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Jaypee University of Information Technology
Waknaghat, Solan, H.P. - 173234

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1.Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology
2.Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies
3.JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute
4.JNCI Monographs
5.Journal of African Economies
6.Journal of American History
7.Journal of Analytical Toxicology
8.Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
9.Journal of Antitrust Enforcement
10.Journal of Biochemistry
11.Journal of Chromatographic Science
12.Journal of Church and State
13.Journal of Competition Law and Economics
14.Journal of Complex Networks
15.Journal of Conflict and Security Law
16.Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
17.Journal of Design History
18.Journal of Economic Geography
19.Journal of Electron Microscopy
20.Journal of Environmental Law
21.Journal of European Competition Law & Practice
22.Journal of Experimental Botany
23.Journal of Financial Econometrics
24.Journal of Heredity
25.Journal of Hindu Studies
26.Journal of Human Rights Practice
27.Journal of Infectious Diseases
28.Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice
29.Journal of International Criminal Justice
30.Journal of International Dispute Settlement
31.Journal of International Economic Law
32.Journal of Islamic Studies
33.Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
34.Journal of Legal Analysis
35.Journal of Logic and Computation
36.Journal of Medicine and Philosophy
37.Journal of Molluscan Studies
38.Journal of Pediatric Psychology
39.Journal of Petrology
40.Journal of Plankton Research
41.Journal of Plant Ecology
42.Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
43.Journal of Public Health
44.Journal of Radiation Research
45.Journal of Refugee Studies
46.Journal of Semantics
47.Journal of Semitic Studies
48.Journal of Social History
49.Journal of Surgical Case Reoprts
50.Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
51.Journal of the American Academy of Religion
52.Journal of the History of Collections
53.Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
54.Journal of the ICRU
55.Journal of the London Mathematical Society
56.Journal of Theological Studies
57.Journal of Topology
58.Journal of Tropical Pediatrics
59.Journal of World Energy Law & Business
60.Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences
61.Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
62.Journla of Molecular Cell Biology