BI/BT Publications
Journal(s) :
- L.C. Gupta, S.K. Singla, Chanderdeep Tandon, R.K. Jethi (2004). Mg 2+: a potent inhibitor of collagen‐induced in vitro mineralization. Magnesium Research, 17 (2), 67-71, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Talwar H.S., Singla S.K., Chanderdeep Tandon, Jethi R.K. (2004). Effect of nucleoside-5-phosphates on collagen-induced in vitro mineralization. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 42 (8), 844-, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Chanderdeep Tandon, De Lisle R.C. (2004). Apactin is involved in remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton during regulated exocytosis. European Journal of Cell Biology, 83 (2), 79-89, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation