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Jaypee University of Information Technology
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1.WA: Web Accessibility
2.WACC: Work Activities Coordination and Collaboration
3.WADAS: Washington Ada symposium on Ada
4.WADS: Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems
5.Wands: Workflow Approaches to New Data-centric Science
6.WBIA: Workshop on Binary Instrumentation and Applications
7.WBMA: Biometrics Methods and Applications
8.WCAE: Computer Architecture Education
9.WCCCE: Computing Education
10.WCFLP: Workshop on Curry and Functional Logic Programming
11.WDTN: Delay-Tolerant Networking
12.WEASELTech: Empirical Assessment of Software Engineering Languages and Technologies
13.Web3D: 3D Web Technology
14.WebDB: Web and Databases
15.WebKDD/SNA-KDD: Web Mining and Social Network Analysis
16.WebMedia: Multimedia and the Web
17.WebScience: Collaborative and Collective Intelligence
18.WebSE: Workshop on Web 2.0 for Software Engineering
19.WEH: Exception Handling
20.WESS: Workshop on Embedded Systems Security
21.WETSoM: Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics
22.WEUSE: Workshop on End-User Software Engineering
23.WEWST: Workshop on Enhanced Web Service Technologies
24.WGP: Workshop on Generic Programming
25.WH: Wireless Health
26.WHPCF: High Performance Computational Finance
27.WI-IATW: Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology
28.WI: Web Intelligence
29.WICON: Wireless internet
30.WICOW: Information Credibility on the Web
31.WIDM: Web Information and Data Management
32.WIESS: Industrial Experiences with Systems Software
33.WikiSym: International Symposium on Wikis
34.WiMD: Medical Grade Wireless Networks
35.WINITS: Wireless Networking for Intelligent Transportation Systems
36.WiNS-DR: Wireless Networks and Systems for Developing Regions
37.WINTECH: Exerimental Evaluation and Characterization
38.WiNTECH: Wireless Network Tesbeds, Experimental Evaluation and Characterization
39.WiSE: Wireless Security
40.WiSec: Wireless Network Security
41.WISER: Workshop on Interdisciplinary Software Engineering Research
42.WISG: Workshop on Information Security Governance
43.WISTP: Information Security Theory and Practices
44.WiTMeMo: Wireless Traffic Measurements and Modeling
45.WITS: Issues in the Theory of Security
46.WMASH: Wireless Mobile Applications and Services on WLAN Hotspots
47.WMC: Workshop on Mobile Commerce
48.WMI: Wireless Mobile Internet
49.WMISI: Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces in Semantic Interaction
50.WMPI: Memory Performance Issues
51.WMuNeP: Wireless Multimedia and Performance Modeling
52.WMUPS: Middleware for Ubiquitous and Pervasive Systems
53.WNS: Workshop on NS-2: the IP Network Simulator
54.WOCCI: Workshop on Child, Computer and Interaction
55.WODA: Workshop on Dynamic Analysis
56.WORKS: Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science
57.WORM: Workshop on Recurring Malcode
58.WOSN: Online Social Networks
59.WOSP: Software and Performance
60.WoSQ: Workshop on Software Quality
61.WOSS: Self-Managed Systems
62.WOSSE: Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering
63.WOWMOM: Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia
64.WPES: Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society
65.WRAITS: Recent Advances on Intrusion-Tolerant Systems
66.WRASQ: Workshop on Automating Service Quality
67.WREFT: Workshop on Radiation Effects and Fault Tolerance in Nanometer Technologies
68.WREN: Research on Enterprise Networking
69.WRT: Refactoring Tools
70.WS-REST: RESTful Design
71.WSC: Winter Simulation Conference
72.WSCD: Web Search Click Data
73.WSDM: Web Search and Data Mining
74.WSM: Social Media
75.WSMC: Web-Scale Multimedia Corpus
76.WSNA: Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications
77.WTAOP: Workshop on Testing Aspect-Oriented Programs
78.WUAUC: Universal Accessibility of Ubiquitous Computing
79.WUP: Warm Up Workshop for ACM/IEEE ICSE 2010
80.WuWNeT: UnderWater Networks
81.WWW: World Wide Web