Journal(s) :
- Anupriya Kaur, Preeti Thakur (2019). Determinants of Tier 2 Indian consumers online shopping attitude: a SEM approach. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 33 (6), 1309-1338, DOI: 10.1108/APJML-11-2018-0494/full/html [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Thakur, Preeti, Anupriya Kaur (2019). Online Shopping Attitude of Indian Tier 2 Consumers: Some Qualitative Insights. International Journal of Online Marketing, 9 (2), 13-27, DOI: 10.4018/IJOM.2019040102 []. Google Citation
- Tanu Sharma, Sandeep, Sanchi Thareja, Ayushi Jayaswal (2019). Role Of Culture in Socio Economic Development : Case Study of India and China . KAAV International Journal of Economics ,Commerce and Business Management , 06 (01), 119-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Tanu Sharma, Ayushi Jayaswal, Sanchi Thareja (2019). Technology and Automation-A Threat to Human Resource Management . KAAV International Journal of Economics ,Commerce and Business Management , 06 (01), 77-, DOI: []. Google Citation
Conference(s) :
- Tanu Sharma, Sanchi Thareja, Ayushi Jayaswal (2019). Role of Culture in Socvio Economic Development : Case study of India and China. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pradigm Shift in Global Business Practices and Socio Economic Development [7th. : Indore : 1day], pp.44-.. Google Citation