
Travel Information
Convenient airports are Shimla (30 Km), Chandigarh (100 Km), New Delhi (350 Km) and Amritsar (350 Km). All Buses from Delhi, Chandigarh (ISBT, Sec 43), and other places to Shimla drop and pick up passengers from Waknaghat. Direct trains from Delhi and other places are available upto Kalka (70 Km). After that one can hire taxi or board a bus to Waknaghat. One can also choose to travel by Kalka-Shimla Heritage Toy Train upto Kandaghat (12 Km from JUIT).

Online Bus Reservation Himachal Road Transport Corporation , Haryana Road Transport Corporation

For further assistance please contact: pdgc2012@gmail.com

General Information
The University is situated in the neighborhood of Shimla, 3 KM off the NH22 (Ambala-Kalka-Waknaghat-Shimla road). It is just half an hour drive to Shimla from campus. The nearby places of tourist attractions are Shimla (24 Km), Chail (45 Km), Kufri (45 Km), Kasauli (50 Km) and many more.

Free Accommodation
If requested, participants will be provided free accommodation in the New University Hostel(s), with basic amenities. Please contact Mr. Nitin Rakesh for further Query : email-nitin.rakesh@juit.ac.in; mobile-9218540185;

Paid Accommodation
Paid accommodation is available in the nearby hotels:

The Destination (7 Km), Kandaghat Distt. Solan (HP) 
Tel. (+91) (1792) 257062, 63,64,65,66 
Mob.(+91) 9816008921, 9816053549, 9816008923, 9816008924.
Fax.  (+91) (1792) 256706, 257065 
Email:  mail@himachaldestination.com
Website: http://himachaldestination.com

Hotel Falcon Crest (10 km),  Kalka-Shimla Highway, Kandaghat, Distt. Solan (H. P.)
Ph.: (+91) (1792) 256241, 257241, 257242 
Mob.: (+91) 9418056242
Fax: (+91) (1792) 256242
Email: hotelfalconcrest@rediffmail.com , hotelfalconcrest@gmail.com
Website: http://hotelfalconcrest.com

The Apple Cart Inn (4 Km):  Kiarighat,  Distt. Solan (H.P.)
Tel. (+91) (177) 2860601, 2860630, 2661073, 2002155 
Fax . (+91) (177) 2860602 
Email: booking@himachalhotels.in

Hotel Holiday Home , Shimla (22 km), 
Tel: (+91) (177)  2812890  
Fax: (+91)  (177) 2801705.
E-mail: hhh@hptdc.in

Himani Resorts (22 Km), The Mall, Solan (H.P.)
Tel. (+91) (1792) 222470, 223417, 225470 
Fax: (+91) (1792) 224994
Email: reservation@himanihotels.com
Website: http://www.himanihotels.com


VISA for Foreign Delegates: Please contact the Indian High Commission/Embassy nearest to your current location and complete necessary formalities to obtain an entry visa to India. If you require a formal letter of invitation from the organizers' of PDGC-2012, please contact us at pdgc2012@gmail.com or delnitin@gmail.com


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