November 27 - 29, 2025

Call For Special Sessions :
Special session proposals are invited related to broad area of ICIIP 2025 or theme of the conference. Proposal submitter must be Postdoc or above having expertise in the proposed area. The proposals will be judged by the ability to bring together the key researchers in the state-of-the-art area, further development of the area, and help in establishing a larger research community beyond the area.
Each proposal for special session should include the following information:
Title of the special session
Rationale of the need and objective of the session (300 words)
Special session organizer, affiliation, e-mail ID and phone number
Subject areas & keywords to be covered by the special session
Expected number of submissions
Short biography of the proposed session chair (s) - Maximum 200 words
List of suggested reviewers in the area
The organizer(s) of the special session will be the key person motivating researcher(s) to submit papers to the special session. He/She will also chair the session. All papers submitted will go through the regular process of submission and review. Based on the number of accepted papers in special session, the organizing committee may decide to move the papers from the special session to the main conference or vice-versa.
A maximum of TWO Organizers per Special Session is allowed.
The proposals for the Special Sessions may be sent at