Journal(s) :
- Sakshi Khanna, Amit Srivastava, Medury Y. (2013). Testing the Market Timing Theory of Capital Structure for Indian Firms. JBIMS Spectrum, 1 (1), 9-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Puneet Bhushan, Yajulu Medury (2013). Financial literacy and its determinants. International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications, 4 (2), 155-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Puneet Bhushan, Yajulu Medury (2013). Determining tax literacy of salaried individuals - An empirical analysis. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 10 (6), 76-80, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Puneet Bhushan, Yajulu Medury (2013). Gender Differences in Investment Behaviour among Employees. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management , 3 (12), 147-155, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Anupriya Kaur, Niti Mittal, Sanchita Agarwal (2013). Financial Literacy of New Job Entrants. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 21 (2), 713-724, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Anupriya Kaur, Yajulu Medury (2013). SEM Approach to Teen Influence in Family Decision Making. Contemporary Management Research, 9 (3), 323-343, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Anupriya Kaur, M. Kaushal, J. Sisodia, S. Chopra (2013). Future Technocrats Perception on Dissemination of Technology. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 21 (1), 361-372, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Neha Aggarwal, Yaj Medury (2013). A Study on the Benefit of Integrating Technology with Management: Does it Essentially Nurture Holistic Development?. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 21 (1), 383-392, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Anil Sehrawat (2013). Confused Identities: Questions of Religion and Alienation in Bhisham Sahni. Galaxy International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2 (4), 1-10, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Anil Sehrawat (2013). Autobiographical Elements in Charles Dickens David Copperfield. The Criterion: An International Journal in English, 4 (5), 1-5, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Anil Sehrawat (2013). Christianity and Renaissance Spirit in the Elizabethan Age: A Scrutiny of Selected Works of William Shakespeare. Galaxy International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2 (6), 1-8, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Anil Sehrawat (2013). Love and Sacrifice in the Time of Partition: A Study of Khushwant Singhs Train to Pakistan. American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 4 (2), 128-130, DOI: []. Google Citation
Conference(s) :
- Neha Aggarwal, N. Pandey, G. Singh, Y. Medury (2013). Baljees : Managing Transition in Family Owned Business. Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Invitational Conference on Family Business [Indian School of Business(ISB), Hyderabad : February 1-3,2013], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Neha Aggarwal, Medury Y. (2013). Job Satisfaction among Faculty - A Case of Private Engineering Colleges in India. Proceedings of the National Conference on Paradigm for Sustainable Business: Peple, Planet and Profit [Indian Institute of Management(IIT), Roorkee : March 8-9, 2013], pp.28-.. Google Citation
- Anupriya Kaur, P. Kahatri, S. Takkar (2013). An empirical study on e-buyer traits in tier two cities. Proceedings of the AIMS International Conference, IIM Banglore [ : January 6-9, 2013], pp.2660-.. Google Citation
- S. Khanna, Amit Srivastava, Y. Medury (2013). Testing the Market Timing Theory of Capital Structure for Indian Firms. Proceedings of the International Research Conference [Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai : March 7-8, 2013], pp.-.. Google Citation