Biotechnology and Bioinformatics

Dr. Garlapati Vijay Kumar

Dr. Garlapati Vijay Kumar
Associate Professor
(91)01792 239288
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Biography :

Doctorate in Bioprocess Engineering / Industrial Biotechnology and Biofuels (IIT Kharagpur) and M.Tech (Biotechnology) as Master’s Degree. Grantee of Two Indian Patents, edited one book, published 60 research articles in SCI-/Scopus Journals, 25 Book chapters, guided three Ph.D, 9 M.Tech /M.Sc & 15 UG dissertations and have communicated/ presented at several conferences either as oral presentations or posters. Taken fellowships of A4U Postdoctoral Fellowship, Spain, 2011-2013; Institute Research Fellowship, IIT Kharagpur, 2006-2010; GATE - MHRD Fellowship, 2002-2003. Listed in "Top 2% World's Scientists, by Stanford University Rankings (2022, 2021 & 2020), USA" and "AD Scientific index 2022, 2021 & 2020: World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, 2021 & 2020". Serving as an International Advisory Panel Member, Elsevier; “Associate Editor” in “Frontiers in Energy Research (IF:3.858)”; "Review Editor" in "Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (IF: 6.064)" and “Frontiers in Catalysis”; Editorial Board Member for "Bioengineered (IF:6.832)", “BMC Biotechnology (IF:3.329)”, “Journal of Chemistry (IF:3.241)” and Reviewer for Science Direct, Frontiers, RSC and Springer Journals.

Research Areas: Bioprocess /Biochemical Engineering, Microbial/ Industrial Biotechnology, Fermentation technology and DSP, Biofuels /Bioenergy, Biocatalysis, Environmental Biotechnology, Microalgal Technology, Food Biotechnology, Statistical modeling coupled Evolutionary optimization