Keynote Speakers

Prof. Panicos Kyriacou
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
City University London
Keynote title: Sensors and Signals in clinical monitoring and diagnosis of disease
Brief about him
Prof Kyriacou received PhD degree in Medical Electronics and Physics from St. Bartholomew’s Medical College, University of London. He worked as a Senior Biomedical Engineer specialized in Dragger Medical Intensive care Devices and was engaged in research training for a PhD degree in the field of medical optics and bioinstrumentation. Following the completion of his PhD in 2001 he was appointed Lecturer in Medical Electronics and Physics at Queen Mary, University of London. In January 2004, he continued his academic career as Director of the Undergraduate Programme in Biomedical Engineering (2004-2014) and Director of the Biomedical Engineering Research Group (2004-2014) at City University London where he was subsequently appointed Senior Lecturer (August 2004) and then Reader (July 2007). In August 2006 he was appointed Assistant Dean in Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering (EEIE) at the School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (SEMS), a post he held until 2009 when he was promoted to Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Associate Dean for Postgraduate Studies (2009-2014). In 2014 he was appointed Associate Dean for Research and Enterprise at the newly formed School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering and Director of its Biomedical Engineering Research Centre. Professor Kyriacou served as Chair of the Physiological Measurement Group (2006-2008) and Chair of the Engineering Advisory Group (2010-2012) at the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) and as Chair of the Instrument Science and Technology (ISAT) Group (2009-2012) of the Institute of Physics (IoP). Very recently he was elected to the prestigious position of Vice President Academia at IPEM with a primary role to strengthen and develop further the role of Biomedical Engineering in Academia. Professor Kyriacou is also an Adjunct Professor at Yale medical School (2010 – present), Honorary Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, India (2015 - ) and an Honorary Senior Research Fellowship at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children and St Bartholomew’s Hospital (2001 – present). He has also served as Honorary Professor at St Andrew’s Burns and Plastic Centre at Broomfield Hospital (2004-2014). Since 2011 Prof Kyriacou is a member of the Royal Academy of Engineering panel for Biomedical Engineering and the Healthcare Science Advisory Group at NHS London where he acts as an ambassador for Biomedical Engineering both nationally and internationally. He is a fellow of IoP, IPEM and The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET). Professor Kyriacou is a chartered Engineer (CEng), chartered Physicist (CPhys) and chartered Scientist (CSci). He also offers his charitable services to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNESCO in the field of medical equipment management in developing countries. In March 2015 Professor Kyriacou has been elected to the prestigious post of President-Elect of the European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering & Science (EAMBES).

Prof. S.C.Dutta Roy
Formerly, Professor, Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute Technology, Delhi.
Brief about him
Professor S.C. Dutta Roy received his Doctor of Philosophy from Calcutta University. He has worked as a professor in department of Electrical Engineering at IIT Delhi. He has been attaining highly regarded position in the area of digital signal processing. He is also performing different academic, research and administrative responsibilities.

Prof. Dinesh Kumar
Electrical and Computer System Engineering
RMIT, University, Melbourne, Australia.
Kenote title: Development of advanced image and signal processing techniques for disease diagnostic devices: Process and Examples
Brief about him
Professor Dinesh Kumar received his bachelor of technology in electrical engineering from IIT, Madras (Chennai) and doctor of philosophy from IIT, Delhi. Now, He is working as a professor in electrical and computer engineering, at RMIT University, Melbourne city campus, Australia and his area of interest is biomedical engineering, bio-signal processing, neuro-motor control, and human computer interaction. Professor Kumar published 83 research papers in various reputed journals, and 255 conference proceedings. He is also author of 2 books and 8 book chapters. He supervised 83 Ph.D. and 7 master scholars. He is currently supervising 8 PhD scholars. He is also holding administrative positions like editor, associate editor and guest editor of reputed research journals and he has been chaired around 25 conferences. Presently, he has been recognized as a leader of biomedical engineering research. |

Dr. H.K. Sardana
Chief Scientist,
CSIO, Chandigargh.
Kenote title: Medical Image Acquisition, Processing, Analysis and Applications
Brief about him
Dr. Sardana has been received his electronics & communication engineering from National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra in 1982, M.E. in electrical & electronics engineering from PEC University of Technology, Chandigargh in 1989, and Ph.D. in image processing & pattern recognition from University of Nottingham in 1993. Currently he is chief scientist & co-coordinator of integrated M.Tech, integrated PhD, and PhD program at CSIO Chandigarh. He also has been hold the positions of Head (Computational Instrumentation), Head (HRD), and Head (IPR) at same organization. Apart from the administrative positions, he has been published 29 research papers in reputed journals, filled 32 patents, and 18 patents granted. He also has been completed 8 research projects. |

Prof. Vikram M. Gadre
Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute Technology, Bombay.
Brief about him
Professor V.M. Gadre has received his Bachelor of Technology and Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering from IIT, Delhi. Presently, he is working as a Professor in the department of Electrical Engineering (Communication and Signal Processing) at IIT, Bombay. He has received many academic awards, distinctions and scholarships such as SSI Varshney Award, INAE Young Engineer Award, Excellence in Teaching, Prof. K. Sreenivsan Memorial Award and many more awards including President’s Gold Medal. His area of interest is multi-resolution and multi-rate signal processing. He also has contributed very much in research and development. He has set up and developed Texas Instrument Digital Signal Processing Laboratory in the department of Electrical Engineering at IIT, Bomaby. He has published more than 100 research papers in reputed journals and conferences. Prof. V.M. Gadre holds various administrative positions at various reputed academic organizations. |