Access SIAM DIGITAL LIBRARY PORTAL Search siam Journal : Journal Name: SIAM DIGITAL LIBRARY PORTAL0 - 9ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZAll 1.ScaLAPACK users' guide 2.Scientific computation on mathematical problems and conjectures 3.Selecting and ordering populations: a new statistical methodology 4.Sequential analysis and optimal design 5.Shapes and geometries: analysis, differential calculus, and optimization 6.Simulating, analyzing, and animating dynamical systems: a guide to XPPAUT for researchers and students 7.Sinc methods for quadrature and differential equations 8.Singular perturbation methods in control: analysis and design 9.Singular perturbations and hysteresis 10.Smart material systems: model development 11.Solitons and the inverse scattering transform 12.Solitons in mathematics and physics 13.Solution of partial differential equations on vector and parallel computers 14.Solving least squares problems 15.Solving nonlinear equations with Newton's method 16.Solving PDEs in C++: numerical methods in a unified object-oriented approach 17.Some aspects of the optimal control of distributed parameter systems 18.Some limit theorems in statistics 19.Spectral methods in MATLAB 20.Spectral properties of banded Toeplitz matrices 21.Spline models for observational data 22.Stability and stabilization of time-delay systems: an Eigenvalue-based approach 23.Statistical case studies for industrial process improvement 24.Statistical case studies: a collaboration between academe and industry 25.Statistical case studies: a collaboration between academe and industry, Student Edition 26.Statistical design and analysis of experiments 27.Stochastic modeling in broadband communications systems 28.Stochastic processes 29.Stochastic processes in the neurosciences 30.Stochastic processes, estimation, and control 31.Strongly stabilizable distributed parameter systems 32.Symbolic computation: applications to scientific computing