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Jaypee University of Information Technology
Waknaghat, Solan, H.P. - 173234


Research & Statistical Resources

E-Resources subscribed/
Accessible to JUIT



SPSS | Administrative IT Services

SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), also known as IBM SPSS Statistics, is a software package used for the analysis of statistical data. 

The university has 10 users license for the base edition of the package. It is being managed by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), JUIT. It is available in the Language Lab of the university.   

One may contact the Head of HSS or Language Lab coordinator for making use of the SPSS  

Software: Tense Buster
Tense Buster is an ESL (English as a second language) program which focuses on helping students improve their reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary and grammar skills in 5 levels (beginner, upper intermediate, intermediate, lower intermediate, advanced).

It is being managed by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), JUIT. It is available in the Language Lab.     

Software: Practical Writing
This cloud based software helps in developing the writing skills of the students. It has 10 core skill development areas. Each area deals with a separate set of exercises that are designed to master the skill set of LSRW. It entails learning about reports, cover letters, and resumes, drafting business letters, text speak, spell check etc.

The university has 33 concurrent user licenses.
It is being managed by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), JUIT. It is available in the Language Lab.     

JUIT is making use of software to detect plagiarism in project reports, dissertations, and theses. Currently, JUIT has been using the following tools to detect plagiarism. Registered users may directly access these tools.


Turnitin (login page – https://www.turnitin.com/login_page.asp?lang=en_us)


DrillBit (login page – https://www.drillbitplagiarismcheck.com/auth/login)

For more information, you may visit: https://www.juit.ac.in/lrc/plag.php

Some Freely available tools are listed below:



Posit was founded with the mission to create open-source software for data science, scientific research, and technical communication. Posit Connect helps data scientists deliver insights to everyone who needs them, easily and securely. Deploy everything create in R & Python. Then provide stakeholders and collaborators authenticated access to the content they need.



Photon is free graphing software for Windows. The interface is quite easy to use. One section lets you enter equations and the other plots graph according to the given equations. You can carry out operations in following modes: Degree, Radian, and Fraction.



GraphCalc is a free graph generator software which can draw 2D and 3D graphs. You can enter multiple functions and view their output graphs simultaneously. It lets you enter up to 10 equations to render graph.



Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven graphing utility for Linux, OS/2, MS Windows, OSX, VMS, and many other platforms. The source code is copyrighted but freely distributed (i.e., you don't have to pay for it). It was originally created to allow scientists and students to visualize mathematical functions and data interactively, but has grown to support many non-interactive uses such as web scripting.



Octave is another script based graph generator for Windows. All you have to do is, type script in the Command Window to get output. The script will contain the command to plot and the function to plot. When you write down a script to plot graph, you can save it as Workspace, which can be loaded later. 

Microsoft Mathematics 


Microsoft Mathematics is a free maths software for Windows by Microsoft. You can use this tool to easily plot graphs. On the interface of the calculator, there are two options: Worksheet and Graphing. There are options to make graph for equations and functions, data sets, parametric, and inequality. You can either plot 2D, 3D, Polar, or Cartesian graph.

SAS University Edition


Under the education initiative, SAS Analytics U, launched Free SAS software for higher education called SAS University Edition. SAS University Edition is a free version of select SAS products for teaching and learning statistics and quantitative methods.



GNU PSPP is a program for statistical analysis of sampled data. It is a alternative for IBM SPSS Statistics and is written in C. It has a graphical user interface and conventional command-line interface. PSPP functionality includes descriptive statistics, T-tests, anova, linear and logistic regression, cluster analysis, reliability and factor analysis, non-parametric tests and more.

Statistical Lab


Statistical Lab is an explorative and interactive tool designed both to support education in statistics and provide a tool for the simulation and solution of statistical problems. The graphical user interface is designed to make complex statistical relations easy to understand. It connects and displays data frames, frequency tables, random numbers or matrixes in a user-friendly statistical worksheet allowing users to run calculations, conduct analyses and perform multiple simulations and manipulations. 



Develve is a statistical software for fast and easy interpretation of experimental data in science and R&D in a technical environment. Develve helps with analysis and prevents making false assumptions. In short it makes statistics faster and easier, suitable for less experience users but advanced enough for more demanding users. 













