List of Centre of Excellence approved by DRID

  1. Centre of Excellence for Intelligent Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Structures

Core team members

1. Prof. Ashok Kumar Gupta (Dean A&R), JUIT

2. Prof. Vivek Sehgal, HoD CSE JUIT

3. Prof. Ashish Kumar, HoD CE JUIT

4. Dr. Saurabh Rawat, Assistant Professor CE, JUIT

5. Dr. Tanmay Gupta, Assistant Professor CE, JUIT

6. Mr. Chandra Pal Gautam, Assistant Professor CE, JUIT

7. Dr. Emjee Puthooran, Assistant Professor ECE, JUIT

8. Mr. Janardan Verma, Assistant Professor CSE, JIIT

9. Mr. SK Sharma, Project Director, NHAI Shimla

10. Dr. Yash Pal Vasistha, Executive Engineer, HPPWD Shimla


Prof. Ashok Kumar Gupta (Dean A&R), JUIT


Prof. Vivek Sehgal (HoD, CSE), JUIT


The Centre of Excellence for Intelligent Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Structures was setup in the year 2022under the aegis of Directorate of lnnovation, Research and Development
(JlIT Noida, JUlTWaknaghat, JUET Guna & Jaypee University, Anoopshahr)by Department of Civil Engineering & Department of at Computer Science and Information Technology at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat. The members of the CoE are a perfect blend of both academia and field engineers. The core of the CoEconsists of 7 faculty members from the host institution, one faculty member from JIIT Noida and two industry personnels from NHAI and HPPWD. The CoE was established with the aim of enhancing the quality, availability and forecast information for preparedness against all major risks related to buildings, bridges and highways in hilly areas of Himachal Pradesh. The primary objective of the CoE is culminating the basic civil engineering with IOT, AI and ML for real time identification, assessment, evaluation and mitigation of the potential risks associated, its future prediction and appropriate measures for its rectification.

Group photo


  1. Centre of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence for Education
Title: Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence for Education”

Core team members

1. Dr. Hari Singh, CSE, JUIT

2. Prof. Shruti Jain, ECE, JUIT

3. Dr. Tiratha Raj Singh, BT & BI , JUIT


Dr. Hari Singh, CSE, JUIT


The Centre of Excellence for AI for Education was setup in the year 2022 under the guidance of Directorate of lnnovation, Research and Development (DRID) by Department of Computer Science Engineering & IT, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Department of Bioinformatics at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat. The core team of the CoE consists of 4 faculty members from JUIT. The CoE was established with the aim to revolutionize education by providing personalized and adaptive learning experiences for students. The primary objective of the CoE is to provide personalized learning, adaptive assessments, intelligent tutoring systems, automation of administrative tasks and predictive analysis. Overall, the use of AI in education can help improve student outcomes, increase efficiency, and provide more personalized learning experiences that cater to each student's unique needs.

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