monterey, Calfornia, USA : 30th October - 2nd November, 2016], pp.696-.. Google Citation
  10. Umesh K singh, Z. Ahmad, Ashish Kumar, M. Pandey (2016). Turbulence characteristics of flow over degraded bed of clay-silt-sand-gravel mixture.. Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (Hydro2016) [CWPRS Pune, India : 8 - 10 December, 2016.], pp.-.. Google Citation
  11. Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Message. Proceedings of the International conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP) [3rd. : : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
  12. Punit Gupta, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Trust and Deadline aware scheduling algorithm for cloud infrastructure using Ant Colony Optimization . Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security, (ICICCS) [1st. : : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
  13. Geetanjali Rathee, Hemraj Saini (2016). Fast Handoff Technique in Wireless Mesh Network (FHT in WMN). Proceedings of the International conference in computing, communication and virtualization, Journal of Procedia Computer Science [7th : : ], pp.722-.. Google Citation
  14. Mayank Kumar Goyal, Satya Prakash Ghrera, Jai Prakash Gupta (2016). Improving the Average Number of Network Coded Transmission in AODV Routing Protocol with Network Coding Scheme. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computer Science and Information Technology (RICSIT-2016) [University Institute of Information Technology (UIIT), Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla : 23 rd May, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  15. Shraddha Tiwari, Raman Thakur, Gunjan Goel, Jata Shankar (2016). Identification and Functional categorization of Protein Involved in Germination of Aspergillus Flavus Conidia. Proceedings of the Advances Against Aspergillosis [7th : Manchester University, Manchester UK : 3-5 March, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  16. Bishal Prasher, Divya Chauhan, Shivani Sood, Rajneesh Kaur (2016). Expression of cyclopropane mycolic acid synthase pcaA is essential for survival of M. fortuitum under in vitro stress conditions. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of AMI & International Symposium; On Microbes and Biosphere: Whats New and Whats Next [57th : Guwahati, India : 24-27 November, 2016], pp.330-.. Google Citation
  17. Prabhat Thakur, Alok Kumar, Shweta Pandit, Ghanshyam Singh, S N Satashia (2016). Frame structures for hybrid spectrum accessing strategy in cognitive radio communication system. Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3 2016) [9th : India : 11-13 Aug. 2016], pp.1-.. Google Citation
  18. Prabhat Thakur, Alok Kumar, Shweta Pandit, Ghanshyam Singh, S N Satashia (2016). Performance improvement of cognitive radio network using spectrum prediction and monitoring techniques for spectrum mobility. Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC 2016), [ 4th : India : 22-24 Dec. 2016], pp.679-.. Google Citation
  19. Geetanjali Rathee, Prabhat Thakur, Hemraj Saini, Ghanshyam Singh (2016). Aspects of secure communication during spectrum handoff in cognitive radio networks. Proceedings of the Proc. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication [(ICSC 2016) : India : 26-28 Dec. 2016], pp.64-.. Google Citation
  20. Vishwajeet Pattanaik, Mayank Singh, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, S.K. Singh (2016). Smart Real-Time Traffic Congestion Estimation and Clustering Technique for Urban Vehicular Roads. Proceedings of the IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) [Singapore : Nov 2016], pp.3420-.. Google Citation
  21. Punit Gupta, Patodiya S, Singh D, Chhabra J, Shukla, A (2016). IoT based smart petrol pump. In Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing. Proceedings of the Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC), 2016 Fourth International Conference on [ : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
  22. Nagesh Kumar, Yashwant Singh (2016). An Energy Efficient and Trust Management based Opportunistic Routing metric for Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2016) [4th : Waknaghat, India, India : 22-24 December, 2016], pp.611-.. Google Citation
  23. Arvind Kumar (2016). Impact of Packet Dropping Attacks on RPL . Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC) [4th. : Waknaghat, India : 22-24 Dec. 2016], pp.694-.. Google Citation
  24. Manpreet Singh Bajwa, Pradeep Kumar Singh , Arun Prakash Agarwal (2016). Analyzing and Interpreting the Fault Localized Using PCA with CK Metrics. Proceedings of the PDGC-2016 [IEEE-38036 : JUIT Waknaghat Solan, HP India : 22-24 Dec. 2016], pp.575--.. Google Citation
  25. Meenakshi Sood, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2016). A Novel Module Based Approach for Classifying Epileptic Seizures using EEG Signals . Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Informatics and Computer Systems, CIICS 2016 [American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, . : March 13-15, 2016], pp.1-.. Google Citation
  26. A Rawat, Suman Saha, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Time Efficient Ranking System on Map Reduce Framework. Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP) [3rd. : : 21-24 December, 2015], pp.-.. Google Citation
  27. Ashutosh, Rajiv Kumar (2016). Performance Comparison and Detailed Study of AODV, DSDV, DSR, TORA and OLSR Routing Protocols in Ad Hoc Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing(PDGC) [4th. : Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, H.P.(India) : 22-24 December, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  28. Tanu Sharma (2016). An Insight into CSR and Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Management (ICIRESM-16) [7th : The Institutions of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), Delhi, India : November 13-11, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  29. Ravindara Bhatt, Pansul Bhatt, Atishay Arvind (2016). An Integration Framework of Three-Dimensional Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network with Cloud Computing for Surveillance Applications. Proceedings of the RICSIT-2016 [Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India : May 23, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  30. Ravindara Bhatt, Raja Datta (2016). Cost Models for 3-D Deployment of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) [Marina Bay Sands Singapore : November 22-25, 2016], pp.3485-.. Google Citation
  31. Umesh K singh, Z. Ahmad, Ashish Kumar (2016). Incipient Motion for Gravel Particles in Cohesive Mixture of Clay-silt-gravel.. Proceedings of the International Symposium on River Sedimentation, [Stuttgart, Germany : 19 - 22 September, 2016], pp.424-.. Google Citation
  32. Deepika Sharma, Gopal Singh Bisht (2016). Lipid Based Peptidomimetics. Proceedings of the NCRACS 2016 [MMU Maullana, Ambala : 11-12 November, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  33. Sahil Bhusri, Shruti Jain (2016). Analysis of Breast Lesions Using Laws Mask Texture Features. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC) [4th : Jaypee University of Information technology, Waknaghat, Solan, H.P, India : 22-24 December, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  34. Vasudewa K, Punit Gupta (2016). A survey on Elastic Resource Allocation Algorithm for Cloud Infrastructure. Proceedings of the International Conference In Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS-INBUSH) [ : ], pp.199-.. Google Citation
  35. Punit Gupta, J Chhabra (2016). IoT Based Smart Home Design using Power and Security Management. Proceedings of the International conference on Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS) [ : ], pp.6-.. Google Citation
  36. Nigam S, Asthana S, Punit Gupta (2016). IoT Based Intelligent Billboard using Data Mining. Proceedings of the Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS-INBUSH) [ : ], pp.107-.. Google Citation
  37. Punit Gupta, D. Agrawal, J. Chhabra, P. K. Dhir (2016). IoT Based Smart Healthcare Kit. Proceedings of the Computational Techniques in Information and Communication Technologies (ICCTICT) [ : ], pp.237-.. Google Citation
  38. R. S. Jha, Punit Gupta (2016). Power and Load Aware Resource Allocation Policy for Hybrid Cloud. Proceedings of the Procedia Computer Science [nangpur : ], pp.350-.. Google Citation
  39. Rahul Shrivastava (2016). Identification of Novel Gene(s) Responsible for Mycobacterium fortuitum.. Proceedings of the UK-India Workshop on Tackling the Emergence of Antimicrobial Resistance: increasing virulence and facilitating research network [IMTECH Chandigarh : 7-10 November 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  40. Neeraj Gandotra, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, Jimson Mathew (2016). On Ranking in Triangular Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making under alpha - beta cut with Useful Parametric Entropy. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC) [5th. : Cochin : 2-4 Sept, 2015], pp.69-.. Google Citation
  41. Gautam Kumar , Hemraj Saini (2016). Secure and Efficient ECC: Radix-16 Scalar Multiplication without Pre-Computation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Big Data and Advanced Wireless Technologies [Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria : November 10 - 11, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  42. Bandna Bharti, Rajesh Kumar (2016). Formation of Surface Groups to Enhance the Wettability of Titanium dioxide (TiO2) Thin Films. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICANN-2016) [Ne Delhi, India. : 4 - 5 November, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  43. Sharma K, Gunjan Goel (2016). Biodiversity of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Himchal Fermented Food (Babroo) and its Screening for Various Probiotic Attributes.. Proceedings of the International Conference on biodiversity: Current Scenario and future strategies. [St. Beads College, Shimla,India. : 6-8 October, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  44. Rajesh Prasad Shukla, Niraj Singh Parihar, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2016). The Effect of Geotextiles on Low Plastic Sandy Clay. Proceedings of the Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics - Geosynthetics for Infrastructure Development [6th. : New Delhi, India : 8-11 November, 2016], pp.251-.. Google Citation
  45. Monika Pradhan, Kanika Sharma, Poonam, Rahul Shrivastava (2016). Identification of Novel Gene(s) Responsible for Drug Resistance in Mycobacterium fortuitum . Proceedings of the Recent Advances in Biomedical Research: Strategies and Innovation [AIIMS, New Delhi, India : 26-27 May 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  46. Shivani Saxena, Poonam, Kriti Vaid, Rahul Shrivastava (2016). Isocitrate Lyase Homologue of Mycobacterium Fortuitum is Necessary for in Vivo Survival of M. Fortuitum in a Mouse Model. Proceedings of the Recent Advances in Biomedical Research: Strategies and Innovation [AIIMS, New Delhi, India : 26 - 27 May 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  47. Kriti Vaid, Shivani Sood, Shivani Saxena, Poonam, Rahul Shrivastava (2016). Isocitrate Lyase Homologue of Mycobacterium fortuitum Plays role in in-vitro Survival and Stress Response. Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Research in Biotechnology, Biomedical Sciences, Bioinformatics and Stem cell Applications (BSC-2016) [JNU, New Delhi, India : 30 January, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  48. Rishi Rana , Rajiv Ganguly, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2016). Impact of Leachate from non-engineered landfill sites on groundwater quality: a case study in Northern India. Proceedings of the International Conference on Trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (TRACE) [Amity University, Noida, India. : August 11-12, 2016], pp.11-.. Google Citation
  49. Punit Gupta, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Trust and Deadline Aware Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Infrastructure Using Ant Colony Optimization. Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS 2016) [1st. : Amity University Noida, U.P. India. : 25 February, 2016], pp.187-.. Google Citation
  50. Ashwani kumar, Tiratha Raj Singh (2016). System Biology Approach for Gene Set Enrichment and Topological Analysis of AD. Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics and Systems biology(BSB)-2016 [IIIT-A, Allahabad, India : 4 - 6 March, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  51. Asha Kumari, Ragini Raj Singh (2016). Optical properties of CdSe Encapsulated with Polymer structures. Proceedings of the National Conference on Multifunctional Advanced Materials [Shoolini University, H.P., India : 11-13 May 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  52. Rajinder Kumar, Hitanshu Kumar, Ragini Raj Singh, Partha Bir Barman (2016). Synthesis and structural analysis of Co doped Ni-Zn ferrite. Proceedings of the International Conference on Science: emerging scenario and future challenges [Dharamshala, H.P., India : 11-12 June, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  53. Ashish Kumar (2016). Scour Around Bridge Piers. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, (RACE 2016) [1st. : Jaypee Unversity Anoopshahr, U P, India. : 19-20 March, 2016], pp.35-.. Google Citation
  54. Aditi Zear, Amit Kumar Singh, Pardeep Kumar (2016). Digital Image Watermarking Techniques using Artificial Intelligence: New Trends in Information Security. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Electronics Engineering [1st : Hyderabad, India : Jan 9-10, 2016], pp.6-.. Google Citation
  55. Payal Kotvi, Enesh, Shivam Sharma, Hemant Sood (2016). Artifical seed production of Gentiana kurroo Royle. Proceedings of the International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioinformatics [3 : Pune, India : 5-7 February, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  56. Varun Kumar, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2016). Exogenous Feeding of Cinnamic Acid and Catalpol Directs Metabolic Flux Towards Picroside-I Biosynthesis in a Medicinal Herb, Picrorhiza kurroa Royle Ex Benth. Proceedings of the International Conference on Cell Factories [IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India : 10-20 March, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  57. Vishakha Jain, Pawan Kumar, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2016). Identification and Expression Analysis of bZIP Transcription Factors Controlling Secondary Metabolite Biosynthesis in Podophyllum Hexandrum. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Role of Herbals in Cancer Prevention and Treatment [Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India : 9-10 Februarty, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  58. Shweta Tiwari, Pawan Kumar, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2016). NGS Transcriptome-wide Mining and Expression Analysis of MYB Transcription Factors Regulating Podophyllotoxin Biosynthesis in Podophyllum Hexandrum. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Role of Herbals in Cancer Prevention and Treatment [Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India : 9-10 Februarty, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  59. Meenakshi Sood (2016). Braille Hand Glove: a real time translation and communication device. Proceedings of the 10th INDIACom: 3rd 2016 International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, [BVICAM, New Delhi. India. : March 16 - 18, 2016], pp.2550-.. Google Citation
  60. Meenakshi Sood (2016). Interactive Module for Dyslexic Students. Proceedings of the 10th INDIACom: 3rd 2016 International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, [BVICAM, New Delhi. India. : March 16 - 18, 2016], pp.2542-.. Google Citation
  61. Akshay Kataria, Palak Kaistha, Shruti Jain (2016). Utilization of Exhaust Heat from Automotive Using Thermopile. Proceedings of the 10th INDIACom: 3rd 2016 International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, BVICAM [New Delhi : March 16 - 18, 2016], pp.2484-.. Google Citation
  62. Shailja Rana, Shruti Jain (2016). Classification of Kidney Lesions using Gabor Wavelet Texture Features. Proceedings of the 10th INDIACom: 3rd 2016 International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, BVICAM [New Delhi : March 16 - 18, 2016], pp.2528-.. Google Citation
  63. Sahil Bhusri, Shruti Jain (2016). Classification of Breast Lesions based on Laws Feature Extraction Techniques . Proceedings of the 10th INDIACom:3rd 2016 International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, BVICAM [New Delhi : March 16 - 18, 2016], pp.2523-.. Google Citation
  64. Ritendra Mishra , Shruti Jain, C Durgaprasad (2016). Analysis of Piezoelectric Buzzers as Vibration Energy Harvesters . Proceedings of the 10th INDIACom: 3rd 2016 International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, BVICAM [New Delhi : March 16 - 18, 2016], pp.2476-.. Google Citation
  65. Deepika Sharma, Rajiv Ganguly (2016). Leachate Characterization from MSW Landfill Site in Solan. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (RACE-2016) [Jaypee University, Anoopshahr., India : March 19-20, 2016 ], pp.11-.. Google Citation
  66. Deepika Sharma, Rajiv Ganguly (2016). Parametric Analysis of Leachate and Water Resources around Municipal Solid Waste Landfill area in Solan. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advancements in Engineering and Technology (ICAET-2016) [BGIET, Sangrur, India : March 18-19, 2016 ], pp.1337-.. Google Citation
  67. Nitish Kumar Sharma, Ashish Kumar, Rajiv Ganguly (2016). Frequency Analysis of Rainfall Data of Dharamshala Region. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advancements in Engineering and Technology (ICAET-2016) [4th : BGIET, Sangrur, India : March 18-19, 2016 ], pp.1388-.. Google Citation
  68. Prachi Vasistha, Rajiv Ganguly, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2016). Biomedical Waste Generation and management in Shimla city: case studies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Water, Environment, Energy and Society (ICWEES-2016) [AISECT University, Bhopal, India : March 15-18, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
  69. Ashwani Kumar, Satya Prakash Ghrera, Vipin Tyagi (2016). New and Efficient Buyer-Seller Digital Watermarking Protocol Using Identity Based Technique for Copyright Protection. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP) [Department of Computer Science, Jaypee University of Information Technology (JUIT), Waknaghat, Distt. Solan, H.P., India : 21-24 December, 2015], pp.531-.. Google Citation