Last Date to Upload the Camera Ready Copies 15/11/2018. ( However, the early bird discount will be application as per the Registration Table in term of payment of Fee).
Steps to Complete the Camera Ready Copy (CRC) Preparation:-
1. Login to your easy chair account
2. Click on Submission Tab
3. Go to the top right corner of the login page and click on the UPDATE file.
4. Admissible file extensions are PDF and ZIP. ( Upload all your files as ZIP file). Please use the below mentioned instructions.
5. ZIP must have Paper copy in PDF and DOCX/ DOC format, Copyright Form, Registration Form, Payment Proof.
6. Use the file names required in Step 5 ( For example Paper ID 106). ZIP file name must be Zip file must contain the sub files as; 106.docx. 106.pdf, 106_Copyright.pdf, 106_Reg.docx,106_Payment.docx/106_Payment.pdf/106_Payment.png/ 106_Payment.jpg, Student ID.jpg
7. All forms can be downloaded from conference website from URL:-
After uploading all files on easy chair, fill the Google Form about Paper Registration Using Below Mentioned URL:-
Important Points:
1. If you are opting for IEEE Category Upload the proof of the same with the paper documents. Otherwise you have to register in general category of author.
2. Student Category is applicable for Full Time B.Tech. & M.Tech. Students. Students need to upload their ID Card Copy as well.
3. All Ph.D. Scholars need to register under the General Category.
4. Registration ( Payment of fee) can be done as per the details provided in the Registration Table. However, the last date of camera ready submission is 15/11/2018 with incorporation of suggested changes.
5. All camera ready manuscripts must follow the IEEE Format provided at URL:-
6. Google Form must be filled after completing the registration formalities:- URL:-