Technical Club

The technical club of Department of Computer Science and the Department of Information Technology “ENKINDLE” has been started with the objective of development and exchange of relevant knowledge to learn and develop skills in various aspects of programming and hardware development and become aware of the technological advancements in various spheres of computer science engineering.
The club aims to work in collaboration with all the departments of JUIT to be able to meet their software requirements.
The technical club has two dedicated wings QUODERS & TORVALDS.

QUODERS – the Open Source Community
Open source languages and applications are becoming popular by the day. The purpose of QUODERS is to introduce students to the vibrant open source community which is filled with experienced and technically gifted programmers from across the globe. By helping students connect to the open source community, QUODERS wants to make it easy for the programmers to get help, inputs, or maybe even partners for a project.

TORVALDS - the Programming Hub
TORVALDS creates a common platform for the students to share their programming experiences, get help with every day programming and create useful projects for the community. The objective of TORVALDS is to make students efficient and responsible coders and prepare them for various coding competitive platforms.


ENKINDLE envisions a collaborative hub of innovation at JUIT, uniting students across disciplines to explore the forefronts of IoT, robotics, and machine learning. Our vision is to foster a dynamic environment where members, guided by experienced mentors, unleash their creativity and pioneer transformative solutions. Through our wings, QUODERS and TORVALDS, we aim to equip students with the skills and resources to excel in programming and hardware development. By collaborating with departments university-wide, we strive to address diverse software needs and become integral to JUIT's pursuit of academic excellence and technological advancement. Ultimately, ENKINDLE seeks to inspire the next generation of tech leaders, driving progress and making a positive impact on society.

Faculty Coordinators:

Dr. Aman Sharma, Assistant Professor (SG), CSE/IT, Email:-
Dr. Diksha Hooda, Assistant Professor (SG), CSE/IT, Email:-

Student Coordinators:

Naman Pratap Singh, Email:-
Shruti Kadyan, Email:-
Note: Interested Students can contact the faculty and student coordinators



Competition Details Winners
Run It

150 minutes coding contest hosted in the computer labs on the in house platform Run-It
The problems tested the programming ability of the students in different areas such as string manipulation, data structures like graphs and higher mathematical concepts.
Over 40 students registered for the event

Position Name

Harshit Bhimsaria


Shubham Sharma


Yash Aggarwal

Run It 2.0


Held JUIT in association with Createch on Murious, 3 hour group coding contest hosted in the computer labs. The problems tested the programming ability of the students in different areas such as string manipulation, data structures like graphs and higher mathematical concepts.

Pos Team Name


Prakhar Shrivastav
Mohd. Osamah



Ashvani Kumar
Vikrant Rana



Shubham Sharma