Humanities and Social Sciences

Prof. Dr. Amit Srivastava

Prof. Dr. Amit Srivastava
Professor and Head
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Biography :

Dr. Amit has been working in Jaypee University of Information Technology (JUIT) since July 2003. He holds PhD in Management from JUIT and M.Phil (International Business) from Alagappa University. He did his MIBA (Master of International Business Administration) from Banaras Hindu University. He is actively involved in teaching and research and his areas of research include International Business, Finance and Economic Development. He has published more than 20 research papers in different International/National Journals and Conferences. Besides teaching and research, he is actively involved in administration also and is a member of different committees formed both at University level as well as Department level. He has been actively involved in organizing Workshops/Conferences/Training Programmes by the Department.