Summary of Publications Data as on 01-02-2018(Count of Books, Book Chapters, Transactions, Journals, Conferences, Citations, H-index, I-index)
Book(s) :
- Pardeep Kumar, Amit Kumar Singh, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Proceedings of 2016 4th International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC)(4th) Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, H.P., India : IEEE. [ISBN : 978-1-5090-3668-4] . Google Search
Book Chapter(s) :
- Ashima, Sukhnandan Kaur, Rajni Mohana (2016). Anaphora Resolution in Hindi: a hybrid approach In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing pp. 815-830 India: Springer International Publishing AG.. [ISBN : 978331947952165] . Google Search
- Pratiksha Gautam, Hemraj Saini (2016). Various Code Clone Detection Techniques and Tools: A Comprehensive Survey In Smart Trends in Information Technology and Computer Communications pp. 255-267 Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. [ISBN : 9789811034336] . Google Search
- Nagesh Kumar, Yashwant Singh (2016). Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks In Handbook of Research on Advanced Wireless Sensor Network Applications, Protocols, and Architectures pp. 86-128 : IGI Global. [ISBN : 9781522504870] . Google Search
- Ninni Singh, Gunjan Chhabra, Kamal Preet Singh, Hemraj Saini (2016). A Secure Authentication Scheme in Multi-operator Domain (SAMD) for Wireless Mesh Network In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology pp. 343-357 Singapore: Springer . [ISBN : 9789811016752] . Google Search
- Amit Kumar Singh, Basant Kumar, Satya Prakash Ghrera, Anand Mohan (2016). Digital Image Watermarking: techniques and emerging applications In Handbook of Research on Modern Cryptographic Solutions for Computer and Cyber Security pp. 246-272 USA: IGI Global. [ISBN : 9781522501053] . Google Search
- Geetanjali Rathee, Hemraj Saini (2016). A Secure Homomorphinc Routing Techniques in Wireless Mesh Networks (HRT for WMN) In Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications pp. 437-444 India: Springer. [ISBN : 978-81-322-2750-2] . Google Search
Journal(s) :
- Ruchi Verma, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin (2016). Implementation of Information System in Crisis Management Using Modeling and Simulation. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology, 17 (32), 1-12, DOI: 10.5013/IJSSST.a.17.32.12 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Ruchi Verma, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin (2016). Implementation of Control Measure in the Crisis Using Social Networks . International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology, 17 (32), 1-11, DOI: 10.5013/IJSSST.a.17.32.11 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Ruchi Verma, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin (2016). Computational Stochastic Modelling to Handle the Crisis Occurred During Community Epidemic. Annals of Data Science, 3 (2), 119-133, DOI: 10.1007/s40745-016-0075-y [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Sukhnandan Kaur, Rajni Mohana (2016). Prediction of Sentiment from Textual Data Using Logistic Regression Based on Stop Word Filteration and Volume of Data. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (45), 1-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Akanksha Puri, Sukhnandan Kaur, Rajni Mohana (2016). Temporal Sentiment Analysis: A Review. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (40), 327-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Geetanjali Rathee, Hemraj Saini (2016). End to End Encryption by Algebraic OR/XOR. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (10), 4819-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Mayank Kumar Goyal, Satya Prakash Ghrera, Jai Prakash Gupta (2016). Improving the Average Number of Network Coded Transmission in AODV Routing Protocol with Network Coding Scheme. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-9, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i32/100205 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Reza Malekian, A.F. Kavishe, B.T.J. Maharaj, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Ghanshyam Singh, H. Waschefort (2016). Smart vehicle navigation system using Hidden Markov Model and RFID sensors. Wireless Personal Communications , 90 (2016), 1717-1742, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-016-3419-1 [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Pradeep Kumar Singh , Yugal Kumar, Om Prakash Sangwan, (2016). Empirical Evaluation of Aspect Oriented Software Quality Model Using Mutli-criteria Decision Making based AHP Approach. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (45), 159-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Punit Gupta, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Task Allocation Using Big Bang-Big Crunch in Cloud Infrastructure. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (45), 107-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Punit Gupta, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Fault and QoS based Genetic Algorithm for Task Allocation in Cloud Infrastructure. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (45), 73-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Punit Gupta, Singh A A, Bhatt P, Goyal MK. (2016). A Survey on Green Power Efficient Resource Allocation Algorithm for Cloud Infrastructure. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (44), 1-8, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i44/105065 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Prakash Kumar, Punit Gupta (2016). Cloud Data Sec - Secure Data Sharing on the Cloud. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (45), 167-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Geetanjali Rathee, Nitin Rakesh (2016). Resilient Packet Transmission (RPT) for the Buffer Based Routing (BBR) Protocol . Journal of Information Processing Systems, 12 (1), 57-72, DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.03.0014 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Geetanjali Rathee, Hemraj Saini (2016). Security Concerns with Open Research Issues of Present Computer Network. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 14 (1), 406-410, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Geetanjali Rathee, Hemraj Saini (2016). A Secure Multicast Routing Protocol Against Grey Hole Attack. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11 (21), 12828-12835, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Geetanjali Rathee, Hemraj Saini (2016). End-to-End Encryption by Algebaric OR/XOR. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (16), 4819-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Amol Vasudeva, Manu Sood, Prem Prakash (2016). A Vampire Act of Sybil Attack on the Highest Node Degree Clustering in Mobile Ad Hoc Network. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-9, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i32/100217 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Puneet Bhushan, Pradeep Kumar Singh , Yashwant Singh (2016). Energy Consumption Pattern at Household Level: a micro level study of Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-5, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i32/100216 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Mohinder Kaur Sidhu, Yashwant Singh, Pradeep Kumar Singh (2016). Localization and Classification of Species in a Habitat in WSN: A Species Perspective. International Journal of Computer Applications, Proceedings, RICSIT 2016 (1), 8-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Aditi Zear, Pradeep Kumar Singh , Yashwant Singh (2016). Intelligent Transport System: a progressive review. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-8, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i32/100713 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Ishani Sharma, Pradeep Kumar Singh (2016). A Survey on Anaphora Resolution. International Journal of Computer Applications, Proceedings, RICSIT 2016 (1), 5-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- P. Khurana, A. Sharma, Pradeep Kumar Singh (2016). A Systematic Analysis on Mobile Application Software Vulnerabilities: Issues and Challenges. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-6, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i32/100190 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Kshitiza Vasudeva, Pradeep Kumar Singh , Yashwant Singh (2016). A Methodical Review on Issues of Medical Image Management System with Watermarking Approach. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-6, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i32/100188 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Dishti Agarwal, Aakriti Gupta, Pradeep Kumar Singh (2016). A systematic review on Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Technique. International Journal of Control Theory and Application, 9 (11), 5487-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Ravindara Bhatt, Raja Datta (2016). A Two-tier Strategy for Priority based Critical Event Surveillance with Wireless Multimedia Sensors. Wireless Networks, 22 (2016), 267-284, DOI: 10.1007/s11276-015-0971-7 [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Ravindara Bhatt, Pansul Bhatt, Atishay Arvind (2016). An Integration Framework of Three-Dimensional Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network with Cloud Computing for Surveillance Applications. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-7, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i32/100744 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Mayank Singh (2016). Sustainable Computing: a beginning. CSI Communications, 40 (5), 23-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Suman Saha, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Low Rank Approximation for Community Detection in Large Complex Networks. Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, 3 (ICCS - 2016, Part II), 387-398, DOI: ECSV3PII16387 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Ruchi Verma, Amit Srivastava, Nitin (2016). On Behavioural Responses and Different Shades of Flaming in Social Media and Computer Mediated Communication. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals, 7 (4), 33-44, DOI: 10.4018/IJHCITP.2016100103 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Achman Shukla, Punit Gupta, Mayank Kumar Goyal (2016). Intelligent And Efficient Rule Based Home Automation System Using Voice Recognition. Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, 3 (1), 647-658, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Reema Aswani, Satya Prakash Ghrera, Satish Chandra (2016). A Novel Approach to Outlier Detection using Modified Grey Wolf Optimization and k-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (44), 1-8, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i44/105161 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Gautam Kumar, Hemraj Saini (2016). On Reduced Computation Cost for Edwards and Extended Twisted Edwards Curves. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (44), 1-7, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i44/105071 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Rajni Mohana (2016). Anaphora Resolution in Hindi: Issues and Directions. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-8, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i32/100192 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Ashima, Rajni Mohana (2016). Improving Anaphora Resolution by Resolving Gender and Number Agreement in Hindi Language using Rule based Approach. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-5, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i32/100194 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Oshin Sharma, Hemraj Saini (2016). State of Art for Energy Efficient Resource Allocation for Green Cloud Datacenters. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (11), 5271-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Nagesh Kumar, Yashwant Singh (2016). An Energy Efficient Opportunistic Routing Metric for Wireless Sensor Networks. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-7, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i32/100197 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Vandana Mohindru, Yashwant Singh (2016). Efficient Approach for Securing Message Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks from Node Clone Attack. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-7, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i32/100725 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Abhishek Jaswal, Pradeep Kumar Singh, Yashwant Singh (2016). 5G: Survey of Technologies and Challenges. International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology , (Special Issue RICSIT-2016), 1-5, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Puneet Bhushan, Pradeep Kumar Singh, Yashwant Singh (2016). Energy Consumption Pattern at Household Level: A Micro Level Study of Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), -, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i32/100216 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Abhishek Jaswal, Yashwant Singh (2016). Event Detection and Pattern Recognition using Support Vector Machine in Meteorology. International Journal of Computer Applications, RICSIT 2016 (2), 20-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Neetu Faujdar, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Performance Analysis of Parallel Sorting Algorithms using GPU Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications, 2 (2016), 5-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Geetanjali Rathee, Hemraj Saini (2016). End to End Encryption by Algebric OR/XOR. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (10), 4819-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Prabhat Ranjan, Hemraj Saini (2016). Cross -- Layer IDS for Grayhole Attack in Wireless Mesh Networks. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (10), 4885-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- S. B. Dash, Hemraj Saini, T. C. Panda, A. Mishra (2016). Mathematical Ontology for Infectious Virtual Machines in IaaS Cloud Environment. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (34), 1-7, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i34/100185 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Yerra Shankar Rao, Aswin Kumar Rauta, Hemraj Saini, Tarini Charana Panda (2016). Influence of Educational Qualification on Different Types of Cyber Crime: A Statistical Interpretation. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32), 1-7, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i32/100189 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Oshin Sharma, Hemraj Saini (2016). VM Consolidation for Cloud Data Center Using Median Based Threshold Approach. Procedia Computer Science, 89 (2016), 27-33, DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2016.06.005 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Abhilasha Sharma, Amit Kumar Singh, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Robust and Secure Multiple Watermarking for Medical Images. Wireless Personal Communications , 2017 (92), 1611-1624, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-016-3625-x [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Gautam Kumar, Hemraj Saini (2016). Reduced Precomputed Scalar Multiplication Cost for ECC. Contemporary Engineering Sciences, 9 (18), 897-904, DOI: 10.12988/ces.2016.6690 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Geetanjali Rathee, Hemraj Saini (2016). Efficient Handoff Routing (EHR) in WMN, International Journal of Computer Applications. International Journal of Computer Applications, 1 (2016), 29-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Gautam Kumar, Hemraj Saini (2016). Effective Signcryption Approach for Secure Convention for Multilayer Consensus using ECC. International Journal of Security and Its Applications , 10 (7), 287-306, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Neetu Faujdar, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Modified Levels of Parallel Odd-Even Transposition Sorting Network (OETSN) with GPU Computing using CUDA. Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, 24 (2), 331-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Anum Javeed, Amit Kumar Singh (2016). Robust and Imperceptible Image Watermarking in DWT-BTC Domain. International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, 8 (1), 53-62, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Richa Pandey, Amit Kumar Singh, Basant Kumar, Anand Mohan (2016). Iris Based Secure NROI Multiple Eye Image Watermarking for Teleophthalmology. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016 (75), 14381-14397, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-016-3536-6 [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Amit Kumar Singh (2016). Improved Hybrid Algorithm for Robust and Imperceptible Multiple Watermarking using Medical Images. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017 (76), 8881-8900, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-016-3514-z [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Neetu Faujdar, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Performance Evaluation of Parallel Count Sort using GPU Computing with CUDA. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (15), 1-12, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i15/80080 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Punit Gupta, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Power and Fault Aware Reliable Resource Allocation for Cloud Infrastructure. Procedia Computer Science, 78 (2016), 457-463, DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2016.02.088 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Geetanjali Rathee, Hemraj Saini (2016). Security Concerns with Open Research Issues of Present Computer Network. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 14 (4), 406-412, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Suman Saha, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Nearest Neighbor Search in the Metric Space of a Complex Network for Community Detection. Information, 7 (1), 1-16, DOI: 10.3390/info7010017 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Amit Kumar Singh, Mayank Dave, Anand Mohan (2016). Hybrid technique for robust and imperceptible multiple watermarking using medical images. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016 (75), 8381-8401, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-015-2754-7 [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
Conference(s) :
- Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Message. Proceedings of the International conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP) [3rd. : : ], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Punit Gupta, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Trust and Deadline aware scheduling algorithm for cloud infrastructure using Ant Colony Optimization . Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security, (ICICCS) [1st. : : ], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Geetanjali Rathee, Hemraj Saini (2016). Fast Handoff Technique in Wireless Mesh Network (FHT in WMN). Proceedings of the International conference in computing, communication and virtualization, Journal of Procedia Computer Science [7th : : ], pp.722-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Mayank Kumar Goyal, Satya Prakash Ghrera, Jai Prakash Gupta (2016). Improving the Average Number of Network Coded Transmission in AODV Routing Protocol with Network Coding Scheme. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computer Science and Information Technology (RICSIT-2016) [University Institute of Information Technology (UIIT), Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla : 23 rd May, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Geetanjali Rathee, Prabhat Thakur, Hemraj Saini, Ghanshyam Singh (2016). Aspects of secure communication during spectrum handoff in cognitive radio networks. Proceedings of the Proc. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication [(ICSC 2016) : India : 26-28 Dec. 2016], pp.64-.. Google Citation
- Vishwajeet Pattanaik, Mayank Singh, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, S.K. Singh (2016). Smart Real-Time Traffic Congestion Estimation and Clustering Technique for Urban Vehicular Roads. Proceedings of the IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) [Singapore : Nov 2016], pp.3420-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Punit Gupta, Patodiya S, Singh D, Chhabra J, Shukla, A (2016). IoT based smart petrol pump. In Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing. Proceedings of the Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC), 2016 Fourth International Conference on [ : ], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Nagesh Kumar, Yashwant Singh (2016). An Energy Efficient and Trust Management based Opportunistic Routing metric for Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2016) [4th : Waknaghat, India, India : 22-24 December, 2016], pp.611-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Arvind Kumar (2016). Impact of Packet Dropping Attacks on RPL . Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC) [4th. : Waknaghat, India : 22-24 Dec. 2016], pp.694-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Manpreet Singh Bajwa, Pradeep Kumar Singh , Arun Prakash Agarwal (2016). Analyzing and Interpreting the Fault Localized Using PCA with CK Metrics. Proceedings of the PDGC-2016 [IEEE-38036 : JUIT Waknaghat Solan, HP India : 22-24 Dec. 2016], pp.575--. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- A Rawat, Suman Saha, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Time Efficient Ranking System on Map Reduce Framework. Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP) [3rd. : : 21-24 December, 2015], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Ravindara Bhatt, Pansul Bhatt, Atishay Arvind (2016). An Integration Framework of Three-Dimensional Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network with Cloud Computing for Surveillance Applications. Proceedings of the RICSIT-2016 [Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India : May 23, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Ravindara Bhatt, Raja Datta (2016). Cost Models for 3-D Deployment of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) [Marina Bay Sands Singapore : November 22-25, 2016], pp.3485-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Vasudewa K, Punit Gupta (2016). A survey on Elastic Resource Allocation Algorithm for Cloud Infrastructure. Proceedings of the International Conference In Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS-INBUSH) [ : ], pp.199-.. Google Citation
- Punit Gupta, J Chhabra (2016). IoT Based Smart Home Design using Power and Security Management. Proceedings of the International conference on Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS) [ : ], pp.6-.. Google Citation
- Nigam S, Asthana S, Punit Gupta (2016). IoT Based Intelligent Billboard using Data Mining. Proceedings of the Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS-INBUSH) [ : ], pp.107-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Punit Gupta, D. Agrawal, J. Chhabra, P. K. Dhir (2016). IoT Based Smart Healthcare Kit. Proceedings of the Computational Techniques in Information and Communication Technologies (ICCTICT) [ : ], pp.237-.. Google Citation
- R. S. Jha, Punit Gupta (2016). Power and Load Aware Resource Allocation Policy for Hybrid Cloud. Proceedings of the Procedia Computer Science [nangpur : ], pp.350-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Gautam Kumar , Hemraj Saini (2016). Secure and Efficient ECC: Radix-16 Scalar Multiplication without Pre-Computation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Big Data and Advanced Wireless Technologies [Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria : November 10 - 11, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Punit Gupta, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2016). Trust and Deadline Aware Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Infrastructure Using Ant Colony Optimization. Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS 2016) [1st. : Amity University Noida, U.P. India. : 25 February, 2016], pp.187-.. Google Citation
- Aditi Zear, Amit Kumar Singh, Pardeep Kumar (2016). Digital Image Watermarking Techniques using Artificial Intelligence: New Trends in Information Security. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Electronics Engineering [1st : Hyderabad, India : Jan 9-10, 2016], pp.6-.. Google Citation
- Ashwani Kumar, Satya Prakash Ghrera, Vipin Tyagi (2016). New and Efficient Buyer-Seller Digital Watermarking Protocol Using Identity Based Technique for Copyright Protection. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP) [Department of Computer Science, Jaypee University of Information Technology (JUIT), Waknaghat, Distt. Solan, H.P., India : 21-24 December, 2015], pp.531-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation