Deepak Dahiya and Usha Batra, “Defining Business Requirements as Concerns in Data Warehouse”. Paper published in the IEEE Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Beijing, China (IEEE ICCSIT 2009), Vol. 4, pp. 535 - 538
Deepak Dahiya, Usha Batra and Sudha Dahiya, “Information Management as Aspect Requirements in Data Warehouse”. Paper published in the IEEE Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on New Trends in Information and Service Science, Beijing, China (IEEE NISS 2009), pp. 924 – 931.
Deepak Dahiya, “Identifying Aspect Oriented Design Requirements in Data Warehouse”. Paper published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on Mechanism Science and Technology: from Theory to Application, NIT Hamirpur, India (NCMSTA 2008), pp. 124 - 132."
P. Kumar, K. Kalyani, E. Gupta, G. Rathi and D.S. Chauhan, “Mood Swing Analyzer: A Dynamic Sentiment Detection Approach”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, Springer, (Accepted May 2014).
P. Kumar, A. Mundra, A. Soni, S. K. Sharma and D.S. Chauhan,“Decision Support System for Determining Right Education Career Choice”, Procedia Technology, Elsevier (2014- Accepted).
P. Kumar, A. Patrick, L. Rajpoot, M. Chawla, G. Singh and D.S. Chauhan, “A Neural Network Based Intrusion Detection System for Pervasive Computing Environment”, Procedia Technology, Elsevier (2014- Accepted).
P. Kumar, M. Sharma and A. Kansal, “Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Task Division Among Different Data Centers in Cloud Computing”, Procedia Technology, Elsevier (2014- Accepted).
P. Kumar, Nitin, V. K. Sehgal and D. S. Chauhan, “A benchmark to select data mining based classification algorithms for business intelligence and decision support systems”, International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Management Process,AIRCC Publishing Corporation, Volume 2, Number 5, pp. 25-42,2012.
P. Kumar, Nitin, V. K. Sehgal and D. S. Chauhan, “Performance evaluation of decision tree versus artificial neural network based classifiers in diversity of datasets”, in Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, pp. 798-803, December 2011
P. Kumar, Nitin, V. K. Sehgal, D. S. Chauhan, K. Shah and S. S. P. Shukla, “A novel approach for security in cloud computing using hidden markov model and clustering”, in Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, pp. 810-815, December 2011
P. Kumar, V.K. Sehgal, D.S. Chauhan, P.K. Gupta and M. Diwakar, “Effective Ways of Secure, Private and Trusted Cloud Computing”, Volume 8, Number 3,pp. 412-421,2011