Patents and Research & Academic Projects

Patent / Application No. Date Filled/ Granted Applicant Title Status
202411005596  29-01-2024  Shruti Jain Integrative Water Quality Monitoring System: IoT Sensors, ML Analysis, and LLM Guidance for Real-Time Potability Assessment and Sustainable Water Management In progress
378538-001 03-02-2023 Nishant Jain Shoes Granted
TEMP/E- 1/23170/2018-DEL 26-07-2020 Shruti Jain A Novel N-Bit Compressor Based High-Speed Multiplier Algorithm For Low Power Arithmetic Circuits In progress
TEMP/E-1/29819 /2020-DEL 25-06-2020 Shruti Jain A Multiplexer based MAC architecture Implementation on FPGA In progress
319102 27-08-2019 Rohit Sharma An embedded system for analysis of microstrip like interconnects Electronics and Communication Engineering Granted
339820 25-03-2015 Shruti Jain Energy Harvesting Footwear Granted
1632/DEL/2012 30-05-2012 Sunil Bhooshan A method of character recognition in textual document In progress
Funded Research Projects

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Academic Projects