IEEE Delhi Section
 Computer Society Chapter
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Latest updates

November 05, 2009: The Conference Website is now available

March 11, 2010: Keynote Speakers

April 15, 2010: IEEE Conference Record Number : 17365

April 27, 2010: The proceedings will be published by the IEEE and will be included in IEEE Xplore

August 05, 2010: List of Accepted Papers is Available in the Conference Website

September 21, 2010: Technical Program is Available in the Conference Website



           IEEE Delhi Section        Computer Society Chapter


Paper submission

All paper submissions (PDF format) will be done electronically. All papers will be peer reviewed by an International Review Committee. Submission and review of papers for PDGC-2010 will be managed through an online conference paper management system called ‘EasyChair' ( This system gives you, the author, complete control over your submission. You can upload your paper, change details, check on the review status of your paper etc. For submitting a new paper you will need an account on EasyChair. If you don’t have such an account, please visit: and follow the link after “If you do not have an EasyChair account or have problems to log in”. Once you have your EasyChair account and have prepared your manuscript, please submit your paper HERE. If you encounter problems in submitting the papers through our Easy Chair conference paper submission system, forward your paper at [email protected]

Author Instructions:

The paper length should not exceed six (6) pages, IEEE two (2) column format. For a copy of the word templete file click here and for copyright form ( Word, PDF )


NOTE: Do NOT submit a paper via both EasyChair and email. This will cause duplicate double entry and multiple submission.