Technical co-sponsors

TPC Co-Chair

Bernard Sklar
University of California, Los Angeles


Keynote Speaker

John Soraghan
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

Keynote Speaker

Surendra Prasad
Indian Institute of
Technology, Delhi

Keynote Speaker

Andrea Conti
University of Ferrara,
Italy & MIT, USA

Keynote Speaker

Rajendar Bahl
Indian Institute of
Technology, Delhi

Amateur Radio Workshop

Miroslav Skoric
IEEE Section, Austria;
NIAR, India


Abstracts Received                      : 863

Full manuscripts Received           : 798

No. of papers accepted               : 85


Papers received from the following countries

India, UK, USA, Germany, Italy, Spain, China, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Finland, Saudi Arabia, Greece, Algeria, Estonia, Israel, Malaysia, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Australia, Jordan, Brunei, Denmark and Bangladesh

Papers received from the following organizations

Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent, Freescale Semiconductors, TCS, IBM, L&T and Tech Mahindra. ISRO, DRDO, CMERI, CDAC, ADRDE and VECC


The 2013 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (2013 IEEE ISPCC) will take place at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Shimla, India from 26-28 September 2013.

2013 IEEE ISPCC is financially co-sponsored by IEEE India Council. It is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Communications Society and IEEE Delhi Section. The conference is endorsed by the Radio Communications Committee (RCC) of the IEEE Communications Society.

The conference will provide a platform for researchers from across the world to present their scholarly work among experts and peers and explore new dimensions to further their research. The conference will also have several Keynote Speakers from academia and industry whose talks would put everyone through the paces of the trends, developments and future vision in areas of research related to the conference topics.

The first edition of ISPCC successfully concluded in March 2012. 2012 ISPCC was supported by IEEE, technically co-sponsored by IEEE Delhi Section and the proceedings of which are available on IEEEXplore.

2013 IEEE ISPCC will focus and feature world-class speakers, tutorials and poster sessions on the following topics and their applications:

Signal Processing
VLSI And Embedded computing
Networks and Communication
Control and Automation
Artificial Intelligence and Neural Netowrks
for more details, click here