Conference(s) :
- Ashish Kumar, Kothyari U. C. (2005). Flow Characteristics within Scour Hole around a Circular Bridge Pier. Proceedings of the Conf. on Hydraulics and Water Resources [Tumkur, India : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Rajesh Goel (2005). Slurry infiltrated fiber concrete (SIFCON)- composite of tomorrow. Proceedings of the National Conference on Futuristic Construction Material and Techniques [Jodhpur : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Rajesh Goel, Ahuja A.K. (2005). Wind resistance design of industrial buildings. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Developments in Structural Engg [Manipal : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Rajesh Goel, Sunn A., Ahuja A.K. (2005). Mean wind pressure distribution on low-rise buildings with canopies. Proceedings of the 10th Americas Conference on Wind Engg [Louisiana State University, USA : ], pp.-.. Google Citation