Old Scheme

All courses offered are of 3 credits each. Core Courses from Semester 1st to 6th are as follows:

Sem I – Presentation and Communication Skills

This course is aimed to equip students of engineering and technology with effective communication skills in English. In this course, students will learn some theoretical inputs into the process of communication, its different types, and the difference between written and oral communication, speaking over the telephone and presentation skills and many more.

Sem II – Group and Cooperative Processes

An individual should be able to explain, predict, evaluate and modify human behaviour of people with whom he is working and that will largely depend upon knowledge, skill and experience of the individual in handling group of people in diverse situations. It is the human factor that is contributory to the productivity hence the study of human behaviour and very credentials of an individual, his background, social framework, educational update, impact of social groups and other situational factors on behavior is important. The main objective of the course is tomake the students understand how to work with and through others to accomplish individual and group goals. The students will demonstrate the understanding of individual, interpersonal and group processes that influence behaviour within teams and organizations. They will also be able to effectively use the various tools in their day to day activities.

Sem III – Managerial Economics

The knowledge of Managerial Economics is very fundamental to make optimal decisions. The objective of the course is “To integrate the basic concepts of economics with the tools of mathematics and statistics in order to analyze and make optimal business decisions”. After the completion of the course the students will be able to appreciate and think critically about the contribution of economics to the strategy process, understand the constraints the environment places on the organization’s pursuit of its goals, analyze the economic environment in which an organization operates. Broadly it covers about demand & supply analysis, production & cost analysis and market structures.

Sem IV – Financial Management

In today’s dynamic world engineers while taking decisions in the technical area have to understand the financial implications of such decisions. In order to deal effectively with financial issues they need to understand, analyse and interpret financial data. This course will help them in understanding the concepts and principles of accounting and finance with the support of software packages so that they can make quick informed financial decisions. At the end of the course the students will be able to understand the basic accounting principles. They will be able to measure the performance of an organization and evaluate the impact of business decisions at all levels.

Sem V – Social and Legal Issues

Advancement in technology often comes with unexpected issues and unintended consequences. The central idea is that the society and information technology revolution are shaping each other. Information technology embodies social values and in turn produces change in values. Thus the main objective of this course is to help students grapple with the social, legal and ethical issues. The course shall eventually navigate students through legal, ethical & social issues related to social life and technology on their own and practice responsible use of technology systems, information & software.

Sem VI – Project Management

This course is offered as a core subject to students of semester six across all B.Tech disciplines. The objective of this course is to enable students to plan, analyze, implement and monitor projects. At the end of the course the students will be able to understand the concepts, tools and techniques of project management. They will be able to manage costs, people, time and quality of any given project. Key topics include – selection of projects, risk analysis, project planning, scheduling, budgeting and project control. The lectures focus on the basic concepts and practical sessions focus on real time project problems, case-studies and software use.

The Department offers different Elective courses in VII and VIII semester and students have to select one course in each semester.

VII Semester Electives :

Entrepreneurship Development

This course is offered to semester seven students as an elective. The course aims to develop amongst students an entrepreneurial way of thinking that will allow them to identify and create business opportunities that may be commercialized successfully. At the end of this course, the students is able to understand and identify entrepreneurial traits, can assess opportunities and constraints for new business ideas and ventures , select and screen a business idea, convert the business idea into a viable business and write a business plan . Key topics include – framework for entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial Strategies, business plan, venture finance, intrapreneurship and technical entrepreneurship. The course follows am interactive teaching- learning mode involving a variety of pedagogical techniques.

Principles of Management

This course is designed with the objective of giving the engineering student an overall perspective on how modern organizations are structured and managed. This orientation will help them in appreciating the intricacies of managing businesses/organisations in today’s competitive environment and how individual effort is woven together to achieve common goals. The course covers

  • Evolution of management thought over time and trends for the future
  • The various structures of organizations today
  • The management of organisations through design of systems and processes

Financial Planning

This course is aimed at enabling the students understand the issues involved in planning finances and investments at a personal level. The objective of the course is to give students a broad understanding of concepts and issues relating to personal finance and their applications to real life situations. After completion of the course the students will be able to understand basic financial planning process, terms and concepts relating to personal financial planning, concepts and issues relating to management of money such as taxes, investments, loans, insurance policies etc. so that students are able to spend and invest their hard earned money wisely.

Human Resource Management

The objective is to familiarize the students with various functions of Human Resources Management and emphasize on the integration Human Values with the organization with particular reference to India. Also ,the course provides basic knowledge of functional area of Human Resource Management. It also provides the essentials of human resource management for all future managers whether or not their career orientation lies in human resources. Accordingly, the emphasis in this course is away from the nitty-gritty of HRM techniques and on the general issues that confront all managers in an organization.

Business Analytics

Analytics has been defined as the extensive use of data, statistical and quantitative analysis, explanatory and predictive models, and fact-based management to drive decisions and actions. Analytics is more than just analytical methodologies or techniques used in logical analysis. It is a process of transforming data into actions through analysis and insights in the context of organizational decision making and problem solving. Analytics includes a range of activities, including business intelligence, which comprises standard and ad hoc reports, queries and alerts; and quantitative methods, including statistical analysis, forecasting/ extrapolation, predictive modeling (such as data mining), optimization and simulation.

Human Rights for Technocrats

Engineers, broadly, see themselves as problem solvers who create artifacts and objects to serve humanity. Successful engineers invariably end up as managers of some sort. With this view, traditionally, engineering curricula have always had a humanities component. Students may or may not see themselves as “advocates”, or as human rights advocates, but would be united by a common motivation to explore new and alternative approaches to bringing about change. The course will deepen understanding of the usefulness of human rights analysis and tools in different contexts, including those where human rights are not usually the frame of reference. The course will examine key ethical, strategic, and legal dimensions of human rights work. Students grapple with tough questions that confront every human rights practitioner, including: How can human rights be harnessed to successfully influence and change behaviour? The course is designed to encourage students to critically evaluate the human rights movement while learning core advocacy, litigation, and problem-solving skills to responsibly advance social justice.

Quality Management

Quality Management (QM) is a participative, systematic approach to planning and implementing a constant organizational improvement process. Its approach is focused on exceeding customers’ expectations, identifying problems, building commitment, and promoting open decision-making among workers. This course is specially designed for engineers to quip them with understanding of Six Sigma, Lean manufacturing and the like.

Cost and Management Accounting

Finance and accounting have assumed much importance in today’s competitive world of business wherein corporate organizations have to show the true and fair view of their financial position. Thus, the application of accounting in the business sector has become an indispensable factor. The information collected and presented to management based on cost and management accounting techniques helps management to solve not only specific problems but also guides them in decision making. The objective of this course is to acquaint students with the basic concepts used in cost accounting and management accounting which have a bearing on managerial decision-making.


VIII Semester Electives

Strategic Management

The concept of strategic management is important in the study of management because it explains in detail the interaction of organizations with their surrounding environment. The importance and impact of one on the other is brought out very well in this subject. It also explains how various components of an organization are brought together to form a meaningful whole and how the proper combination of components leads to success. Policy and strategy formulation and implementation together cover the total contribution of a manager to the success of an organization.

Internet Marketing

This course aims to develop the student’s understanding on how the internet has become a necessity in modern business, and discover how this medium can assist in marketing. It examines the fundamental principles associated with the strategic adoption, implementation, use and evaluation of internet in organizations. Essentially, the focus is on how the internet can serve as an invaluable resource for the strategic business and competitive advantage.

International Human Resource Management

IHRM refers to the development, recruitment, selection and management of international employees either abroad or in the home country. The concept of IHRM has become increasingly important with the rise of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) operating across many countries and continents (Hollinshead and Leat, 1995).

Another prominent factor is that IHRM, in addition to the basic functions of HRM (such as training and development, health and safety, compensation… etc.), also includes employee training through cross-cultural communication workshops and seminars to overcome cultural barriers and to facilitate cooperation across cultures (Downling et al. 2013).

The main factors which affect IHRM are legal, political, economic and cultural (Aswathappa, 2008). The legal and political factors determine how (if at all) an organisation could access a foreign labour market or employ foreign nationals in their home country. The economic dimension is important in case the organisation wants to exploit wage differences by moving operations or productions abroad. Finally, possibly the most influential factor, culture must be considered as it could ultimately determine the outcome of employing culturally different people to achieve organisational objectives. And thus the current engineer could benefit from the course as he has to work as face a diverse cultural environment.

The Department also offers an Audit Course in English during first semester, specially for those students who need additional support. Additional courses offered by the Department :

Research Methodology (For Ph.D scholars)

Construction Financial Management (M.Tech, Civil Engg.)