Neena Jindal, Tanu Sharma (2017). Human Rights in Democratic Countries: India, Pakistan, Srilanka, Iran , Russia and China Dubai : Lambert Accademic Publishing.. [ISBN : 9783330075849] . Google Search
Tanu Sharma, A Sehrawat (2014). Emotional intelligence, Leadership and Conflict Management(1st) Germany : Lambert Accademic Publishing. [ISBN : 9783659631238] . Google Search
Tanu Sharma (2014). Socio-Economic Development of Below Poverty Line Classes(1st) New Delhi : Parbhani: New Man Publication. . [ISBN : 9789383871414] . Google Search
Tanu Sharma (2014). Poverty in India: Issues and Challenges(1st) New Delhi : Parbhani: New Man Publication. . [ISBN : 9789383871384] . Google Search
Amit Srivastava (2014). Intra-Industry Trade of India with Reference to Few Selected Sectors Germany : LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. [ISBN : 9783659648007] . Google Search
Anil Sehrawat (2014). New Directions in English Language Teaching Parbahni : Newman Publications. [ISBN : 9789383871391] . Google Search
Anil Sehrawat (2014). Perspectives on Indian English Literature Parbahni : Newman Publications. [ISBN : 9789383871407] . Google Search
Anil Sehrawat (2009). Teaching of English Delhi : Jagdamba Publishing Company. [ISBN : 9788188780181] . Google Search
Anil Sehrawat (2009). Textual Organization in English as a Second Language Delhi : Jagdamba Publishing Company. [ISBN : 9789380280035] . Google Search
Puneet Bhushan, Mohd. Abbas Murtaza (2015). Impact of CSR on SMEs in India In Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 183-192 New Delhi: YS Books International. [ISBN : 9789383793280] . Google Search
Anil Sehrawat (2014). Teaching Coherence In New Directions in English Language Teaching pp. 153-176 Parbhani: New Man Publication. [ISBN : ] . Google Search
Amit Kumar, Anupriya Kaur (2021). Competing in COVID era by adopting defensive marketing strategies. Gyan Management Journal, 15 (2), 26-32, DOI: []. Google Citation
Tanu Sharma, Sandeep, Sanchi Thareja, Ayushi Jayaswal (2019). Role Of Culture in Socio Economic Development : Case Study of India and China . KAAV International Journal of Economics ,Commerce and Business Management , 06 (01), 119-, DOI: []. Google Citation
Tanu Sharma, Sandeep Singh (2018). Emotional Intelligence as a Tool for Hiring in Organizations. KAAV International Journal of Economics ,Commerce and Business Management , 4 (4), 461-, DOI: []. Google Citation
Sandeep Singh, Tanu Sharma, Anil Sehrawat (2018). Role of Emotional Intelligence In Determining Occupational stress Of Indian Retail managers. KAAV International Journal of Economics ,Commerce and Business Management , 14 (4), 62-, DOI: []. Google Citation
Neena Jindal, Sehrawat A., Medury Y (2017). Good Governance and the Role of ICT. Proceedings of Annual International Conference on Innovation strategies in Transitional Economy VIPSAR, 1 (1), 97-, DOI: []. Google Citation
Tanu Sharma (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility: A study of Tata and Aditya Birla Groups . International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 5 (5), 35-, DOI: []. Google Citation
Anil Sehrawat, Tanu Sharma (2014). Emotional Intelligence and Leadership in Indian Context. . International Journal of Research in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, 2 (2), 89-95, DOI: []. Google Citation
Anil Sehrawat, Tanu Sharma (2014). Leadership and Conflict Management Style among Indian Managers. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 5 (5), 145-, DOI: []. Google Citation
Anil Sehrawat (2014). Coherence in ESL Students. American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 7 (1), 80-, DOI: []. Google Citation
Puneet Bhushan (2014). Insights into Awareness Level and Investment Behaviour of Salaried Individuals towards Financial Products. International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications, 8 (1), 53-57, DOI: []. Google Citation
Puneet Bhushan (2014). Relationship between Financial Literacy and Investment Behaviour of Salaried Individuals. Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research, 3 (5), 82-, DOI: []. Google Citation
Tanu Sharma, Anil Sehrawat (2014). Emotional intelligence and conflict management: An empirical study in Indian context. International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications, 1 (7), 104-, DOI: []. Google Citation
Sakshi Khanna, Amit Srivastava, Medury Y. (2013). Testing the Market Timing Theory of Capital Structure for Indian Firms. JBIMS Spectrum, 1 (1), 9-, DOI: []. Google Citation
Nirupma Prakash (2012). Editorial: The inside story behind materials engineering. Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, 20 (1), -, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
Puneet Bhushan, Yajulu Medury (2012). Investment Preferences of Salaried Individuals towards Financial Products. International Journal of Management and Behavioural Sciences, 1 (1), 95-, DOI: []. Google Citation
Nirupma Prakash (2011). Impact of Education on Health of Rural Women : A Case Study. University News, Journal of Higher Education, 49 (9), 20-, DOI: []. Google Citation
Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, Amit Srivastava, Hooda D.S (2009). Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Testing the Convergence of projected per capita GDP of BRIC and G6 Countries. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 1 (1), 1-8, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
Anil Sehrawat (2007). Does Socioeconomic Status Influence Students Achievement Goals, Perceived School Goal Emphasis and Well-being. New Frontiers in Education, 40 (4), 369-, DOI: []. Google Citation
Nirupma Prakash, Srivastava S., Sabharwal S. (2006). A systematic approach for engineering inter model transformations. International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 17 (4), 15-25, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
Conference(s) :
Triambica Gautam, Amit Srivastava, Shruti Jain (2022). Neural Network and DEA Model for Evaluation of Operational Efficiency of Co-operative Banks. Proceedings of the IEEE Delhi Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (DELCON-2022) [1st : Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Dwarka, New Delhi, India : 11-13 Februrary, 2022], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
Tanu Sharma, Sanchi Thareja, Ayushi Jayaswal (2019). Role of Culture in Socvio Economic Development : Case study of India and China. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pradigm Shift in Global Business Practices and Socio Economic Development [7th. : Indore : 1day], pp.44-.. Google Citation
Tanu Sharma, Sandeep Singh (2018). Emotional Intelligence as a Tool for Hiring In Organizations. Proceedings of the International Conference on Paradigm Shift in Global Business Practices And socio Economic development [6th. : VISHISHT School of Management, Indore : 9th December, 2017], pp.-.. Google Citation
Dhani P., Tanu Sharma (2017). Gender Differences in Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance of Service Sector Employees in India. Proceedings of the International Conference (ICCI-SEM-2017) [2nd : Bhubaneswar , India : 28th May, 2017], pp.-.. Google Citation
Sandeep Singh, Tanu Sharma (2017). Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Job Performance of IT employees: A gender study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM-2017) [2nd : JBS Noida : 08-10 December, 2017], pp.-.. Google Citation
Singh S., Tanu Sharma (2017). Study on the Affect of Emotional Intelligence on Adversity Quotient of Service Sector Managers. Proceedings of the [ICMRAA, Malaysia : December, 2017], pp.-.. Google Citation
Sandeep Singh, Tanu Sharma, Anil Sehrawat (2017). Role of Emotional Intelligence In Determining Occupational stress Of Indian Retail managers. Proceedings of the International Conference on Paradigm Shift in Global Business Practices And socio Economic development [6th. : VISHISHT School of Management, Indore : 9th December, 2017], pp.-.. Google Citation
Singh S., Tanu Sharma (2017). Affect of Adversity Quotient on the Occupational Stress of Managers. Proceedings of the ITQM [2nd : Noida : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
Singh S., Tanu Sharma (2017). Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Creative Quotient of Engineers. Proceedings of the GLOBUSS [Amity university, Noida : 3days ], pp.-.. Google Citation
Singh S., Tanu Sharma (2017). Affect of Emotional Intelligence on Adversity Quotient of Managers of Indian Banking and Insurance Sector. Proceedings of the International Business Summit [2nd : Amity university, Noida : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
Singh S., Tanu Sharma (2017). Cultural Intelligence-The Essential Intelligence. Proceedings of the International Business Horizon-INBUSH [17th : Amity university, Noida : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
Tanu Sharma (2016). An Insight into CSR and Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Management (ICIRESM-16) [7th : The Institutions of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), Delhi, India : November 13-11, 2016], pp.-.. Google Citation
Sakshi Khanna, Amit Srivastava, Medury Y. (2015). Do Capital Structure Decisions in Turbulent Environment Affect Value of Firm?. Proceedings of the AIMS International Conference on Management [12th. : Indian Institute Management Kozhikode, Kozhikode, India, : January 2-5,2015], pp.-.. Google Citation
Sakshi Khanna, Amit Srivastava, Medury Y. (2015). A Study of Capital Structure Dynamics on the Value of Indian Firms using Panel Threshold Regression Model. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Management and Technology in a Global World (ICAMT-15) [Jaypee Business School ,Noida : 18-20 December, 2015], pp.-.. Google Citation
Puneet Bhushan, Mohd. Abbas Murtaza (2014). Bancassurance: The Indian Scenario. Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Paradigms and practices in Global Technology, Management & Business Issues [ : December 22-24, 2014], pp.703-.. Google Citation
Puneet Bhushan (2014). Financial Capability of Salaried Individuals: Evidence from Himachal Pradesh. Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Paradigms and practices in Global Technology, Management & Business Issues [NIT Hamirpur : December 22-24, 2014], pp.751-.. Google Citation
Anupriya Kaur (2014). Insights on E-Tail Service Attributes and User Response Using an E-Squal Approach. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Emerging Markets [Conference Board, IIM Lucknow, India. : January 9-11, 2014], pp.-.. Google Citation
Neha Aggarwal, N. Pandey, G. Singh, Y. Medury (2013). Baljees : Managing Transition in Family Owned Business. Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Invitational Conference on Family Business [Indian School of Business(ISB), Hyderabad : February 1-3,2013], pp.-.. Google Citation
Neha Aggarwal, Medury Y. (2013). Job Satisfaction among Faculty - A Case of Private Engineering Colleges in India. Proceedings of the National Conference on Paradigm for Sustainable Business: Peple, Planet and Profit [Indian Institute of Management(IIT), Roorkee : March 8-9, 2013], pp.28-.. Google Citation
Anupriya Kaur, P. Kahatri, S. Takkar (2013). An empirical study on e-buyer traits in tier two cities. Proceedings of the AIMS International Conference, IIM Banglore [ : January 6-9, 2013], pp.2660-.. Google Citation
S. Khanna, Amit Srivastava, Y. Medury (2013). Testing the Market Timing Theory of Capital Structure for Indian Firms. Proceedings of the International Research Conference [Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai : March 7-8, 2013], pp.-.. Google Citation
Puneet Bhushan (2012). Investment Preferences of Salaried Individuals Towards Financial Products. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management and Behavioural Sciences [5th : Society of Management and Behavioural Sciences, Haridwar, Uttrakhand, India. : June 23-24, 2012], pp.-.. Google Citation
Anupriya Kaur, Y. Medury (2012). SEM Approach to Teen Influence in Family Decision Making. Proceedings of the International Conference on Marketing Studies (ICMS 2012) [Bangkok, Thailand. : August 17-19, 2012], pp.-.. Google Citation
Nirupma Prakash (2012). Overcoming Barriers for Women Empowerment Through Technology Intervention. Proceedings of the The Ethical Challenge of Multisisciplinarity : Reconciling the Three Narratives- Arts, Science, and Philosophy [University of Cyprus, Nicosia : July 2-6, 2012], pp.-.. Google Citation
Nirupma Prakash (2012). Rural Women and Development- Synergy between Technology & Society. Proceedings of the International Journal of Arts & Sciences Conference for Academic Disciplines [Florence, Italy : June 19-22, 2012], pp.-.. Google Citation
Nirupma Prakash (2012). Social Systematic Biases in Science- Gender Perspective. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Science in Society [University of California at Berkeley : November 15-17, 2012], pp.-.. Google Citation
Triambica Gautam (2012). Cooperative Banks in India - Two Decades of change (1990-2010). Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management and Behavioral Sciences [Haridwar : June , 2012], pp.-.. Google Citation
Puneet Bhushan (2012). Tax Literacy and Tax Savings Behaviour among Working Adults. Proceedings of the National Conference on Innovative Management practices in Banking and Insurance Sector - A Global Perspective [Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi : April 14-15, 2012], pp.-.. Google Citation
Puneet Bhushan, Hina Singhal, Abhinay Garg (2012). Investment Behaviour of Salaried Individuals: A Case of Shimla Town. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Global Economy & Commerece: Challenges & Opportunities 2012 [School of Management Studies - Bhaddal : March 16-17, 2012], pp.-.. Google Citation
Anupriya Kaur, Y. Medury (2012). SEM approach to teen influence in family decision making. Proceedings of the ICMS 2012, Bangkok, Thailand. International Conference on Marketing Studies [Bangkok, Thailand : August 17-19, 2013], pp.-.. Google Citation
Chauhan A., Anupriya Kaur, MeduryY (2012). Destination image: Insights for Indian tourism. Proceedings of the International Conference on Facets of Business Excellence [IMT Ghaziabad : Nov 29 - Dec 2, 2012], pp.113-.. Google Citation
Triambica Gautam, Naina Mittal, Puru Gupta, (2011). Role of Soft Skills in Developing Future Technocrats. Proceedings of the International Conference on Consultation & Experience Sharing on the Role of Humanities & Social Sciences in Holistic Development of Future Technocrats - Looking Ahead [JUIT, Solan, H.P. India. : September 23-24, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
Triambica Gautam, Khyati Garg, Kriti Agarwal (2011). Role of Spiritual Organisations in Holistic Development of Technocrats. Proceedings of the International Conference on Consultation & Experience Sharing on the Role of Humanities & Social Sciences in Holistic Development of Future Technocrats - Looking Ahead [JUIT, Solan, H.P. India. : September 23-24, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
Triambica Gautam, Kriti Agarwal, Madhav Dhingra, Pratik Sharma (2011). ICT and Financial Management. Proceedings of the International Conference on Consultation & Experience Sharing on the Role of Humanities & Social Sciences in Holistic Development of Future Technocrats - Looking Ahead [JUIT, Solan, H.P. India. : September 23-24, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
Triambica Gautam, Abhishek Narang, Gaurav Garg, Kanwaljot Singh (2011). Spreading the ICT revolution in Rural India. Proceedings of the International Conference on Consultation & Experience Sharing on the Role of Humanities & Social Sciences in Holistic Development of Future Technocrats - Looking Ahead [JUIT, Solan, H.P. India. : September 23-24, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
Rashmi Chaudhary, S. Goyal, K. Jain (2011). Impact of Value Addition On Brand Loyalty- A Case Study of Nokia Cell Phones. Proceedings of the International Conference On Value Creation For Competitive Differentitaion: Emerging Business Models In The Global Economy [Prestige Institute Of Management And Research, Indore, (M.P.) : January 30-31, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
Neha Aggarwal, Medury Y (2011). Relationship of Human Resource Practices on Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction on University Teachers in India. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Emerging Economies: Challenges and Opportunities [Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology, Mohali : March, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
Nirupma Prakash (2011). Translation as a Medium for Preservation of Culture & Social Values- Texts of Ramayana & Mahabharata. Proceedings of the Literature and Translation Conference [Monash University, Caulfield Campus, Melbourne, Australia : July 11-12, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
Nirupma Prakash (2011). Socio Economic Upliftment of Rural Women through ICT. Proceedings of the Womens World 2011 Conference [Ottawa, Canada : July 3-7, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
Nirupma Prakash (2011). Impact of Communication Technologies for Gender Sensitization in Rural Culture. Proceedings of the International Conference on Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise [Hong Kong Polytechnic University : September 8-10, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
Nirupma Prakash (2011). Socio-economic and Transport related problems among Aged population in Rajasthan. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Socio-economics of Ageing, Institute of Ageing & Management [Lisbon Technical University, Portugal : November 4, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
Neha Aggarwal, Medury Y (2011). A study on the benefit of integrating technology with management: Does it essentially nurture holistic development. Proceedings of the International Conference on Consultation and Experience Sharing on Role of Humanities and Social Sciences in Holistic Development of Future Technocrats- Looking Ahead [Solan, India : September 23-24, 2011], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
Rashmi Chaudhary, S. Mishra (2011). Managing Sustainable Development Of Rural Economy and Agri Business- rural entrepreneurial model for ICT. Proceedings of the International Conference on Managing Sustainable Development of Rural Economy and Agri Business [BHU, Varanasi : January 21-23, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
Rashmi Chaudhary, Sadhana Surana (2011). Role of Humanities and Social Sciences(Soft Skills, Leadership, Communication and Language) in job performance- A case study of Royal Dutch Shell Plc. Proceedings of the International Conference on Consultation and Experience Sharing on Role of Humanities and Social Sciences in Holistic Development of Future Technocrats - Looking Ahead [JUIT : September 23-24, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
Neena Jindal, Yajulu Medury, Anil Sehrawat (2011). Human Rights in Democratic Countries. Proceedings of the Proc. Annual International Conference on Political Science, Sociology and International Relations (PSSIR) [Global Science and Technology Forum (GSFT), Singapore : November 7-8, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
Puneet Bhushan, Kritika Choudhary, Harneet Singh (2011). Role of Financial Education for Future Technocrats. Proceedings of the International Conference on Role of Humanities and Social Sciences for Holistic Development of Future Technocrats [JUIT : September 23-24, 2011], pp.1341-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
Rashmi Chaudhary, S. Mishra (2010). Scope, challenges, development and applications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for effective agricultural education and knowledge management systems - A case study of village Mulshi in Pune. Proceedings of the International Conference Agriculture Education and Knowledge Management [IFPRI and the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Agartala (Tripura), India : August 24-26, 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
Nirupma Prakash (2010). Gender Equality and Development. Proceedings of the First Meeting of Asian and Spanish Women on Gender and Culture of Peace at the Round Table organized by Casa Asia [Barcelona, Spain : October 25-27, 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
Amit Srivastava, Y. Medury (2010). India's Intra-Industry Trade with Different Economies. Proceedings of the 2nd Research Conference on Empirical Issues in International Trade and Finance [Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi : December 16-17, 2010.], pp.18-.. Google Citation
Puneet Bhushan, Pavit Verma (2010). Implementing Six Sigma in Service Sector : A Model for the Hotel Industry. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Management Next: Paradigms & Innovations [Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology, Mohali, Chandigarh : February 19-20, 2010], pp.-.. Google Citation
Anupriya Kaur, Medury Y (2010). Traditional and contemporary influences on consumer socialization: results from an exploratory in India. Proceedings of the Global Marketing Conference [GMC, Japan : September, 2010], pp.2383-.. Google Citation
Anupriya Kaur, Y. Medury (2010). Childrens influence on family purchases: some new insights. Proceedings of the Global Marketing Conference [GMC, Japan : September, 2010], pp.172-.. Google Citation
Rashmi Chaudhary (2009). Performance of Insurance Sector in the rural market: A case study of Himachal Pradesh. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Challenges and Opportunities in South Asia [Punjab University, Chandigarh, India : October 24-25, 2009], pp.-.. Google Citation
Puneet Bhushan (2009). Bridging Digital Divide in India for Better E-governance. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Emerging Trends & Challenges in Governance [Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla : November 20-21, 2009], pp.-.. Google Citation
Anupriya Kaur, Ankit Dabda, Mukul Jain (2009). Is it a hit...An Exploratory Study on Viewership of IPL. Proceedings of the NICOM 2009 [Nirma university , Ahemadabad : January, 2009], pp.563-.. Google Citation
Anupriya Kaur, Medury Y. (2009). Shopping as a major influence on consumer socialization among urban Indian adolescents. Proceedings of the 3rd Asia Pacific Marketing Conference [Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malayasia : December, 2009], pp.-.. Google Citation
G. Bawa, R. Batheja, Amit Srivastava (2009). An Analysis of Indias Selected Regional Trade Agreements. Proceedings of the International Conference on Vision 2020 - Managerial Challenges and Strategies [ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad : January 2-4, 2009], pp.163-.. Google Citation
Sharad Gupta, Rajat Agrawal, Puneet Bhushan (2008). Small and Medium Enterprises in India: Challenges and Constraints. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference om SMEs in Transitional Economies: Challenges and Opportunities [Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology, Mohali, Chandigarh : March 27-28, 2008], pp.-.. Google Citation
Anupriya Kaur, Ankit Dabda, Mukul Jain (2008). An Empirical Investigation on IPL- Viewership and Popularity. Proceedings of the IIRB 2008 [IMT Ghaziabad : December, 2008], pp.26-.. Google Citation
Anupriya Kaur, Ravish Jain, Swati Gautam, Manavi Aggarwal (2008). Entepreneurial Quotient - Is it there in the Young Indian Women. Proceedings of the IIRB 2008 [IMT Ghaziabad : December, 2008], pp.577-.. Google Citation
Anupriya Kaur, Medury Y (2008). The Contemporary Phenomena in context of Family Decision Making: Reverse Socialization. Proceedings of the Asia Marketing Conference [SIMSR, Mumbai, India : January, 2008], pp.-.. Google Citation
Anupriya Kaur, Medury Y (2008). No Longer the Passive Recipients ! The Active Informational Role of Children in Diffusion of Innovations. Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology and Innovation in marketing [IMT Ghaziabad, India : ], pp.149-.. Google Citation
A. Tewari, R. Agrawal, S. Gupta, U. Verma, Amit Srivastava (2008). Growth in Tourism in Context of Indian Hospitality Industry. Proceedings of the Indian Hospitality Industry - Contemporary Issues [H.N.B. Garhwal University, Garhwal : March 27-28, 2008], pp.21-.. Google Citation
Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, Amit Srivastava (2007). Projected per capita GDP Convergence Analysis of BRIC Countries based on Goldman Sach. Proceedings of the International Conference on BRICS - Agenda for Cooperation [Integrated Academy of Management and Technology, New Delhi : December 5-7, 2007], pp.-.. Google Citation
S. Garhwal, K. Vaibhav, N. Srivastava, Amit Srivastava (2007). Impact of Inflation on Economic Growth of India. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management [ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad : December 27-29, 2007], pp.40-.. Google Citation
M. Kapoor, R. Khare, S. Sinha, Amit Srivastava (2007). India in the New Era of Regionalism. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management [ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad : December 27-29, 2007], pp.52-.. Google Citation
H. Vatsyayan, S. Shekhar, V. Uppal, A. Prasad, Amit Srivastava (2007). Income Disparities in an Economically Growing India. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management [ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad : December 27-29, 2007], pp.41-.. Google Citation
S. Gupta, G. Sehgal, P. Jain, R. Agrawal, Amit Srivastava (2007). Effects of Privatizationon Regional Growth and Disparity in India. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management [ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad : December 27-29, 2007], pp.47-.. Google Citation
A. Sinha, A. Choudhary, A. Agarwal, Amit Srivastava (2007). Analyzing the Role of Public Distribution System for Poverty Alleviation in the Post Liberalisation Era. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management [ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad : December 27-29, 2007], pp.43-.. Google Citation
R. Verma, J.P. Pandey, Amit Srivastava (2007). Economic Shift. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management [ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad : December 27-29, 2007], pp.46-.. Google Citation
S. Dutta, M. Kathju, A..Kapoor, A. Ranjan, Amit Srivastava (2007). FDI in India:A Comparative Study of Uneven Distribution and Its Impact on Economic Development, across States. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management [ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad : December 27-29, 2007], pp.49-.. Google Citation
Anupriya Kaur (2005). Service Excellence in Organized Retailing Through Internal Marketing. Proceedings of the NICOM 2005 [NIM ,Ahmedabad. India. : January 2005], pp.-.. Google Citation