Physics and Materials Science

Prof. Dr. Vineet Sharma

Prof. Dr. Vineet Sharma
[email protected]
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Biography :

Ph.D., Panjab University, Chandigarh, 2005.
M.Sc. (Hons. School), Panjab University, Chandigarh, 1999.

Teaching in JUIT since June, 2005.

Research Field:
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Amorphous Semiconductors and II-VI Nano films.
Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors

Author Publication Profile:
Journal(s) :
Conference(s) :
  • Rajan Sharma, Ekta Sharma, Sanjay Kumar, Vineet Sharma, Pankaj Sharma (2020). Evaluation of optical properties of thermally deposited (Sn,Se)-(Bi,Te) thin film. Proceedings of the DAE Solid State Symposium 2019 [AIP Conference Proceedings 2265, 030263 (2020); : : ], pp. 030263-1-.. Google Citation
  • Subhash Chand, Dhruv Sharma, Vineet Sharma, Pankaj Sharma (2018). Morphological and Optical Study of Ag2Se Quantum Dots. Proceedings of the National Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology [2009 : JIIT Noida : March 15-17, 2018], pp.020026-1-.. Google Citation
  • Rohit Sharma, Prashant Thakur, Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma (2015). Structural Analysis of Magnesium Zinc Ferrite Synthesized by Co-precipitation Method. Proceedings of the International Conference on emerging Trends in Basic and Applied Sciences [Maharaja Agrasen University, Baddi , Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India, : May 1-2, 2015], pp.12-.. Google Citation
  • Sunanda Sharda, Neha Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma (2013). SbSeGe Semiconducting Alloys: Non-Linear Refractive Index And Susceptibility. Proceedings of the Recent Trends in Applied Physics & Materials Science [Bikaner, India : February 1 -2 ,2014], pp.313-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
  • Neha Sharma, Sunanda Sharda, Vineet Sharma, Pankaj Sharma (2013). Stability Analysis of IV-V-VI Chalcogenide Glasses using Glass Transition and Crystallization Temperature. Proceedings of the Recent Trends in Applied Physics & Materials Science [GCET Bikaner : February 1 -2 ,2013], pp.615-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
  • Neha Sharma, Sunanda Sharda, Vineet Sharma, Pankaj Sharma (2012). Nonlinear Optical Properties of IV-V-VI Chalcogenide Glasses. Proceedings of the AIP Conference Proceedings [Mumbai, India : 3-7 December 2012], pp.546-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
  • Vineet Sharma, Poonam Sharma, Pankaj Sharma (2011). Heating Changes on the Photoconductive Behaviour of SeTeSn Thin Film. . Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS-11) [JUIT Waknaghat : October 8-10, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
  • S. Kumar, Dheeraj Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma, Partha Bir Barman, S.C. Katyal (2011). Structural and optical study of chemical bath deposited nano-structured CdS films. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Condensed & Nano Materials [Panjab University, Chandigarh, India : 23-26 February, 2011 ], pp.179-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
  • Sunanda Sharda, Neha Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma (2011). Theoretical Calculation of Glass Transition Temperatures for SbSeGe System. Proceedings of the National Conference on Research methods in Science, Technology and Management (REMET-2011) [Green Hills Engineering College, Kumarhatti, Solan HP, India : March 26 -27, 2011.], pp.-.. Google Citation
  • Pankaj Sharma, P. Kumar, Vineet Sharma (2011). Glass Stability Study of Ge-Se-Sb Using Differential Thermal Analysis. Proceedings of the National Conference on Research methods in Science, Technology and Management (REMET-2011) [Green Hills Engineering College, Kumarhatti, Solan HP, India : March 26 -27, 2011.], pp.-.. Google Citation
  • Vineet Sharma, Poonam Sharma, Pankaj Sharma (2011). Photocurrent Study with Heat Treatment in SeTeSn Thin Film. Proceedings of the National Conference on Research methods in Science, Technology and Management (REMET-2011) [Green Hills Engineering College, Kumarhatti, Solan HP, India : March 26 -27, 2011.], pp.-.. Google Citation
  • Neha Sharma, Sunanda Sharda, Vineet Sharma, Pankaj Sharma (2011). Chemical Bond Distribution and Cohesive Energy of Ge19Se81-xSbx System. Proceedings of the National Conference on Research methods in Science, Technology and Management (REMET-2011) [Green Hills Engineering College, Kumarhatti, Solan HP, India : March 26 -27, 2011.], pp.-.. Google Citation
  • Suresh Kumar, Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma (2011). Band Gap Study of Chemical Bath Deposited CdS Thin Films. Proceedings of the National Conference on Research methods in Science, Technology and Management (REMET-2011) [Green Hills Engineering College, Kumarhatti, Solan HP, India : March 26 -27, 2011.], pp.-.. Google Citation
  • Suresh Kumar, Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma, S. C. Katyal, Partha Bir Barman (2011). XRD Analysis of Chemical Bath Deposited CdS Nanofilms. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS-11) [JUIT Waknaghat : October 8-10, 2012], pp.-.. Google Citation
  • Sunanda Sharda, Neha Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, Partha Bir Barman, Vineet Sharma (2011). Oscillator Parameters of Germanium Antimony Selenide Thin Films. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science [JUIT Waknaghat : October 8-10, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
  • Vineet Sharma, Poonam Sharma, Pankaj Sharma (2011). Heating Changes on the Photoconductive Behaviour of SeTeSn Thin Film. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS-11) [JUIT Waknaghat : October 8-10, 2011 ], pp.-.. Google Citation
  • Vineet Sharma, Anup Thakur (2008 ). Light Induced Changes in Se-Te Thin Film. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Innovative Materials (RAIM-2008) [NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh : February 16-17, 2008], pp.138-.. Google Citation
  • Vineet Sharma, Anup Thakur (2008). Light induced changes in Se-Te Thin Film. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Innovative Materials (RAIM-2008) [ : February 16-17, 2008], pp.-.. Google Citation
  • Vineet Sharma, Anup Thakur, S.K. Tripathi (2006). Electrical Properties of a-Se85-xTe15SnxThin Films . Proceedings of the International Symposium on non-oxide and new optical glasses, [15th. : Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. : April 10-14, 2006], pp.-.. Google Citation
  • Anup Thakur, Vineet Sharma, S K Tripathi (2006). Photoelectrical Properties of a-(Ge20Se80)Ag10 Thin Film. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Materials Science (RAMS-2006) [Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra : 27- 29 September, 2006], pp.327-.. Google Citation
  • Vineet Sharma, Anup Thakur, S K Tripathi (2006). Progressive Annealing Effects on the Electrical Properties of a-Se75Te15Sn10 Thin Film. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Materials Science (RAMS-2006) [Kuruksetra University Kurukshetra, India. : 27- 29 September, 2006], pp.327-.. Google Citation
  • Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma, S.C.Katyal (2006). Refractive Index of Thin Films using Transmission Spectrum. Proceedings of the DAE-SSPS [Solid State Physics (India), : ], pp.425-.. Google Citation
  • Vineet Sharma, S.K.Tripathi (2005). Electrical Properties in a-Se-Te-Sn Thin Films. Proceedings of the Golden Jubilee Solid State Physics Symposium [50th : BARC Mumbai : December 05-09, 2005], pp.-.. Google Citation