Technology Extension

Installation of Biogas Reactor at Chitkara University, Baddi (H.P.) (18 February 2022)
Jaypee University Of Information Technology - JUIT Jaypee University Of Information Technology - JUIT Jaypee University Of Information Technology - JUIT

Fabrication and Installation of a biogas reactor at Govt. Senior Secondary Girls School, Solan, HP : 20 September, 2019.
Jaypee University Of Information Technology - JUIT Jaypee University Of Information Technology - JUIT Jaypee University Of Information Technology - JUIT

Biogas reactor and training program at Govt. senior secondary school, Burmana, Bilaspur, HP – sponsored by JUIT and Ministry of Rural Development, HP. (Training: 08-04-2019 and Installation: 30-10-2018)
Jaypee University Of Information Technology - JUIT Jaypee University Of Information Technology - JUIT Jaypee University Of Information Technology - JUIT

Awareness and Exposure Visit of Farmers To JUIT Waknaghat for their Socio-economic Improvement
Organised at JUIT in collaboration with DST-SYST Funded Project On “Socio-Economic Upliftment of High Altitude Farmers of Himachal Pradesh Through Transfer of Micropropagation Technologies for High Value Medicinal Herbs” On 25th and 26th December, 2018 Coordinator: Dr. Hemant Sood [FOR MORE INFORMATION CLICK HERE]

Five farmers of The Phati Jana Cooperative Agriculture Service Society, Village Archandi, Kullu of Himachal Pradesh visited Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics for Awareness and Exposure visit for improving their socioeconomic status and exploring future avenues for themselves and for their society members. They have reached JUIT on 25th December and in the evening media preparation was carried out for demonstration of plant tissue culture techniques. On 26th they were informed about basics of plant tissue culture and different ways of carrying out micropropagation of medicinal plants. They were demonstrated with plant tissue culture techniques in Plant Tissue Cultutre Lab of the Department of BT &BI. Afterwards they have carried out transplantation of tissue culture plants in the glass house of the department. They were taken to High end instrumentation lab where they were informed about quantification of medicinal compounds for the quality assurance of medicinal plants. They have visited other labs and finally taken to Biogas plant near mess area, where Mr Karam Das has provided the information about the digester and modes of producing Biogas with high efficiency protocols. Farmers were highly amazed and have quite satisfying feedback with this exposure visit and they requested for summer trainings. Dr Hemant Sood, Associate professor in the Department of BT&BI, Jaypee University Of Information Technology, Waknaghat has coordinated this visit along with Rolika Gupta(PhD Scholar). HOD & Professor (Dr) Sudhir Syal and JUIT administration and DST were deeply acknowledged for this visit.

Farmers at JUIT Campus and in the Glasshouse of Department of BT&BI
NCC Physics Materials Science

Biogas reactor for JUIT worker’s families – sponsored by JUIT (10-10-2018)
Physics Materials Science

Biogas reactor at Govt. middle School Gyankot village, Sirmour under Vigyan Gram Scheme HP – sponsored by HP Science Council (30-03-2018)

Biogas reactor and training program at Govt. primary school, Dhar Anji village, Solan sponsored by HP Science Council (29-05-2017)

Biogas reactor at Govt. primary school, Bani Pooghat village, Solan sponsored by HP Science Council (28-12-2016)

On request of Eternal University, Baru Sahib of Distt.Sirmour (HP) Dr. Sudhir Kumar and Dr. Ashish Kumar fabricated a biogas plant and transferred the technology at their university campus, on 17th January 2015.On request of Eternal University, Baru Sahib of Distt.Sirmour (HP) Dr. Sudhir Kumar and Dr. Ashish Kumar fabricated a biogas plant and transferred the technology at their university campus, on 17th January 2015.

Dr Hemant Sood, Associate Professor in the Department of BT/BI has transferred micropropagted medicinal plants to the farmers of Kullu district, under DST –SYST project (2015-2018) from SEED (Science for Equity Empowerment and Development) Division of Department Of Science and Technology.

Training and Interaction with Farmers in Fields at Kullu District of HP

Officers of Ministry of Rural Development, Government of Himachal Pradesh, 10-12 Pradhans (heads) of Gram Panchyats of villages of various districts including Burmana, Bilaspur, Civil engineers and Technicians visited JUIT on 23 Sep. 2014 to see the live demonstration of biogas digester.

Biogas reactor for JUIT worker’s Mess- sponsored by JUIT(2009)

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