
The International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing


The International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC) will serve as an international forum for researchers and practitioners interested in advances in the areas of parallel, distributed and grid computing. It will provide an opportunity to present and exchange advanced scientific and technological information in hardware, software and theoretical foundation in these areas.


The First International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2010) was organized by Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India from 28th Oct 2010 to 30th Oct 2010. Noted keynote speakers, YALE PATTCHRISTIAN SCHEIDELER,DIETMAR TUTSCH, RAJ KUMAR BUYYA addressed the first conference which was a great success. The proceedings of the conference were published in IEEE Explore ( see link here).


The second conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2012)  was organized by Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India from 6th Dec 2012 to 8th Dec 2012.  Noted keynote speakers: IVAN STOJMENOVIC, PETER WIDMAYER, ASSAF SCHUSTER, NIKIL DUTT, ELIEZER DEKEL, SANJAY RANKA addressed the second conference which was a great success. The conference is technically sponsored by IEEE Delhi Section Computer Society Chapter and the proceedings of the conference were published in IEEE Explore ( see link here).


The third conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2014)  was organized by Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India from 11th Dec 2014 to 13th Dec 2014.  Noted keynote speakers: SARTAJ SAHNI, PHILIP WADLER, IVAN STOJMENOVIC, F. L. LEWIS, HONG SHEN addressed the third conference which was a great success. The conference is technically sponsored by IEEE Delhi Section Computer Society Chapter and the proceedings of the conference were published in IEEE Explore ( see link here).


The fourth conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2016)  was organized by Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India from 22nd Dec 2016 to 24th Dec 2016.  Noted keynote speakers: RAJ K BHATNAGAR, R. GOVINDARAJAN, SANTI CABALLÉ, R.K. GHOSH, MANOJ MISRA addressed the fourth conference which was a great success. The conference is technically sponsored by IEEE Delhi Section Computer Society Chapter and the proceedings of the conference were published in IEEE Explore ( see link here).


The fifth conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2018)  was organized by Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India from 20-22 December, 2018.  Noted keynote speakers: DR. MOHAMMAD S. OBAIDAT, DR. B.K. PANIGRAHI, DR. JITENDER KUMAR CHHABRA, DR. SHABANA UROOJ, DR. NAGENDER KUMAR SURYADEVARA addressed the fifth conference which was a great success. The conference is technically sponsored by IEEE Delhi Section Computer Society Chapter and the proceedings of the conference were published in IEEE Explore ( see link here).


The sixth conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2020)  was organized by Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India from 06-08 November, 2020 in a virtaul mode.  Noted keynote speakers: TAMAS KISS, DAVID (BONG JUN) CHOI, RAHUL KATARYA, NEHA SHARMA, SHAILENDRA MISHRA AND DINESH KUMAR SAINI addressed the sixth conference which was a great success. The conference is technically sponsored by IEEE Delhi Section Computer Society Chapter and the proceedings of the conference were published in IEEE Explore ( see link here).


The seventh conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2022)  was organized by Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India from 25-27 November, 2022 in a hybrid mode.  Noted keynote speakers: RAJKUMAR BUYAA, MARTIN BERZINS, JINZHU GAO, JITENDER KUMAR CHHABRA, SEEMA BAWA addressed the seventh conference which was a great success. The conference is technically sponsored by IEEE Delhi Section Computer Society Chapter and the proceedings of the conference were published in IEEE Explore ( see link here).


The eighth conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2024)  was organized by Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India from 18-20 December, 2024 in a hybrid mode.  Noted keynote speakers: PROF. FATOS XHAFA, PROF. TAMAS KISS, PROF. DHABALESWAR PANDA, PROF. KALYANMOY DEB, PROF. D.P. VIDYARTHI, PROF. KISHORE KOTHAPALLI and DR. APURBA DAS addressed the eighth conference which was a great success. The conference is technically sponsored by IEEE Delhi Section and IEEE USA.


PDGC-2010 received a total of 374 paper submission from 17 countries. Program committee members and reviewers from 18 countries contributed to the peer review process. Every paper was reviewed by a minimum of two program committee members and /or reviewers. PDGC-2010 finally selected 65 papers (an acceptance rate of 17.3% ) for inclusion in the conference proceedings these papers have been organized in to 12 technical sessions.

PDGC-2012 received a total of 606 Paper Submissions from 22 Countries. Technical Program Committee (TPC) Members and Reviewers from 25 Countries contributed to the peer review process. We finally selected 169 papers (an acceptance rate of 27.88%) for inclusion in the conference proceedings. All these papers have been organized into 22 oral technical sessions.
PDGC-2012 received papers from the following countries: India, Iran, Israel, P.R. China, USA, Germany, South Africa, Switzerland, Tunisia, Malaysia, UK, Senegal, Algeria, Denmark, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, Korea, France, Lithuania and Canada. 


PDGC-2014 received a total of 623 Paper Submissions from 20 Countries. Program Committee Members and Reviewers from 15 Countries contributed to the peer review process. Every paper was reviwed by a minimum of two program committee members / or reviewers. PDGC-2014 finally selected 146 papers (an acceptance rate of 23.43%) for inclusion in the conference proceedings. All These papers have been organized into 15 technical sessions.


PDGC-2016 received a total of 512 Paper Submissions from 25 Countries. Program Committee Members and Reviewers from 15 Countries contributed to the peer review process. Every paper was reviwed by a minimum of two program committee members / or reviewers. PDGC-2016 finally selected 140 papers (an acceptance rate of 27.34%) for inclusion in the conference proceedings. All These papers have been organized into 15 technical sessions.


PDGC-2018 received a total of 518 Paper Submissions from 19 Countries. Program Committee Members and Reviewers from 14 Countries contributed to the peer review process. Every paper was reviwed by a minimum of two program committee members / or reviewers. PDGC-2018 finally selected 149 (an acceptance rate of 28.76%) for inclusion in the conference proceedings. All These papers have been organized into 15 technical sessions.


PDGC-2020 received a total of 402 Paper Submissions from several Countries. Program Committee Members and Reviewers from India and Abroad contributed to the peer review process. Every paper was reviewed by a minimum of two program committee members / or reviewers. PDGC-2020 finally selected 114 (an acceptance rate of  28% from India and Abroad) for inclusion in the conference proceedings. All These papers have been organized into  four (04) oral parallel technical sessions that are further distributed in twelve (12) special sessions.


PDGC-2024 received a total of 739 Paper Submissions from several Countries. Program Committee Members and Reviewers from India and Abroad contributed to the peer review process. Every paper was reviewed by a minimum of two program committee members / or reviewers. PDGC-2024 finally selected 143 (an acceptance rate of 19.35% from India and Abroad) for inclusion in the conference proceedings. All These papers have been organized into 23 technical sessions.




1.      Parallel and Distributed Algorithms & Secure Computing and related Tools: Parallel Algorithms, Algorithms Exploiting Clusters and General-Purpose Distributed and Parallel Systems, Hybrid & Embedded Parallel Systems, Memory Organization, Support for Parallel I/O, Multi/Many Core Systems, GPU and FPGA based Parallel Systems, Heterogeneous Distributed Systems, Distributed Shared Memory Systems, Distributed Object-oriented Systems, AI in Distributed Systems, Real Time Distributed Systems, Security in Computational and Data Grids, Security in Distributed Environments, Configuration, Policy, Management Issues, Operating  Systems, Compilers, Languages, Debuggers, Monitoring Tools, Software Engineering on Parallel/Distributed Systems.

2.      Networks, Interconnection Networks and Network based Computing, Multimedia & Service Networking: Scalable Networks, Reconfigurable Networks, Routing Issues, General-Purpose Network Performance for Distributed Applications, Network Protocols, Internet Technology, Optical Interconnections and Computing, Novel Network Topologies, Web Computing, Cluster Computing, Cloud Computing, Computational Grids, Data Grids, Semantic Grid, Mobile Agents, Distributed Web Services, Multimedia Communications and Services, Real-time Networking, Performance Modeling, Networked Real-time Embedded Systems, Services onDemand, Network Management, Multimedia Architectures and Protocols, Multimedia Applications, Quality of Service Support, Operating System and Networking Support, Internet Tools and Applications, Audio/Video Delivery over the Internet.

3.     Dependable, Cluster and Grid Computing: Fault-tolerance, Self-stabilization, Performance Prediction and Analysis, Simulation, Knowledge-based Program Development. Collaboration Technologies, Communication and Networking Systems, Data Analysis and Management on Grids, Data Grids, Grid Computing Infrastructures, Middleware and Tools, Grid Computing Services, Grid Infrastructures for Data Analysis, Grid Standards as related to Applications.

4.      Cloud & Big Data Computing: Actor Model, Cluster Manager, Redundant Array of Inexpensive Servers, Utility computing, Virtual Private Cloud, Cloud Computing Techniques for Big Data, Algorithms and Programming Techniques for Big Data Processing, Model and Languages for Big Data, Persistence and Preservation Algorithms and Systems for Big Data search, Distributed and Peer to Peer search, Large Scale Social Media and Recommendation Systems, Big Data Tool Kits, Anomaly Detection in Very Large Scale Systems, Parallel and Distributed Data Mining Algorithms, Web-based Computing and Service-Oriented Architecture, Wireless and Mobile Computing, Algorithms Design and Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, Biologically Inspired Computing, Systems Biology, Cyber-Physical Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks, Remote Sensing, Social Networks (Social Media), Human Computer Interaction, Graph Embedding, Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Nanotechnology in High Performance Computing.




  • IEEE Delhi Section





  • For information to all, that official email of PDGC-2024 is and