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Jaypee University of Information Technology
Waknaghat, Solan, H.P. - 173234

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Online Journals under Open Access Arrangement

Search Journal

1.AAPS Journal
2.Alexandria Journal of Medicine
3.American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
4.Annals of Mathematical Logic
6.Applied & Translational Genomics
7.Applied Computing and Informatics
8.APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing
9.Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences
10.Arabian Journal of Chemistry
11.ARS Pharmaceutica
12.Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
13.Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
14.Biomedical Digital Libraries
15.Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Revista Brasileira de Cincias Farmacuticas(Portuguese, English, Spanish)
16.Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University
17.Bulletin of Materials Science
18.Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
19.Cell Reports
20.CRIPS (Current Research Information on Pharmaceutical Sciences)
21.Current Science
22.Directory of Open Access Journals
23.Down To Earth (Ask Librarian for ID & Password)
24.Drug Delivery Technology
25.Drug Design Development and Therapy
26.Egyptian Informatics Journal
27.Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
28.Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics
29.Electronic Journal of Health Informatics
30.Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
31.English Profile Journal
32.Environmental Health Perspective
33.ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations
34.ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
35.EuPA Open Proteomics
36.Experts Reviews in Molecular Medicine
37.FEBS Open Bio
38.Food Science and Human Wellness
39.Forum of Mathematics, Pi
40.Forum of Mathematics, Sigma
41.Genome Research
42.Genomics Data
43.Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics
44.Geoscience Frontiers
45.HBRC Journal
46.Health Information and Libraries Journal
47.High Power Laser Science and Engineering
48.HighWire Press
49.Hospital Pharmacist
50.Hospital Pharmacist
51.IERI Procedia
52.IIMB Management Review
53.In Silico Biology: An International Journal of Computational Molecular Biology
54.Indagationes Mathematicae (Proceedings)
55.Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (IJPER)
56.Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
57.Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science
58.Indian Journal of Pharmacology
59.Integrative Medicine Insights
60.International Journal of Biomedical Sciences
61.International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science
62.International Journal of Pharmacy Education & Practice
63.International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment
64.International Strategic Management Review
65.Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
66.Japanese Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Science
67.Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies
68.Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A
69.Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
70.Journal of Health Science
71.Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences
72.Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences
73.Journal of King Saud University - Languages and Translation
74.Journal of King Saud University - Science
75.Journal of Linguistic Geography
76.Journal of Magnesium and Alloys
77.Journal of Management & Organization
78.Journal of Materials Research and Technology
79.Journal of Nutritional Science
80.Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis
81.Journal of Pharmacobio-Dynamics
82.Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
83.Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences
84.Journal of Saudi Chemical Society
85.Journal of Taibah University for Science
86.Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied Sciences
87.Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
88.Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society
89.LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics
90.Materials and Technologies (English and Slovenian)
91.Materials Today
92.Medical History: an International Journal for the History of Medicine and Related Sciences
93.Medical Informatics Insights
94.Meta Gene
95.Molecular Metabolism
96.NISCAIR Journals (Full Text)
97.NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics
98.Nucleic Acid Research
99.Online Journal of Health Ethics
100.Oxford Medical Case Reports
101.PASA - Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
102.Pharmacy Times
103.Physics of the Dark Universe
104.Physics Procedia
105.Plant and Cell Physiology
106.PLoS Medicine
107.Polymer Journal
108.Procedia Chemistry
109.Procedia CIRP
110.Procedia Computer Science
111.Procedia Earth and Planetary Science
112.Procedia Economics and Finance
113.Procedia Engineering
114.Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
115.Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
116.Proceedings of the Nutrition Society
117.Progress In Electromagnetics Research
118.Radiation Protection Dosimetry
121.Research Evaluation
122.Research in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
124.Review of Finance
126.Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal
127.Schizophrenia Bulletin
128.South African Pharmaceutical Journal
129.Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA
130.The Arab Economics and Business Journal
131.The Computer Journal
132.The Crop Journal
133.The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science
134.The Journal of Basic & Applied Zoology
135.The Journal of Infectious Diseases
136.The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
137.The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine
138.The Journal of Navigation
139.The Journal of Theological Studies
140.The Pharma Reviews
141.The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics
142.The Review of Corporate Finance Studies
143.The Review of Economic Studies
144.The Review of Financial Studies
145.The World Bank Economic Review
146.The Year's Work in English Studies
147.Toxicological Sciences
148.Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
149.Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
150.Twin Research and Human Genetics
151.WHO Drug Information
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