Access SIAM DIGITAL LIBRARY PORTAL Search siam Journal : Journal Name: SIAM DIGITAL LIBRARY PORTAL0 - 9ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZAll 1.Data clustering: theory, algorithms, and applications 2.Data structures and network algorithms 3.Deblurrinq images: matrices, spectra, and filtering 4.Design and analysis of gauge R&R studies: making decisions with confidence intervals in random and mixed ANOVA models 5.Design sensitivity analysis: computational issues of sensitivity equation methods 6.Designing fair curves and surfaces: shape quality in geometric modeling and computer-aided design 7.Differential dynamical systems 8.Direct methods for sparse linear systems 9.Discontinuous Galerkin methods for solving elliptic and parabolic equations: theory and implementation 10.Discrete convex analysis 11.Discrete mathematics of neural networks: selected topics 12.Distributed computing: a locality-sensitive approach 13.Distribution theory for tests based on the sample distribution function 14.Domain-based parallelism and problem decomposition methods in computational science and engineering 15.Dynamic noncooperative game theory 16.Dynamics of internal layers and diffusive interfaces